Pokimane gain

chapter 2

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“No no no no no!...”

Poki frantically snatched and squeezed at the flab of her naked stomach in front of the bathroom mirror.

“It wasn't supposed to get this...ugh…”

Poki slouched in self defeat. Her mind couldn’t keep up with the façade of self denial any longer, not with her love handles staring her in the eyes.

“Wasn’t supposed to get this what? Big?”

She thought to herself with a sigh.

“When will you stop getting bigger? Chat was right. Fuckin’ pig…”

Poki slumped down onto the floor. Now down with the pile of clothes, she spotted her phone.


Poki grimaced. If she only found out now, who knows how long people have been talking about how much she’d gained?

She paused for a moment before opening Twitter, where she found herself at the search bar.


Her heart sank as she typed, but she needed to see what the people were saying.

“God, what the hell happened to her?”

“She’s literally turning into the girl Nikocado Avocado”

“Someone should reach out to her”

For what seemed like hours, Poki read every message she saw. She only stopped in the early hours of the night, when the exhaustion created by her all-fatty-foods diet caused her to doze off on the cold tile floor. With her last few thoughts of consciousness, Poki swore to herself to stop all the stuffing madness, that she’d wake up in the morning, and with all the ridicule as fuel, she’d get that sexy bod back once again.



Poki peeled herself off of the floor and rubbed her throbbing forehead, sore from using the bath’s wooden exterior as a makeshift pillow. As soon as she stood up, another part of her body started to throb; her stomach, whining audibly to make her fill it up again with the routine slop.

“No...not today...not ever…”

She began to trudge toward her closet, hoping that she hadn’t thrown away her workout gear to fit all the sweats and the tees. Thankfully, she spotted the outfit neatly stacked over by the bottom corner. Poki squirmed as she plucked off the dust that had begun to form over the pile through their months-long sabbatical.

“COME ON!!!”

Poki flailed and spasmed all over the bed, desperately trying to slip on the leggings over the newfound cellulite that coated her thighs. She managed to eventually pinch her chub down long enough for the fabric to reach above her ass, but there was no way in hell that the leggings, with their threading on the verge of collapse, would contain her doughy flesh for long.

The upper part of her getup didn’t fare much better. Her training top was practically painted onto her, with its tight short sleeves deeply entrenching themselves within her arm chub. She had an intense battle with her fleece jacket, ending only when the zip eventually managed to overcome the ridges of her newfound muffin top and considerable size-increased breasts (as long as she sucked it in as hard as she could muster).

At the end of it all, Poki was left near-immobile by the confines of her own clothes, the lack of space inside making her look as if she was ready to perform as the star in a nativity play. Everything Poki saw when looking at her naked self in the mirror was still observable now, with every bump and roll outlining the lumpy figure she was now stuck with. Poki sighed and moped as she rolled herself off the side of the bed. She returned to a standing position and let out a sigh of relief, thinking that surely that was a couple pesky calories burned off already. Just as she did so, however, Poki’s face winced as she heard two sickening sounds.



For a split second, Poki’s face turned to contentment, feeling a sudden wave of relief coming her middle and rear. It was only when she wondered why it was there when she started to panic again.

Peering down, Poki saw the once stable zip now totally obliterated and torn in half, the girth of her tummy and chest breaking the plastic barrier beyond repair.

Looking behind, she unfortunately saw a lengthy tear running down through the division of her cheeks. Her green lingerie panties were now clearly visible through the hole, causing her to blush out of embarrassment and dart her eyes around to see if any imaginary person inside her mansion had noticed. She thought of ditching the outfit, but trying to peel it all off at this point would have taken nearly as long as putting them on did. She didn’t have the time, the sun was about to rise, and that meant people would soon come with it, and she didn’t want anyone else to see her in the shape she was in again. Poki sighed in frustration, deciding to shake off the broken fleece and wrap it around her waist to cover the tear. She wasn’t particularly happy that her arm flab was in view again, but it beat the alternative.

Poki stared at the fridge with frustration. She really wanted to shut up her stomach, but all she could see was food that she would’ve “stuffed” herself with on during any other given morning. She looked around for any of her “old favorites” like fat-free yoghurt or some quinoa, but all of them were either out of date or had been thrown out to make room for a newly acquired cake or pizza box.

“Whatdya think, Mimi?”

She looked dejectedly to the cat absentmindedly munching on a tray of fish, which the hunger-obsessed portion of her mind couldn’t help but be jealous of.

“Maybe I'll go on a water diet. I remember one of my friends in high school doing it and she lost a bunch of weight.”

She looked back to Mimi, who only responded with a glare of feline indifference.


“Don’t give me that look.”

With no actual bottled water in the fridge, Poki decided to compromise with emptying out a nearby Coke bottle and refilling it with some tap water.


Heading out into the chilly early morning air, Poki felt a warm wave of self-determination wash over her.

“Here we go baby, alright!!”

She started to dance on her toes, psyching herself up for the first morning workout of hopefully many more. Since her house was relatively close to the town park, she had planned to do a simple jog to its front gates. This was a relatively realistic goal in her mind, as she used to routinely do the route and beyond without a sweat.

As she began to move down the suburban avenue, she immediately noticed how much more difficult it was to move her body. She had never noticed before, but it felt like all her flab was weighing herself down, like she was hiking up a hill with a backpack full of dumbbells. It didn’t help how much how thighs rubbed and chafed against each other as she trudged along, or how her boobs kept slapping against her jiggling belly.

After about 4 minutes of faint “jogging” (that looked more akin to ungraceful power-walking), the effects of fatigue were hitting Poki hard. Sweat was rapidly enveloping her whole body, dampening the white fabric of her tee, which made the green outline of her bras faintly visible. Her face was growing increasingly more pale with every gasp and wheeze she took as she painstakingly trudged down the boulevard. Her eyes soon began to squint as her vision began to haze.

“Am I… nearly…*gasp*…there…yet?”

Poki fished out the phone out of her pocket, desperately hoping that the torture would be over soon. When she saw that she hadn’t even made a third of the way yet, Poki collapsed onto a nearby lawn in defeat.


“Where to, Miss?”

The middle-aged Uber driver said as his customer meekly climbed into his car. As she entered, he couldn’t help but look at her through the rear-view mirror. It looked as if she had been struck with some sort of fever by how disheveled she looked. Coupled with the foul stench that emanated from her, he concluded that the poor girl must’ve been homeless.


Pok i whined from the back seat.

“Don’t worry bud, I got you.”

The driver proceeded to drive into town, where he pulled over by the local Subway. Thankfully, the place was only starting to open, so Poki wouldn’t have to worry about any prying eyes.

“So how much do I-”

“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”

The driver waved his hand in rejection, slipping a 20 the other way instead.


Poki blurted, taken aback.

“Look, I know life’s tough for you at the moment, but just...keep going, y'know? Life’s gonna get better. Don’t worry about the fee. G’luck out there.”

The man said with a smile before setting off in the car.

“...I guess there are some fans left...”

Poki teared up a little as she walked inside. Even if she may be the internet's laughing stock right now, at least she knew that at least someone, somewhere, still had her back.

As she took the first bite of her BLT sandwich, Poki couldn't help but slip out a moan as a wave of comfort and relief rushed over herself. The rich tastes of bacon and cheese swam over her taste buds, giving her enough comfort to convincingly tell herself that it’d all be ok. The tomato and salad inside was healthy enough in Poki‘s eyes to convince herself that it wasn’t completely off the table for someone on a diet to chow down upon. Her ravenous hunger only enhanced her enjoyment of the meal, eventually cleaning it all up within a minute or two without a crumb to spare. She laid back into the booth with a joyous sigh, licking the remaining morsels from in between in her teeth.

After a few minutes of rest and relaxation, Poki got up to call it a day. But as she got up, however, a thick wave of meaty aromas floated beneath her nose. The chefs were busy at work with their brunch menu, and they were seriously testing her willpower.

“W-Well a second one wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it...?”

Poki rationalized to herself, dopily gawking at a chef squishing salami and cheese together with fresh dough.

“This can be my cheat day…”

She quietly murmured to herself, moving almost in a cartoonish trance to the counter.

As she plopped herself down into the booth once again, she dug into the second sub with the same joyful enthusiasm she had given the first. It wasn’t long before the second became the third, and the third became the fourth. She couldn't help but close her eyes for much of her gorge, savoring and enjoying the meaty goodness as much as she possibly could. In the midst of all this gluttonous bliss, Poki couldn't sense the quick white flashes of paparazzi cameras flickering from outside. By the time she finally caught onto what was going on she panicked, frantically scrambling all her things together and retreating as quickly as she could, hoping that at least the pics wouldn't be flattering.
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