Laurie and carl (finished)

chapter 3

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During the next months, a lot of meals like that have been organised. And some gifts from the villagers (mostly food or some rich ingredients). Laurie and Carl meet some friends, and start to socialize with people a little bit more. Laurie even found work in a kind of bakery that provided the whole village. Even Carl stopped his lazy days on his couch, as he helped some friends with him to hunt and fish every morning.

However, as Laurie made an effort to stay in shape, avoiding the many offers of food during the days, and doing some sports, Carl really let himself go. If his shirt started to be a little tight, he didn’t care anymore since he didn’t close the button of it anyway, showing a big ball of fat meat, his growing belly always poking outside. His thigh has become thick, jiggling with every step, his butt has grown so much that every time he sat, he felt like sitting on a pillow. Even though his face became rounder, a double chin slowly started to appear.

The reason for these changes were obvious, you could notice it just by spending one day with him. He was craving for food all the time, and always had something in his mouth. He ate snacks any time of the day, took a big breakfast with eggs, bacon, fries, bread, even sausages sometimes. For lunch, it was normal for him to finish the meals of his friends (they were more than happy to give it to him). At night, either Laurie and him ate together in their house, either the villagers invited them to eat. For Carl it was a night full of delicious food and most of the time ended up with an overstuffed belly and an unhappy girlfriend. But he couldn't stop eating. He ate as normally as breathing was, and he never wanted to stop putting things in his mouth. Some days when Laurie wasn’t home he could just sit on the sofa with a big cake, watching TV and stuff his face. He kinda loved feeling his gut getting tighter, his skin stretching and his appetite being satisfied. He was really spoiling himself. These moments of indulgence became more and more frequent, and Carl couldn’t hide it much as he kept outgrowing his clothes, that fat tummy of him coming out of all his shirt. His stretch marks got wider and his thighs got even rounder and slowly came closer to each other. In normal time, he would have tried to work it off but heh, it was vacation right? Everyone put on a few pounds, it’s alright!
Laurie didn’t think like that. Her and him kept arguing about his gain. She was mad because of his lack of self control, he was mad because of her too stricts habits.

"Come on Laurie, it was just a third piece of cake? What’s wrong with that?
- What’s wrong? Maybe the four plates you ate before the dessert Carl! Honestly I don’t even know why you're still eating like this! Look how fat you are…
- And then? That’s my problem! What if I like living like this? What if… What if I like being fat?
- Then we don’t have anything to do together… You’re just so different, I don’t recognize you anymore…
- I don’t recognize you either… I thought you loved me!
- I do! But I can’t continue like that! I… I need a break. Just find a house in the village, if you like it so much.

It was heavy hearted that Carl left the house to go to the village. The villagers were very sad to hear that they broke up, and of course let him live with them. He got assigned to a inhabited house and once he laid out on the bed he started crying.
Laurie was also very sad, regretting instantly her choice, but she couldn’t live like that anymore. She didn’t know why but there was something she didn’t like about Carl’s gain.
A certain form of envy, but she couldn't figure why...

She looked at her small body in the mirror of the bathroom. She was pretty much in shape, no fat and a little bit of muscle.
Carl was like her too before, why did he change? Or maybe, it was the real him since the beginning?
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
I like where this is going! I love your art on DA!
Happy_feeder 2 years
More is comming don't worry smiley and all the pics that I use are not mine, that's why I always credit smiley
Enas 2 years
I really like how it turns out so far!