
Chapter 11 - author

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And so the story of the freshman 15 turned freshman 50-plus finally comes to an end! I hope it was an enjoyable ride!

Now that the story is over I'd love to hear how you liked it!

1. If you enjoyed the story, who was your favorite character? What was your favorite chapter/scene? (and why?)

2. Was Evelyn an enjoyable main character?

3. If I were to do a sequel/spinoff with these characters, who would you want to be the main character? (Paige, Adrianna, Kendra, Hope, Scarlett, Evelyn again?) Pitch me your idea!

Also, before I forget, check out TheNegma's awesome comic of this story over on DA! Here are two links that will get you there: /gallery/79627809/inevitable favourites/88545037/thenegma-collaborations

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AUTHORS NOTE: For those of you who don't know, I just started a patreon to help support my writing. If you feel like supporting me and getting early access to my current writings as well as some behind the scenes content, check it out:

For those that are not interested or don't want to pay for my content, no worries I'll still be posting everything over on my DA account after it spends two weeks to a month on Patreon.

That's all, I hope you enjoy my latest story!


Thanks for reading!
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Josemiguel1017 2 years
Plz make more stories
Angelhoney 2 years
loved this story. hope is definitely my favorite character and i loved the power dynamic switch at the end. would love to see hope pork up a little bit
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
This was great
Toms0321 2 years
Thanks for a wonderful story. What is a good idea is to wear a vintage girdle Rago 6210 daily to give your stomach the support it needs. The benefits of girdle are amazing.
Jazzman 2 years
Loved the birth date twist at the start. For a sequel I would enjoy Hope and Evelyn with Hope catching up somewhat. Maybe a little of the theme where Hope eats so Evelyn won't grow as fast.Great story