Laurie and carl (finished)

chapter 6

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Months later, Laurie was laying in bed, waking up because she felt hungry. She hardly reached the call buttons, the fat around her arms was making every movement difficult.
Just a couple of seconds later, a girl came into the room to see how she could help the huge woman. She heard Laurie’s big belly gurgle, her breakfast two hours ago was not enough to satisfy her. The girl goes out of the room to ask the cooks to bake something again. They were obliged to cook almost all day now, as Laurie’s hunger was growing day by day.
Even Carl, about to reach a half ton, wasn’t as big as his girlfriend. She exploded in the latest months, even more than Carl as she was eating constantly. Her boobs were huge, resting on the top of a mountain of fat that you could see as a belly. Her ass was so fat that she needed two king size beds to lay down and for a few days it was cracking every time she ate too much. Her head was surrounded by fat and wasn’t talking or moving since it was too much effort for her. She just had to open her mouth and eat what the villagers were feeding her. Carl was very surprised by the appetite of his girlfriend. He was still able to move and talk, although his strong laziness wasn’t helping, he was also an absolute glutton, and ate all day to fulfill his fat belly full of rolls. He was looking at the next breakfast of Laurie as he was finishing his first, laying on the bed next to her. Well, he couldn't walk anymore and most of the time he was being fed, but not ALL the time.
He kinda felt jealous of her as she was fed by the villagers when he was eating by himself.

He explained the problem of boys who bring him collations. They understood and asked three girls to take care of him.
Carl couldn’t be more satisfied as two girls were feeding him silly while a third stroked his fat belly so he didn’t feel the pain of his fullness.
He just had nothing to do by himself now. He was the fat hog the these two girls that took pleasure to torture him with food, putting it away from him just enought so that he couldn't reach it. Or waiting him to begging them to start massaging his overstuffed belly. He was just spoiled rotten and he finnally start to gain again. His belly start to go over the bed, his thighs jiggling like bag of water. He was a drop of fat and lard. His cheeks were lost around the fat of his multiple duble chin, and his moobs were heavy and rested on the top of his fat rolls.

He was now able to eat for a whole familly, and him and Laurie were easily eating like the half of what the villagers were cooking for the whole village.
They really were two useless balls of fat and always hungry for more.
Their lives were just eating and sleeping now, as they were two fat helpless blobs. None of them wanted to change anything as they were taken in charge by the villagers who were almost considering them as gods. Laurie was now only thinking about food, forgetting everything about her past life. Carl, who finally got almost as fat as her, always wants more attention, more food than Laurie as he wanted to be fatter than her. But Laurie’s gluttony was now unstoppable.

Thank you so much Tuvyer for this commission! It was a pleasure to do it, I loved how it has going :)
I hope you'll all enjoy this little story! ♥♥♥
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
I like where this is going! I love your art on DA!
Happy_feeder 2 years
More is comming don't worry smiley and all the pics that I use are not mine, that's why I always credit smiley
Enas 2 years
I really like how it turns out so far!