The fat guy gets a match

chapter 2

Molly wasted no time sizing up my body as soon as I was inside and the door was shut.

"I like your shirt." I said, trying to make conversation. "Always loved Super Mario World... Never beat it though."

Molly continued to walk around me, poking and prodding at my fat rolls. If she had even heard what I said she gave no appearance of it.

"I... Haven't played it in years." I added, growing increasingly uncomfortable with the way I was being looked at. Like an item of produce being evaluated for ripeness.

"You've put on weight quite recently haven't you?" She said, smiling for the first time since I'd laid eyes on her. It was a very warm smile, one that suddenly made me feel as if I'd do anything to keep it on her soft features. "These stretch marks are quite pink and fresh looking." She added, tracing the markings on my skin with her long set of fingernails. I felt electricity go through me.

"Yes... 50 pounds over the last year."

"Good job fatty!" She beamed. "I normally only look for subs that are much bigger than you... But I can see you have potential. Come come!" She said, grabbing me by my right love handle the same way one might grab a cat by the scruff of the neck.

She lead me to a dining table, where a whole spread of food lay before me. Cream peas, mashed potatoes, roasted chicken... It was a huge spread. I noticed however... There was only one plate.

I sat down and she began to plate my meal. I slowly began to dig in. The food was absolutely heavenly! Molly clearly knew her way around a kitchen.

"This is delicious!" I said as she sat down across from me, looking at her phone. "Aren't you going to eat some?" I inquired.

"You ask too many questions." She said. "Eat up! I spent many hours in the kitchen. I except to see your appreciation."

Attempts at conversation seemed doomed to go nowhere, I went back to quietly eating. The food seemed to get better as I ate and I had no problem cleaning my plate.

"My compliments to the chef." I said as I set my fork down.

Molly to my surprise, put her phone down, got up and began fixing a plate again. Everything was piled on, and to my surprise this second plate was even bigger than the first.

"Eat." She said as she dropped it in front of me.

"I'm... Not exactly hungry. That first one really hit the spot." I said.

She gave me a look of utter loathing, and I felt myself wincing under her gaze.

"You seem to be under the impression anything I ask you do do is a request." She said, leaning down and whispering in my ear.

"You agreed to abide by my rules while you are here fatty. I just told you to eat. And I expect you to clean that plate Now get to it!"

She grabbed the fork from where I set it down and jammed it into a gravy soaked piece of chicken before shoving it in my mouth.

"You have ten minutes to have this plate spotless." She said, sitting down and going back to her phone.

I groaned as I got to work. I don't understand these feeling I'm having. I'm stuffed, I want no more food and this woman is acting... Strange. I understand bdsm... I've been with dominant women before... But none ever seemed so... Laser focused like this one was.

Seven minutes in... I'd put a serious dent in the plate... But my gut felt like I'd swallowed a bowling ball. There was no room left. Every morsel of food that slid down my throat landed on a pile of food that came before. The pile reached every corner and crevasse of my stomach. But still the food came.

"Eat, eat, eat big boy!" She said with that wonderful, warm smile of hers. "You're almost finished!"

"Ugh... There's no room." I protest, despite my words though, I continue to nibble at the food. I know Molly will not be happy if I stop consuming.

"Room is overrated." Molly responds. "True gluttony occurs when bites of food are forced to stretch the stomach, creating room where previously none existed." Her lips punctuated that sentence by contorting into a pout.

"But my my piggy... You seem to be slowing down. Would you like mommy to help you?"

I've never heard a Dom address themselves as "mommy" before... But for some reason her words sent electricity from the base of my skull down my spine. I felt my hair stand on end.

"Yes please..." I said.

She stood up and lifted her shirt. Her big, ample breasts plopped down from their frankly inadequate containment. The impact sent a ripple through her soft, barely noticeable paunch. Molly may not have been fit, but I don't doubt for a minute no man on this earth wouldn't be full of desire for her in this moment.

She clasped her own ample breasts and began to fondle them.

"Do you like mommy's breasts? They're so ample and big..." She punctuated this by bending over and shaking them in my face.

"But mommy's breasts are only for pigs that finish their meals... So get to eating piggy!"

I picked up the fork and began eating with gusto. Shoveling the food down. Making with every bite as my taut stomach pushed outward with every swallow... Slowly making it's journey further along my lap.

I reached down to undo my belt. Only to feel a sharp pain as molly grabbed onto my hair and pulled.

"No-no naughty piggy! Mama didn't say you could undo your belt. Now you get punished."

With her free hand she grabbed the ladle in the pot of mashed potatoes and added a fresh, healing scoop to the nearly cleaned plate. I groaned imagining having to eat it when I was suddenly surprised by feelings of acceleration.

With a wet splat my face was shoved into the plate. Bending over hurt as my engorged gut was folded over onto itself.

"Eat piggy!" She said with a wicked laugh. "More food in that gut! More more more!"

Molly seemed to become completely unhinged. Pushing me repeatedly into the potatoes as I ate. Peas and gravy went flying and I felt wet food matter covering my cheeks.

Soon the plate was clean and I could do nothing but lay back and groan.

"Good job piggy!" She said with a smile, grabbing my gut and shaking it. I moaned with protest only to get shushed. "I made this belly... I can handle it however I wish." She said, sitting in my lap and slapping it enthusiastically.

I belched hard and tried my best to cradle my overstuffed gut.

"Are you ready for dessert piggy?"

My eyes opened wide with alarm as she leaned forward in a hug like gesture, large tits sliding across my torso as she drew herself to my head.

She laughed sarcastically as she continued "of course... That's a rhetorical question... Dessert will proceed regardless of how ready or unready you feel you are."

I was only vaguely aware of the feeling of a collar being tightened around my neck as she withdrew herself from me.

She pushed her ample bosom together and gave it a flirtatious shake as she spoke again. "You made it passed the trail, now the fun begins."
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