Laurie and carl (finished)

chapter 4

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After they broke up, Carl just ate his feelings to don’t think too much about how things ended. Of course his weight increased. The villagers were very empathic about his situation and brought him food all over the days. He didn’t even need to go to work, they were all ok to let him stay in his new house. Basically he just sat all day, ate continuously and stopped only to go to the bathroom. His blubber thighs and butt got a good part of the weight, rubbing each other at every step, making Carl even less willing to move. his face got rounder, and a full double chin appeared, swallowing his neck under a layer of fat. He got moobs quickly too, resting on the top of his huge, massive belly. It was honestly impressive to see how much he gained in no time. His stomach was just a big ball of fat full of stretch marks. It’s been a long time since he couldn’t wear any of his t-shirts or shirts. It was resting on his thighs, and some fat rolls were visible on his side.
Right now, he was sitting on his sofa, the TV on showing one of the rare canals, a bowl of crisps napped with a cheesy sauce next to him. As he swallowed a handful of crisps, he grabbed a bottle of soda and started to drink loudly. He almost drank it all, a satisfied smile on his face. He rubbed his fat tummy as it started to rumble. He finally let out a big belche.
A pretty woman walked in the room with a rolling table full of food.

- Meals ready! I hope it hasn’t been too long!
- Aaah finally! I’m starving!

He slapped his fat, who jiggled for a few seconds. The woman blushed by looking at him, slumped on his sofa.
On the table were pizzas, burgers, french fries, meat and some bottles of sodas.

- Is it enough? There’s also dessert waiting in the kitchen!
- Amazing! You’re the best Carla! Thanks for -urpp- everything!

As she leaves the house, he throws himself on his meal. He didn’t care of the frie falling and getting stuck between his chins, or the sauce on his cheeks and the top of his tummy.
After eating it all, his belly was tight like a drum and he had to rub his belly to pass the pain. That let out some gas, as he burped and farted some times.
He was ready to take a nap before his next meal but he remembered the desert who was waiting for him in the kitchen. He hardly got up and needed a few seconds to stabilize, his overfed belly protesting against the sudden movement. He walked slowly, rocking his full belly.
He finally reached the kitchen (after like 10 steps actually), breathless and excited to eat again. The desert was actually a big chocolate cake with a heavy sweet icing. He sat in one of the kitchen’s chairs and began to stuff himself. He could feel almost every calorie he ate being transformed into fat in his body. He groaned with pleasure and rubbed his belly with one hand. He really wanted to finish that cake before taking a nap and digesting it all.
After a few minutes where he struggled against his poor overstuffed belly, he finally finished the big cake. He looked like a beached whale, his fat jiggling with every breath he took, and his belly hard as rock and full with empty calories.
Walking to his sofa was a real challenge but he finally made it. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.
That was a normal day for him now. Who could have guessed that he would have gained such weight?
He tried to imagine how his friends would look at him? They would maybe be disgusted by the ammount of lard that he got from glutonny. But it was kinda hot to guess their reaction. Somehow, he wanted someone to tel him that he was a fat slob. That he let him go so far that he culd never be fit again, that everything he can do now is still stuffing his huge belly even more to look like a pur hog.
He would have wanted that this person was Laurie.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
I like where this is going! I love your art on DA!
Happy_feeder 2 years
More is comming don't worry smiley and all the pics that I use are not mine, that's why I always credit smiley
Enas 2 years
I really like how it turns out so far!