Losing control

chapter 3: growing gut

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Bunny eventually couldn't wear the jeans anymore though, and she turned to wearing sweatpants and leggings. Leggings however are elastic, so while they fit well around her round thighs and fat bottomed ass, her love handles and stomach began to be especially accentuated. None of her bras fit either, so she began to wear sports bras that also were very elastic. This led to her spare tire being squeezed between two tight clothing items, pushing her fat over her waistband. Her round love handles squished out and made her look wide and heavy. Her boyfriend was becoming more avoidant, and Bunny one night at home wanted to look at her body and assess the damage of the last several months of sitting and eating without care. She sat in a pair of panties and a sports bra in her bed, and she was shocked with the roundness of her lower form. When was it that she couldn't suck in her lower belly? When had her love handles joined her ass to form a thick band around her midsection? Her belly stuck out over the top of her panties, round and thick. At the end of the day after eating and working, her belly was fully rounded out and bloated so it hung out. "God I'm really becoming a fat little pig" she thought to herself. "A fat bloated little pig." However despite the shame of not being able to fit into jeans and her panties getting swallowed up by her body, she also felt an odd twinge of horniness. She wanted nothing more than for someone to grab her little pot belly and love handles while they thrusted inside of her, feel her fat ass squish against their hips while she squealed from pleasure. She wanted to be called a fat pig while getting fucked ruthlessly, and while she thought about this, she took her vibrator and placed it against her clit under her pot belly. She grinded her fat round lower body against her toy while she thought about how she couldn't fit into any clothes anymore, how her gut and back had melded together into a big fat tire around her lower body. She loved that she couldn't suck it in, so even at work when she wore leggings and tried to pull them up over her gut, it stuck out like a round bowling ball below her pants. Her shirts were getting short too because of her big tits and her fattening arms pulling the top of her shirt up, so her round little stomach and love handles were on display. "What a fat little bitch I am" she thought as she thrust it hard into her clit, her legs spread apart and her stomach pushed out so she felt like a fat little cow. She loved how her stomach bulged over her panties and how her love handles hung down. She was a fat little bitch, and her tiny pussy loved being surrounded by all this flab. As she thought about how fat she had gotten, she began to cum, intensely orgasming as pleasure shot through her lower body. Muscle contractions spurned from her clitoris up into her fat little pot belly, and she came harder than she ever had before. Her clit throbbed with each pulse of her orgasm, with pleasure emanating deep throughout her round fat gut. After pulling the vibrator from her snatch and lying back, she thought to herself, "Well what if I kept gaining weight, maybe I like this. I always thought of fat people as disgusting, but maybe I like being a disgusting fattening bitch."
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Karenjenk 2 years
this is too hard to read
HanselsWitch 2 years
Dude, paragraphs