Making the time pass

Chapter 8

Melissa’s eyes widened as the chubbier than ever Matt peeled off his t-shirt and ‘gym’ shorts and his flesh wobbled. He made an attempt to flex but the only thing that Melissa could see change was his chubby facial expression. She couldn’t help but smirk seeing how ineffectual he was.

Matt blushed seeing her reaction and switched to making a genuine effort to suck in his big gut, it barely moved thanks to his routine big lunch earlier. He looked down, eyes widening a bit at just how large and rotund he looked standing right next to Melissa. When he looked back at her she flashed him a condescending smile and took one step closer to him to grab a handful of his lower gut and squeeze hard before she said.

“Fuck fat boy this thing is ENORMOUS, I wonder if you’ll even be able to see the numbers on the scale.”

“Well tubbs, hop on!.”

She punctuated her command with a hard slap to one of his ample bulging ass cheeks as she directed him towards the analog dial scale.

His chubby cheeks were already blushing as flop sweat started to form from how nervous but horny seeing Melissa again after a few weeks was making him, he knew he had been eating way too much still and expanding but wasn’t exactly ready for it to be the first topic of their conversation but here he was shuffling on the scale in front of her less than an hour after she got off the plane.

He looked down with apprehension as he craned his neck over his protruding middle. He read the numbers to himself as Melissa said them aloud.

“269 pounds of soft fat pork! That’s nearly 20lbs in two months, the fuck have you been eating while I’ve been gone fatso?”

Matt shakes his head in shock while he looks at himself and Melissa in the big bathroom mirror, their profile views are remarkably different, her’s is as slim as ever and only protruding at the breasts and ass meanwhile Matt is genuinely bulging from most parts of his body, only his limbs saved from true hambone status, giving him a very overfed ex-jock look still.

He looks in the mirror noticing for the first time how thick and fat his neck and face have gotten, observing his eroding jawline and his burgeoning chins, for the first time seeing how fleshy and fat his face has gotten. Melissa makes eye contact with him in the mirror grinning wickedly and firmly poking his lower belly with her index finger.

“You’re going to balloon to 300 pounds if you keep eating like this you pig!” she says, her voice full of disgust before punctuating it with a viscous smirk and asking the fatter than ever Matt,

“Hungry big boy?”
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 7 months
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Snappie333 1 year
Always excited to see that this updated!
Lesglass 1 year
Thanks all for the likes and kind words!
Just a FYI, old chapters get updates sometimes if you want to check them out
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I really enjoyed the New Years Eve banter and how Melissa seems to be so in control of him.
Well written.
BigJoeSD 2 years
Love this story! very hot