
chapter 9: from workout warrior to couch potato

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It should go without saying that Evelyn’s spring break was not good for her weight loss or physical fitness.

The overly plump hourglass of a young woman had mindfully brought running clothes to Panama City, Florida. She’d intended to run every morning to try and offset the influx of empty alcohol calories she’d endure during the afternoons. However, in actuality, the only place she ever ran in her undersized running clothes was to the store for ice cream.

When she wasn’t stuffing her face, Evelyn’s days over break were spent watching TV in her cushy hotel room, sunbathing at the beach, raging at parties, and ignoring just how much she was consuming. Her appetite had grown out of control. She ate when she drank, she ate when she smoked, she ate at clubs, she ate on the boardwalk, she even managed to stuff herself with cheese fries when her friends made an unexpected visit to an arcade.

Evelyn was no longer the chubby girl of the group, she’d graduated, both in mannerisms and in her overfed figure to the bona-fide fatty of the four freshman coeds. Kendra had slimmed down and clearly sported the thinnest, most desirable feminine figure of the group, even if her booty was still a bit chunky. Adrianna had managed to regain her slight potbelly over the course of the spring semester, although her weight hadn’t escalated as far out of control as it had last semester, yet. Hope it seemed was finally following in Evelyn’s footsteps, the shortest of the group, Hope’s freshman 15 had been late coming but it showed rather obviously. The Korean exchange student’s body had inflated in every direction, she’d grown thicker all over and even sported some noticeable chub around her lower belly.

One day toward the end of break, Evelyn was bold enough to comment on the change in Hope’s figure…

The sun was setting, and Evelyn had fallen into a stuffed food coma while tanning on the beach. Kendra and Adrianna had already left to get ready and pregame for their last night out over their vacation. Alone, and watching over Evelyn, Hope couldn’t help, but find herself fascinated with her plump and bloated American friend.

Watching Evelyn breath in and breath out, it was quite preposterous how much her round watermelon of a gut rose upward and fell with each cycle of air. It even pushed out past her massively bloated breasts, which was saying something. Evelyn’s mammoth mammaries were the largest Hope had ever seen.

Gazing down at her own chest, Hope felt woefully inferior. Not only were her breasts rather small, but she’d also developed an undeniable roll of fat just below her belly button.

“Complements of hanging out with Evelyn too much no doubt.” Hope muttered to herself, as she was suddenly struck with a wonderful idea to pass the time until Evelyn awoke.

Grabbing a nearby bucket, Hope began scooping up sand into it. She intended to see if she could burry Evelyn before the overweight party girl had the wherewithal to wake up.

About 20 minutes later, Hope got her answer.

“Ehh! Where did all this sand come from??” Evelyn grunted groggily. It felt like someone had been sitting on her, but to her surprise, when she’d opened her eyes, she’d just been buried under a huge pile of sand. The only part of her that was free was her face.

“That’s what you get for falling asleep on me.” Hope teased, while she headed back toward Evelyn from the shoreline.

Unable to see over the mound of sand weighing her down, Evelyn tried to wiggle herself free of Hope’s little prank, only to realize there was too much sand on top of her to escape. Sounding slightly desperate, Evelyn responded, “Why did you bury me in so much?? I can’t move!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll dig you out.” Hope assured her, as she arrived at her friend’s side.

Slightly annoyed by the inconvenience, Evelyn gazed at Hope’s pudgy midsection and snickered, “Maybe instead of burying me you should have gone for a run.”

“Excuse me?” Hope grunted looking amazed that Evelyn of all people would dare make a shaming comment like that.

“It just looks like you need the exercise.” Evelyn teased smugly, as Hope’s jaw dropped in embarrassment.

“You calling me fat Evelyn? I weigh 118lbs. How much do you weigh?” Hope countered combatively, while she halted any effort to dig Evelyn free. The only reason she’d even gained weight this semester was because Evelyn always bullied her into eating with her. Yet now Evelyn was bullying her about her weight?? Hope couldn’t take it.

“Calm down. I was just teasing. No need to get all butt hurt about it.” Evelyn tried to dismiss Hope’s irritation, as she blushed slightly. In truth, she’d weighed herself the night before, and the number staring back at her was too humiliating to repeat in front of another human being.

“Come on, how much do you weigh?” Hope pressed, while she crossed her arms.

“That’s none of your business. Come on, dig me out.” Evelyn urged, as her worries were growing.

“Not until you tell me how much you weigh.” Hope demanded, as she leaned in toward Evelyn’s helpless face and taunted, “Come on, how much could it be ***?”

“When I get out of here, I’m gonna!!!” Evelyn growled, while Hope placed a finger on her lips and cut her off.

“You’re gonna what? Sit on me? Unlikely. Even if you could free yourself, you’re too fat to catch me.” Hope taunted much to Evelyn’s astonishment.

Being shamed like this was something Evelyn hadn’t been through before. Even Paige and Adrianna had been nicer than this.

Trying to save face, Evelyn grunted, “Let’s test that theory. Let me out and we’ll see if you can get away from me.”

“First, tell me how much you weigh.” Hope stoutly held her ground.

At a lost for words, and realizing she really was at Hope’s mercy here, Evelyn gave in to her shorter Korean friend’s demand. Softly, Evelyn said, “I’m 177 pounds…”

That’s right, she was four pounds heavier than her *** sister Scarlett had been at the end of her fattening freshman year, and Evelyn still had half a semester to go…

“What??” Hope gushed in excitement.

“You heard me.” Evelyn blushed even fiercer. It was one thing to know she was way overweight; it was another to say it out loud…

“Wow… You’re like a beached whale under all this sand.” Hope exclaimed in more of an academic tone rather than an insulting one.

Evelyn was livid over Hope’s choice of words.

True to their agreement, once Hope was done marveling over Evelyn’s enhanced plumpness, she dug her out of the sand and Evelyn promptly did her best to chase Hope down and wrestle her into submission. However, Evelyn was so out of breath by the time she caught her, that Hope actually managed to get the upper hand in their wrestling contest and pinned Evelyn rather decisively.

“Say uncle.” Hope ordered, as she tightened her grip. She’d gotten Evelyn on her belly with both arms behind her back.

“*Pant* Uncle… *wheeze* uncle!” Evelyn conceded, as Hope let her go and Evelyn rolled onto her back and tried to catch her breath.

Hope watched in satisfaction as the busty blonde’s big soft belly rose and fell with every breath. Deciding to take charge of the moment, Hope added, “When you’re done down there, let’s grab the towels and grab some pizza before we hit the hotel. I’m starving.”

Evelyn wasn’t used to Hope bossing her around like this. Her first instinct was to refuse, “No, I ate a ton on the beach, I’m not hungry.”

“You don’t have to be hungry to eat.” Hope quoted Evelyn’s favorite catch phrase to force her into overeating, before adding firmly, “And I’m not eating alone.”

“Okay…” Evelyn gulped, as both of her hands braced her big belly. What was another few slices of pizza going to do anyway? She was already fat as f*ck.

Evelyn knew she’d really screwed the pooch this spring break. As Hope helped her up, she silently vowed to get back on track once she arrived back on campus.

It was the Sunday morning before classes resumed. The campus food outlets were still closed, but Evelyn was HUNGRY. She recalled her vow to start eating right and exercising regularly, but she decided to push that deadline back another day so she could get her cravings out of her system.

Hope, Adrianna and Kendra didn’t respond to her invitation to eat, so she resolved to head somewhere alone to grab food. However, just when Evelyn was about to waddle out the door of her dorm, Hope responded to her text with an idea. There was a new Chinese buffet just off of route 95.

“Why not?” Evelyn had said, as the two friends made the drive out of Adamsville. After all, she’d start her big diet tomorrow… Just like always.

30 minutes later, Evelyn had eaten no less than six plates of pork fried rice, veggie lo mein, sweet and sour chicken, greasy egg rolls, and spicy pork dumplings. Hope had tried to keep up but had only managed to stomach two plates of food.

“Ugg… I’m stuffed…” Evelyn muttered painfully, as she grasped her descended stomach with both hands and pouted. Her gut sprawled out onto her thick lap like a bowling ball made of dough.

“We’re not done yet. We still haven’t tackled dessert.” Hope reminded Evelyn, while she eyed the way Evelyn’s tight crop top road up her rapidly bloating belly. The portly overweight American had even unbuttoned her stretchy jean shorts to accommodate its sizable girth. Hope wanted to see just how big Evelyn could grow. It was a perverse fascination that had only grown along with Evelyn’s ballooning body.

“How can you even think about dessert?” Evelyn pouted feeling like she didn’t even have the strength to stand up.

“We each paid $20. We gotta eat our money’s worth.” Hope ordered in a stern fashion.

Not wanting to be bossed around by the most quiet and submissive friend in their group, Evelyn countered, “You can eat my dessert for me… I’m done…”

“You’re done when I say you’re done.” Hope grunted, as she leaned over and firmly poked Evelyn’s protruding gut.

The pressure she was experiencing from Hope’s hand resting so firmly upon her belly sent an odd sensation of chills down Evelyn’s back. She’d bossed Hope around with the same type of theatrics dozens of times this semester, and now that those tactics were being used against her, she found the sensation thrilling.

“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Hope ordered, as she left the table to prepare Evelyn’s massive dessert.

Sitting alone, Evelyn realized she couldn’t escape if she wanted too. She was too full to stand, and she was too slow on her feet to outrun Hope. She was at the Korean exchange student’s mercy, and something within Evelyn liked that very much.

Looking up, Evelyn could see a mirror across the way, and her reflection within it. It was at that moment, as she stared at the obese young woman staring back at her, that Evelyn realized she’d officially transformed from a workout warrior to a complete doughy couch potato. The change was startling.

Instantly Evelyn promised herself that she was going to only eat one cracker a day until she dropped ten pounds! Then she’d start training like an Olympian at the gym! She’d do anything it would take to return to normal.

Yet, deep down, she knew the whole cracker and water thing would get old really fast. She probably wouldn’t last one day of depriving herself until her body started craving every food imaginable.

She was lying to herself again.

She wasn’t going to eat one cracker a day, she couldn’t. And she wasn’t going to train like an Olympian, how could she? She didn’t have any workout clothes left that she could even fit into.

Her weight was going to spiral even more out of control as the semester continued. How could it not? Her groceries recently consisted purely of pints of ice cream, potato chips, frozen greasy pizzas, and French fries covered in cheese. She’d gone from eating mostly fruits and veggies in high school to eating pure junk food in college. She used to only drink water, now it seemed she only drank soda and liquor.

Looking at her inflated self again in the mirror, Evelyn was forced to accept her fatness. At least for now. Her only hope of returning to normal was summer vacation. The temptations of college had simply proven to be too much for her weak will. And she knew she wasn’t going to change over the last eight weeks of the semester.

“You ready for dessert?” Hope asked, as she returned to the table while balancing no less then four plates piled high with desserts.

“*Buurrpp!*” Evelyn belched, before putting up some token resistance, “I don’t know, I feel like I’m about ready to explode…”

Almost on cue, Evelyn’s bloated belly let out a loud gurgle for the ages that caught Hope’s excited ear.

“Shhhhh!” Hope cooed, while she patted Evelyn’s descended gut and teased, “Listen to da belly and eeeaaattt!”

Resolved to her fate, Evelyn responded helplessly, “Bring it on…”
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Josemiguel1017 2 years
Plz make more stories
Angelhoney 2 years
loved this story. hope is definitely my favorite character and i loved the power dynamic switch at the end. would love to see hope pork up a little bit
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
This was great
Toms0321 2 years
Thanks for a wonderful story. What is a good idea is to wear a vintage girdle Rago 6210 daily to give your stomach the support it needs. The benefits of girdle are amazing.
Jazzman 2 years
Loved the birth date twist at the start. For a sequel I would enjoy Hope and Evelyn with Hope catching up somewhat. Maybe a little of the theme where Hope eats so Evelyn won't grow as fast.Great story