Flynn's farm (co-written with lilyrose)

chapter 3 by clownshower

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Chapter 3

Debbie was told by a girlfriend that HIIT was an easy exercise cause it reacquires the shortest amount of time for the maximum exercise results.

She had been working so hard lately, just not in the gym. Earlier that week, she turned in a 50-page dissertation proposal that left her in tears at least twice a day. What was her purpose in life was suppose to be? She wish she knew. Why couldn’t her life just be easier? Let her know when you find out because she doesn’t know why. Why can’t we all just lounge around in bed, watch Love Island, and eat three plates of nachos in 20 minutes???

Debbie felt she earned a reward for all her hard academic work. In leu of a husband, boyfriend, or even a boy toy waiting at home for her to pamper her, a 3-gallon tub of ice-cream waited in her freezer instead. Ice-cream was her favorite go to treat. Ice-cream was the perfect boyfriend. Good for every occasion.

She hopes that the dessert would help with her bulk. Her fat girl logic is that it’s made out of milk and milk gives you strong bones after all.

Back to the exercise bootcamp…

The group was arranged in a circle for their HIIT circuit training exercises. It was difficult for the hard bodied athletes in the class to keep their wandering eyes away from the beached whale hiding in the back. The only one who didn’t look at her was a small, dainty, bubbly girl named Jessie.

Jessie was the same height and hair color as Debbie, just a minor difference in body composition. Everything about Debbie was SOFT. Jiggling fat with every step. Curves you can’t hide.

In contrast, Jessie is 120 pounds of pure lean muscle. Jessie definitely belonged in the class with her chiseled 8 pack abs. Debbie didn’t look like she belong in the class. She was a round sore thumb that stuck out. Jessie her head away from Debbie out of second hand embarrassment.

The stretching was not going well for the Pillsbury Dough Girl. She struggled to touch her toes. In leaning over to touch her toes, her belly plopped out. Her chubby cheeks turned bright crimson - a frequent occurrence at this point. She cursed silently to herself.

She tried to pull her shirt over belly but the shirt wouldn’t hold.

In trying to touch her toes, her soft, jiggly belly got in the way. The gut has a mind of her own. SHE (Debbie’s belly) IS ALWAYS IN THE WAY.

In trying to stretch her flabby arms, her ample bossums got in the way too. If only she had worn spanx instead, then she could disappear in the group and be anonymous. By the end of the stretching, she was out of breath.

The HIIT training hasn’t even BEGUN yet.

This was going to be a longgggg bootcamp.

Flynn turned down the high energy music.

“Alright, looks like we’re all warmed up! Today, we are going to rock out to some circuits of High Intensity Interval Training. Otherwise known as HIIT…”

Flynn notices a flushed face Debbie with a bovine-like stare of confusion.

“…Has anyone here done this before?”.

Flynn looks around the room and lands on Debbie non discreetly. The class models his behavior. All eyes on the blubbery fatso. His eye contact does not waver. Debbie can’t meet his gaze. God, he was so intense. Why was did his gaze give her a tickling feeling inside that made her brain melt away like a vanilla ice cream cone in the sun?

Debbie sheepishly raised her hand like she had a question back in class.

“Okay, can anyone explain to Debbie here what HIIT is? Jessie?”, said Flynn.

Jessie perked up even more at her name in Flynn’s mouth. Nothing in the world she craved more than attention from FLYNN. He made her feel like a giddy school girl just by being in his presence. Jessie went out of her way to get his attention at the gym.

Flynn doesn’t take clients anymore so she signed up for all his classes. She did her work outs perfectly as instructed. She even lingered after classes to asked him extra questions that she already knew the answers to. With all the effort she put into fitness, she SHOULD AND DESERVED to be his favorite. Jessie liked a challenge. Nothing was going to stop her from cracking Flynn’s hardshell.

Most days, her efforts were made in vain. His eyes were on everyone at Free Range Fitness like a hawk. Usually, they never lingered on anyone. This was about to change.

“Uh, so like HIIT is like a combination of both cardio and resistentce exercises in the same workout, okay? So, really what we’re doing is a challenging, total body work out that is a mix of high and low intensity, okay? Am I getting it right, Flynnie?”, Jessie said enthusiastically.

“Basically, yeah. And DON’T call me that. Okay, Jessie?”, Flynn barked sternly without raising his voice. His dark eyes piercing like daggers

Jessie melted and nodded like a good little girl who disobeyed Daddy’s order. Falling out of favor with the apple of her eye was punishment enough. She would be destroyed inside if anything she did would upset the Adonis himself, Flynn.

“Right, let’s get started. Jessie you lead the circuit.”

Jessie flashed a beaming smile of accomplishment at Debbie. Debbie looked mortified.

First came the planks, then came the crunches, followed by jumping jacks, later came the push ups, next came the wall sits, which flowed into lunges, broken up by triceps dips on a chair, and lastly squats.

These were the exercise of the course of only 45 minutes the class performed excellently. With every exercise, they got more stoked. The music was blaring. They had enough lung power to sing along with the pump up jams.

By minute 15, Debbie was in a puddle. By minute 16, she couldn’t move.

By minute 17, she sat in a corner trying to catch her breath, exposed belly moving in and out, watching people who were quite different from her.

At the 30 minute mark, Debbie tried to jump back into the circuit with a wall sit but fell flat on her plump, wide load ass.

Flynn looked at her to see if she was okay. Having a bunch of fat to cushion the impact was good for something after all. He just shook his head and walked away.
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