Flynn's farm (co-written with lilyrose)

chapter 2 by lilyrose

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Debbie waddled her way into boot camp, huffing and puffing, her thick thighs rubbing hotly together. She was crammed into her workout pants like a sausage in casing, and her generous breasts seemed destined to escape the confines of her sports bra; a sharp contrast to all the hard bodies around her.

She knew she was late, but she’d slept through her alarm and she couldn’t work out on an empty stomach - it made her feel faint. Besides, building muscle required energy. So Debbie had dutifully made her stop at the local drive thru, ordering three ham and egg breakfast sandwiches to ensure she had plenty of energy for Flynn’s class. They were all down her greedy gullet and in her belly by the time she had pulled into the Free Range parking lot.

It seemed the drive thru was how she got most of her food these days. A dutiful PhD student in history, she had traded her undergrad party girl days for long hours in the university library, usually with some sugar bomb coffee concoction to keep her going. By the time she was done with her classes and research in the evening, she rarely had the time or energy to cook. She had never been terribly fond of cooking, anyway. So she’d inevitably order takeout or pick up a big drive thru order, reasoning that she could save some for lunch tomorrow.

There never seemed to be any left for lunch tomorrow.

Like most college students, Debbie had gained her freshman 15 and still hadn’t lost it. What no one had told her about was the grad school 50. Two years into her program, she had doubled in dress size. As an apple-shaped size 20, she had given up finding flattering pants anywhere but the maternity section. Once, a friendly sales associate at the department store asked when she was due. Too embarrassed to answer, Debbie had blushed a brilliant crimson and hurriedly walked out. She consoled herself that night with a family feast meal from her favorite fried chicken place, and ate so much that her engorged belly pinned her to the couch.

After that, she had resolved to get back to the gym. She had been a regular gym goer in high school. Maybe not athletic, per se, but certainly fit enough to be cute for the boys in her class. Now, men hardly gave her a second glance. Her last boyfriend had broken up with her in her junior year of college, and she convinced herself that her dreams of being a barefoot and pregnant happy housewife were just societal brainwashing. It was better for her to study hard and build her career.

No, she had been going to the gym for herself. She wanted to not be winded when she climbed the stairs from the library basement. She wanted to be able to carry groceries into her apartment without feeling like her arms were made of jello. She needed to get stronger. If she lost a bit of weight in the process, even better.

Debbie, being a good researcher, had gone about the process methodically. The first step was to bulk - eat plenty of food to help build muscle. After she had built enough muscle, she’d move on to the cutting phase, dieting intensely to reveal her newfound body like a Phoenix from the ashes. She wasn’t sure exactly when the bulk phase was supposed to end, but she was enjoying it too much to ask questions. It was one of the things she intended to ask Flynn about when the class had ended.

Flynn had a reputation for being the best trainer at Free Range Fitness, and Debbie needed the best. She had been going to the gym for months and decided she was ready for his dreaded Saturday morning boot camp.

Music was already blaring in the boot camp workout room when she had walked in, and she tried to put her gym bag down in the back corner without tripping over anyone working on their dynamic stretches. She smiled sheepishly at Flynn, chubby cheeks rounded cutely, as if in shy apology for her late arrival. She picked a spot in the back to settle in, watching everyone around her doing their independent stretches abc doing her best to imitate them.
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