College weight gain story

chapter 4 - ethan’s interests

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Chapter 4 - Ethan’s interests

Ethan was alone in his room. His roommate hardly spent any time there because his girlfriend lived in a large house.
Ethan was thinking about Zoe.
When he’d first seen Zoe a week ago at the cafeteria, he hadn’t spoken to her or the other girls.
He’d been looking forward to talking with the tall brunette who’d struck his fancy.
But that night only Victoria, Matthew’s girlfriend, had attended the party at Liam’s house.
Ethan had been disappointed but still enjoyed the party.

He’d spotted the girls multiple times at the cafeteria, but never had the courage to talk to them. But three days ago, there had been another party.
Greg had convinced him to come because he needed a partner for beerpong. At first Ethan wasn’t in the mood but he heard Victoria telling Matthew that her Erinn had convinced her friends to swing by the party.
He wasn’t sure who Victoria considered as ‘friends’ but he assumed her roommate Zoe was one of them.

He’d been playing a first set of beerpong with Greg when Victoria, Zoe, Erinn and Anna arrived.
His opponents were good players and managed to get in a few shots. He’d been drinking before the game and he felt his movements were getting less coördinated. Nevertheless he landed the ball inside the last cup and he and Greg won the game.
He’d wanted to stop playing to go talk with Zoe, but Greg was already calling out for who wanted to challenge them.
He was surprised when Erinn answered Greg’s dare. She teamed up with Zoe and they started the next game.

Greg was pretty drunk and Ethan was to distracted by Zoe, so the girls won the game. It had been a tough call, so it wasn’t too embarrassing.
He’d talked with Zoe after that, but noticed she was quite drunk. Her chubby friend Anna had been looking lost, so Zoe left to go dance with her.
Ethan didn’t mind. First contact was made and he enjoyed checking her out on the dancefloor.
Thanks to the beers she looked a little bloated with Ethan tought looked hot. He imagined who Zoe would look dansing if she’d had her friend’s figure.

The next morning he decided to do his research.
Ethan was attracted to Zoe, but he knew it wouldn’t be enough, not for long. Ethan was what the internet calls a “fat admirer” or even a “feeder”.
He’d discovered this when he was 14.
At 14 the hormones fueled teenager had sneeked into his 20 years old brother’s room to look for some dirty magazines.
Instead he’d stumbled upon something a lot more interesting at his brother’s laptop.
He’d found two types of sites; sites that showed video’s of overweight women playing with their bellies, stuffing their faces or trying on clothes that were obviously way to small.
The other sites gave information about how to (secretly) make women gain weight and tips on how to stop them from noticing their expanding waistlines.
His brother had always dates heavy girls, so Ethan hadn’t been surprised.
However, he was surprised by his own arousal. After that he’d done some research himself and discovered he was a bit different from his brother.
His brother was only attracted to women who were chubby or overweight.
Ethan was also attracted to skinny girls, especially if they started gaining weight.
He was turned on by the video’s showing skinny girls slowly morphing into overweight.
He liked how the compained about clothes that no longer fit, but couldn’t stop themselves from wanting to eat more.
He loved how their thigh gap disappeared, how their thighs started rubbing while they walked, how their cheeks became fuller and their double chin became more pronounced, how their belly folded into a spare tire, how their muffing top flowed over their panties, how their bra straps started digging into their flesh and gave them rolls of fat at their backs.

Ethan had tried to have a relationship with skinny girls, but he always lost intrest when it became clear they wouldn’t gain any pounds.

Once he’d tried to fatten up his girlfriend but it had backfired. She started working out harder and lost even more weight than he had added.
When he told her he’d actually liked her being bigger, she broke up with him.
He didn’t want to end up in the same situation again, so he decided to do some research on Zoe.
He already new she had a chubby friend which was a good sign.
If she gained she could tell herself she was still skinnier than Anna.
Ethan knew how important a friend’s opinion could be and he knew Anna would never call her fat and would probably support her if Zoe gained some weight.
Besides, Ethan guessed Anna’s habits were already influencing the group of friends.

Next, he needed to find out about her family.
Genetics were very important in weight gain. Ethan hoped to find an older sister who was overweight or even her mom or aunt or nieces.
He immediately felt bad when he discovered Zoe’s mom had died when she was 11.
He felt quilty and decided not to go look for pictures of Zoe’s mom.
Zoe was an only child and her dad looked like a normal middle aged man. He had a good paying job which made that he wasn’t at home very often.
Ethan felt bad for Zoe, her childhood hadn’t been very great.

It took some time but finally he found some pictures of Zoe on one of her aunts facebook.
It was a recent picture of Zoe holding a medal after winning a local runningcompetition.
There were a lot of pictures of Zoe at sportsevents.
He spotted the other girl Erinn in a lot of them.
But the farther he scrolled the more intresting the pictures became.
He found a pictures of Zoe’s 16th birthday.
He was surprised of what he saw. Zoe had been chubby.
She was standing in front of a giant cake that read ‘Zoe 16’, ready to blow out the candles. She wore a red sleeveless dress, Ethan spotted how meaty her arms looked.
The dress really wasn’t a flattering choice for someone her size.
Her breasts looked bigger than they were today, but so did every part of her body.
He could see the outline of her navel through the dress that was obviously to tigh around her midsection.
Ethan felt he was getting a hard on.
He wondered what had happend that Zoe lost so many weight in less than a year and became the athletic girl he knew.

He decided to search for more pictures.
If he had been shocked by her 16th birthday picture, he was ecstatic when he found her 15th birthday picture.
He would have guess she weighted the same or maybe a bit more than when she was 16 but he guessed she hadn’t been as tall.
It also looked that between 15 and 16 some of the fat stored in her belly had founds it’s way to her boobs. This made that at 15, her belly looked even bigger than at 16.
To make the picture even better, Zoe was holding a tall glass of milkshake and in front if her a plate full of brownies.
Her chubby fingers visible around the glass. She looked happy in the picture, she was smiling at the camera with het chubby cheeks full of brownie.
Bingo! This was the kind of information he’d been looking for.
Zoe was perfect for Ethan.
She’d been chubby as a teenager and he was sure that if he managed to keep her from running and treated her with lots of food, she be back into her old patern in no time.
She already had a friend that promoted a lazier lifestyle and thanks to the pictures he new what kind of treats she would least likely not be able to resist.

At was pure coincidence that he’d bumped into Zoe today at his work.
Ethan hadn’t yet decided what to do with his new found information, but now out of nothing to perfect opportunity had presented itself.
He hadn’t noticed the girls sitting in a booth at the restaurant so he could only guess how Zoe had managed to get such a lovely foodbaby.
He tried not to get distracted by it. Ethan was normally very shy around girls but today with Zoe had been really smooth.
He’d complemented her, had been galant by getting her water and had managed to get her number.
Well to be fair, she’d asked him out. Ethan saw this as a good sign, it meaned that she liked him to.

He liked that Zoe had surprised him twice in their short conversation. The first time was when she’d asked him out, the second time when she’d petted her belly to imphasize that she enjoyed her meal.
It had been a major turn on for Ethan, so he’d laid out his first trap.
He recommended her a vanilla milkshake and brownies, knowing well enough that this must be Zoe’s secret pleasure.
He’d tried to check on her booth while continuing his shift.
He was happy she’d taken his suggestion and couldn’t believe his eyes when even after the brownies she packed away 2 choclate chip cookies!
He was impressed with how obvious her foodbaby looked.
He wondered if she’d unbottuned her jeans, those didn’t look comfortable at all.
Ethan couldn’t believe how attractive she looked right now.
While his attention mostly went to Zoe, he also noticed how globular Anna’s belly looked in her pink leggings.
He was sure those would rip between now and 2 weeks tops.

The only girl that had made a smart wardrobe choice had been Erinn. Only when Ethan saw her profile, he noticed how much bigger Erinn looked.
All the girls had foodbaby’s but it wasn’t just Erinn’s belly.
She looked just a little less musclular and a bit more womanly.
Ethan guessed Anna’s habits were rubbing off on her and that she might’ve gained 10 lbs, more or less.
Ethan smiled.
With two friends gaining it wouldn’t be long before Zoe would too. Especially with some help...

He decided to text her right now. She’d offered to grab a drink together and while that was good, he hoped he could tempt her into eating something as well.
He wanted her to get used to snacking at different times during the day.
Luckily he had the perfect plays in mind.
A Belgian pub.
They only served Belgium beer and sold typical Belgian food. Belgian waffles, Belgian fries with Belgian mayonaise (more fattening than regular), Belgian choclate, ...
He was confident he could let Zoe at least try one of the deliciousness Belgium had to offer.
He unlocked his phone an started typing.

“Hey, Zoe, I don’t know much about classic dating moves but seeing as you asked me out I guess you’re not that old school ;) I probably should’ve waited untill tomorrow to ask when you would like to grab some drinks, but I can’t wait so I’m asking you now”

NO no no. That wouldn’t do. Ethan deleted the messages and started again.

“Hey Zoe, hope you enjoyed our brownies ;)

Jup, casual and an inside joke. He pressed send.
It didn’t take long before he got a message back.

“You have nooo idea, I feel like I might exploded. Thanks for the tip though :)” - Z

E: “Anytime! If you still want to grab a drink, I might have some tips in that area as well”

Z: “I sure do! Are you free tomorrow evening? Tonight I gotta babysit”

E: “Yup, tomorrow works for me, meet me in the hall at 8?
ps I didn’t know you babysitted?”

Z: “haha I didn’t knew either, it’s only recently I’m stuck with this foodbaby ;)
ps c u tomorrow”

Ethan smiled when reading Zoe’s last message.
She was already accepting her overindulging by making jokes about it. His crush only got stronger.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Klaufra 7 months
I really enjoyed reading it, I hope you continue the story.
JigglyArms 1 year
Will they ever do the run mentioned in chapter 14?
Noname078 1 year
If I ever find the time to write it: yes! Although in my head I always thought to keep it for when Zoe and especially Victoria are fatter.
Richman92 1 year
I love the story. Anne and Victoria have good chemistry, I hope they end up together
Honking Ante... 2 years
can't wait for more!
Dan20 2 years
congratulations, this story is spectacular ... I hope you continue this story, and it would be really fun to see Zoe, Anna and Victoria exceed at least 250lbs ... it would be nice that Anna also finds
Dan20 2 years
find a guy who loves her beautiful curves
Admirergirl07 2 years
Are there more chapters, I really enjoyed reading it😊
Shammyboy 2 years
I'm really enjoying it though the editing is rough. There are times where the names are obviously mixed up along the lines of "Zoe talked to Zoe about Zoe." Also breaks for paragraphs would help.
Noname078 2 years
Thank you for the feedback! I know there is still a lot of editing to do. I hope to get around to it sometime soon.