Making the time pass

chapter 4

The four, half pound 80/20 burgers sizzled as Melissa flipped them on the grill. She looked on at Matt as he sat in her deck chair, incredibly high after taking a massive dab courtesy of her and now working on his second ipa. She really had a hard time believing how beefy and overfed he looked already with his shirt off and his overhang totally obscuring his waistline as he sat. Once she came out in her bikini it didn't take much persuading to get the big boy to peel off his t-shirt.

Finishing up the burgers she made sure the cheese was melted perfectly and the sauce and vegetables setup on the buns just right as she plated the food, 3 crammed onto one plate and 1 on her plate.

Making eye contact with Matt as she saunters over from the grill Melissa couldn't help but grin at the fatty who in his stoned buzzed state couldn't hide how much he was craving the cheeseburgers at all.

"Here I was thinking I'd have trouble convincing you to eat all three but you're practically drooling for my cooking big boy, look at you!" she giggles poking his belly after setting down the plates.

"I'm not gonna *hiccurrrp* lie I am fucking starving!" he says after finishing off the last swig of his can of beer.

"I guess that dab really hit you right eh?" Melissa smirks as Matt immediately starts to stare at the burgers and scoot himself closer to the table. "Dig in big boy, lemme grab you another beer too."

Blushing a bit it doesn't stop him from grabbing the first burger with two hands and taking a massive bite, engorging his chubby cheeks. She can hear him nearly grunt and his breathing through his nose intensify as he munches away to compensate for his greedy bite. She smirks and pats his shoulder and goes inside to get him another high calorie ipa to go with his burger feast.

Making sure to grab the all too eager calorie box two cans, after all he's going to be eating her burger too or most of it, can't have him getting parched.

Walking back out she sees the greedy guy is cramming in another massive bite, she can't help but laugh to herself as she notices the glazed over livestock-like expression on his face. Finishing up his massive mouthful he grunts out a belch.

"Oh damn these are amazing burgers, honestly some of the best, kind of glad you made so many" he says appreciatively as he polishes off the last big bite of the first burger. Melissa sets down the two ipa cans to his side on the table and opens one beer for him.

"Of course , I mean you look like you eat a lot now porky I didn't want to not cook enough for my guest" she says trying to contain a grin while doing her best eyebrow raise at her fat friend currently overfeeding himself.

"Erghh-umm yeah I guess the freshman 15 never really fell off me like they did most guys" Matt's chubby face blushed as he let out a nervous laugh, "But yeah these are some seriously great cheeseburgers, you put minced garlic and onion in there that's really good" he stifled a belch as he reached out for his second burger.

"See! What'd I say, you totally do have a finely tuned tongue and nose from lots of eating, like a truffle hog!" She says giggling "Guess what kind of cheese it is without taking off the bun and you'll get a special prize big boy." smiling at him seductively as he takes his second massive bite filling up his chubby cheeks, she stands up and steps around the table till she's standing over him, giving his tum an appraising pat, leaving her hand on the top of his gut and her fingers exploring his fuzzy soft chest, grinning wickedly she says
"And tubby, I think you put on 15lbs in your tits alone, this belly looks like it's overdue and maybe with twins." she laughs sharply as he blushes and takes another massive bite to avoid trying to minimize his near 100lbs gain since they were in school together.

Making quick work of the second burger and beer, Matt starts in on the third of each, truly enjoying himself, even more than Melissa is seated again across from the greedy man watching him inhale a couple pounds of her cooking. Setting down the can after a big gulp, he rubs and massages the side of his spherical gut with free hand as it juts out further into his lap. He takes another big greedy bite.

"Checking to see how much room's left in the tank?" Melissa asks him grinning as she made sure to wait until his mouth was stuffed with more burger to talk to him, she puffs her cheeks out at him, mocking how his are too crammed full of food to do anything but eat.

Matt grunts out a deep growling belch as he washes down the last big bite of his third burger with a big swig from his fourth can of beer. Too dazed and embarrassed by Melissa's audible scoffing and her eyes going wide hearing it he just blushes and looks down at his very bloated middle occupying more of his lap than ever before.

"Umm Excuse you you pig!" Melissa sneers jokingly before sticking her tongue out and puffing her cheeks up once more at the digesting overfull fatty across from her as he rubs his fat sides for relief, grunting out a smaller belch. Rolling her eyes at the helpless greedy slob and then smiling she asks him in a seductively sweet voice,
"So did my expert taste tester figure out what cheese it was?"

As he starts to answer Melissa gracefully stands up and steps around so she's right in front of him, pushing her slim toned leg between his two wide meaty thighs, her one hand on his shoulder, the other holding her plate with the last half pound cheese burger still untouched.

Looking up at her he is a bit caught off guard by all the contact and feels his ears get hot and redden. He nervously answers
"It's uhh smoked gouda right?"

"Oh you've got quite the discerning palate porky!" she says in singsong praise and lowers herself into sitting on one of his big thighs, her hand sliding down from his shoulder to his ample b-cup moob, her thumb and index finger toying with his hard nipple, pinching it while the rest of her hand presses into his soft chest flesh. Placing the burger down on the table in front of them she sets her other hand on his other swollen jiggly pec and gets to work, delighting in his stunned arousal as he moans from her touch, grunting in pleasure when she really tweaks them. Taking a break momentarily she places one hand on his ball belly teasing the fuzz of his button and gently appraising how he's not tight like a drum quite yet.
"So about your reward and all since you guessed right big guy. The laughing Buddha loves his gouda doesn't he?" she jokes sticking her finger all the way into his soft button and shaking the whole orb of fat.
"You get to eat my burger too! And if you finish it like a good fatso afterwards I'll make you a milkshake to sip on while I swim some laps."

He starts to protest patting his overstuffed oversized basketball belly, saying how he's not used to eating like this and really should be on a diet, she just shakes her head no and pokes his soft lower belly firmly saying
"Still feels like there's plenty of room in here big boy, don't be modest, I won't be either" and she reaches behind her and undoes the her bikini top letting it touch onto his belly as it fell to the ground.

His mouth gapes open staring dumbfounded at her stunning beauty, he stares like an overfed deer in her headlights while taking in her unclothed perfect sexy toned tanned body in front of him. She takes the opportunity to grab the burger off the table and insert it in his gaping maw for him. Acting on instinct he grabs the big cheeseburger from her hands and chews down the first big bite while still entranced by her. Still side saddle sitting his wide meaty thigh she turns and leans into him , pressing her face into his fuzzy middle chest before leaning over to a moob to nibble and suckle on it while firmly fingering his belly button with her thumb. His pace continues labored and steady, shoveling in this last half pound burger while all his pleasure zones are on overdrive. A sizeable tent would've been pitched if his stomach didn't obscure most of it in this bloated seated position.

He leans back grunting and belching as she remains on his ham hock thigh, a finger twirling around the fuzz of his belly button and the other keeping a nipple of his jiggly 'pec' rock hard. She makes piercing eye contact with the overfull fat man and starts in,
"Goddamn! That was two pounds of beef you just ate, let alone everything else big boy. That was impressive. Did you like me playing with your big pair while you pigged out?" she squeezes his tit hard and grins at him, bringing him out of his stuffed stupor.

"Yeah uhh I never had anyone do that to me before that was amazing!" he beams unable to contain his eager excitement, tent still pitched in his gym shorts right next to Melissa's thigh.

"Oh yeah? I guess that's the good part about eating yourself a pair of titties they don't tell you about ehh?" she asks him sarcastically, fondling his pair of wide fuzzy b-cups more.
"Now about that milkshake, why don't you come with me in the kitchen while I blend it up?"

Blushing and grunting out a belch before he can get his answer out Matt tries to protest,
"I really can't I'm way too stuffed now and you are really reminding me I should really try to diet before the holidays coming up..." he trails off not believing what he's saying even as he looks down to see Melissa smirking at him and mock nodding along with his points but still groping his blubber belly and appraising it.

"How about you keep up this current meal plan you're on now for me big boy? Let's make a deal to see how much bigger you can get by the super bowl and then I'll play with this some more!" she reaches in between his meaty wide sweaty thighs and grabs his ball sack through his gym shorts making him buck slightly. He gulps as he feels a small amount of precum drip.
"Besides it's not like you could stick to a diet with thanksgiving next week!" she scoffs , taking her hand off his sack and placing both on his sides and bouncing his belly till it forced out a belch.

"Gross excuse you! C'mon let's go get you that shake" she pulls him up to his feet and hurries inside , already having the blender and ice cream ready by the time he gets in there walking on such a full belly.

"So how big are you now?" she asks him as casually as she can while loading up the blender to the top with rocky road and half and half.

"Umm 250" he says a bit sheepishly.

"Oh my yeah that's getting big, no wonder you could put away all those burgers." she says looking right at him now as she puts the lid on the blender and makes his frozen dessert.

She pops the top off the blender after a few minutes and walks over to Matt with the whole 2 liter pitcher and hands it to him.
"Go on and take a big chug for me stud"

She takes off her bikini bottoms as Matt glugs down 1/4 of the blender, before coming out for air, letting out a massive belch right in front of his naked fit goddess-like friend's face.

Blushing from his burp and his inability not to stare at her naked beauty. Melissa just crinkles her nose and giggles, then gives his distended fat belly a sharp poke she says in the huskiest sexiest voice she can muster,
"You're lucky that one smelled like chocolate you chubbo, now come watch me swim laps while you finish that milk shake for me."

The rest of the afternoon is spent just like that, with Matt sitting on the steps gazing at her naked beauty effortlessly doing 100 laps while he put away a few thousand calories of milkshake and then staying for an early dinner of too much take out Chinese food and more beers before taking a taxi home with plans to come back tomorrow afternoon to pickup his car and watch football with Melissa. The following afternoon was far more centered on Melissa filling a very high Matt up with as many homemade pan fried buffalo chicken wings as possible than it was on watching any football.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 7 months
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Snappie333 1 year
Always excited to see that this updated!
Lesglass 1 year
Thanks all for the likes and kind words!
Just a FYI, old chapters get updates sometimes if you want to check them out
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I really enjoyed the New Years Eve banter and how Melissa seems to be so in control of him.
Well written.
BigJoeSD 2 years
Love this story! very hot