College weight gain story

chapter 6 - the date

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Chapter 6 - The date

Ethan had been waiting for nearly 5 minutes when he saw Zoe coming downstairs.
There was no one else in the hall around this hour so she spotted him easily.
Ethan tried not to stare as he took in the sight before him. He was so turned on by her right now.
The see through top, the visible bra, but above all her arching stomach pressed agains her skirt.
He desperately wanted to know what happend earlier. She looked so stuffed as if she was a few months pregnant.
Wait.. Could it be? No, no, there was no chance she’d figured his preferences.
It was just a coincidence that the last two times he’d seen her she’d been stuffed.

Zoe was almost at his side, time to act natural.
“Hello, there stranger”, Zoe said with a wink.
“You look amazing”, he replied giving her a kiss on the cheek as a greeting.
“So, where are you taking me?”, Zoe asked while pulling at her skirt to make it more comfortable.
Why was it so tight all of a sudden?
“Well, have you ever been to a Belgium cafe?”, Ethan asked with a grin.
Zoe’s eyes widened.
“No... You have my attention, tell me more.”
“There this Belgium cafe, that only serves Belgium beer and typical Belgian dishes. They have more than 50 different types. It’s a few blocks away from here. It’s an half hour walk, but I thought it might be nice you know, we could, uhm, talk. And get to know each other?”, Ethan felt he was getting nervous.
He started blushing. He’d forgotten how bad he was at this.
“Or we could go somewhere else. I’m sorry you probably don’t even like beer.” Ethan stammered.
“No, no! I think it’s a great idea, very original!” Zoe reacted while she’d put a hand on his chest, to confort him.
“All though, I should warn you, I’ve already had a few glasses of wine, so I might get drunk after a few more beers”, Zoe said giggling.
Aha, so that’s what happend before, Ethan thought.
She’d got tipsy, had probably eaten something along with it and now she had this beautiful foodbaby which she was totally ignorant about.
Not that he’d mind, if anything he suspected it would even be less difficult to convince her to overindulge at the Belgian cafe.
“Haha, that’s alright, I’ve already met drunk Zoe and we did get along if I remember correctly”, he joked.
Zoe felt embarrassed at how she was behaving.
What must he think? No normal girl would ever arrive at a first date half drunk?
But she had to admit it felt better than being nervous and awkard.

They started their walk to the cafe bringing up memories about the last time he’d seen her drunk, which had been at the party less than a week ago. Zoe was glad it wasn’t too cold outside because she suspected that her seethrough top would’t protect her from cold air.
They talked the whole time untill they arrived at the Belgian cafe.

The cafe had a warm interior with almost everything made out of wood. Above the bar where a great variety of different beers stalled out.
Zoe only recognized 1 of them. She’d only ever drunken cheap beer at parties or festivals, she was amazed at how many different tastes there were!
Ethan smiled when he saw how amazed Zoe looked.
“So are you more a sweattooth or a savory kinda girl?”, Ethan asked her with a playful smile.
Zoe frowned, not sure why he’d ask that.
“Uhm, I don’t know, it depends from my mood.”
Ethan laughed.
“Okay close your eyes. I’m going to take you into the left room and into the right room. You’re going to choose one of them”, Ethan instructed.
“But how can I choose with my eyes closed?”, Zoe had now idea what Ethan was talking about.
Perhaps this date wasn’t going as smooth as she wished.
“With your nose ofcourse”, Ethan smiled while he placed his finger on her nose.
Zoe frowned at him.
Ethan sighed and took her hands in his.
“Do you trust me?”, he asked, his voice very low, and well, quite sexy, Zoe thought.
It took her a few seconds before she wispered “Yes” and closed her eyes.
Ethan led her to the first room, were they served fries and mussels. When Zoe smelled the food her mouth began to water immediately.
“I thought we were grabbing a drink together, how come all I smell is delicious food?”, Zoe said while pinching his hand.
“It’s a Belgian cafe, they are famous for their beer, but they also sell typical Belgian food. You don’t need to have any, we just have to choose in which section we want to sit.” Ethan explained.
“Ready for the second room?”
Zoe nodded.
The second room smelled totally different.
It smelled sweet, almost as if you’d gain a pound from only sniffing the air. She smelled choclate and some kind of baked treat, she wasn’t sure what kind.
Even though she knew she wasn’t hungry she really wanted to taste the heavenly smells in her mouth.
“So what’s it gonna be?” Ethan asked playfully.
“Oh god, Ethan, they both smell so good, I can’t chose.”
“Haha, I know, but we can’t sit in both.”
“Why not? I say we keep this room for last, after all, never eat dessert before diner!”, Zoe said with a wink.
Ethan could not believe what she’d just said.
Sure he’d hoped she would try something here, but he never expected she’d want to try both rooms! Especially after she’d shown up quite bloated already.
He tried to hide his surprise when he replied:
“Great idea, I saw an empty table over there”
He guided her towards the table and sat down opposite of her.
Ethan already knew which beer he wanted so he helped Zoe with her choice.
“How many of these have you tried?”, Zoe asked fascinated by the variety of choice.
“Maybe 10 or so, we sometimes come here with the guys. Matthew once tried 15 in one night. I’ve never seen him so hungover the day after”, Ethan smiled at the memory.
“He took Victoria here once when they were only dating. He told me she liked the once with cherry flavour the most. Those are less bitter than some of the more heavier beers.”
Ethan didn’t mention that after Victoria had discovered how many calories those had, she’d refused to come here anymore. She’d told Matthew this place was too big a temptation for her perfect figure. Matthew had also confided to Ethan that in the month he’d come here with Victoria she’d gained 7 pounds.
Matthew told Ethan he hadn’t even noticed but Victoria had been furious about it.
Ethan ordered a “Duvel” when the waiter came to their table.
“Okay, I’ve decided. For me a “Kasteel Rouge” and a small plate of fries with Belgian mayonaise, please”, Zoe told the waiter.
Ethan was very happy with her choice. “Kasteel Rouge” was a cherry flavoured beer with a higher alcohol level than a normal beer. What meant it would probably make Zoe drunk AND it contained a lot of calories. To make it even worse, she’d ordered some fries.
Belgian fries where a calorific treat, especially with Belgian mayonnaise which was much heavier than regular mayo.
Damn, he couldn’t believe how easy this evening was going.
So far, Zoe was the perfect girl for him.

After their order had arrived, Zoe asked Ethan about his job.
He’d almost forgotten that that was how he’d gotten into this date.
“Okay it’s quite a story, actually”, Ethan started after a large gulp of his beer.
“I don’t know if Victoria told you this but Matthew works in the mall too.”
Zoe’s eyes widened with surprise. She didn’t say anything though because she was mindlessly munching on fries and waited for hil to continue his story.
“He works there as a kind of a technical help, you know, changing lightbulps, fixing doors, ... That kind of things. Sometimes he has to watch security imaging and other things. He got the job thanks to someonein his family, I don’t know the details. But when he started dating Victoria, he could always come to his work. But if he didn’t do his taskes he’d be fired and he needed the money for his dates. So he asked me to do show up in his places. He payed me the hours I worked in his place and I actually started liking the job. But one day, they found out that Matthew and me were sharing the job. They didn’t want to fire me, because they thought I did a good job, so they kept us both. But to be fair, there isn’t enough work for the both of us. So whenever they need someone at the mall, they send me.”
He ended his story and took another gulp of his beer.
He noticed Zoe’s plate of fries was already half empty.
“I still don’t understand why you were at the all-you-can-eat that day. Didn’t you say you did maintenance/security-things?”, Zoe said while putting another fry away and washing it down with her cherry beer.
“Like I said, if they need someone, they send me. The all-you-can-eat is having trouble finding enough students for their staff.”
He conveniently left out that half of the girls that worked there quited because the started gaining weight and chose a ‘not overweight body’ over a job and the other half stopped working after they’d gotten to big to move around without getting exhausted all the time.
“So I’ve been helping them once a week. It was just luck that you were there that day”, Ethan said with a flirtatious smile.
He was really getting turned on by Zoe.
Her skirt looked tighter than ever and yet she kept munching on the fries.
“Do you like your beer?”, he asked.
“Haha yes, it’s soo good! You were right it’s less bitter than normal beer, although I can definitely feel the alcohol in it.” Zoe giggled.
“Oh! And the fries, there sooo good! But I always thought fries were from France, because you know, they call it ‘frensh fries’”
Ethan explained her that the Belgian actually claimed that they had invented the fries, but because they also speak french is some parts of Belgium, it got confused and people started thinking it was the French he invented them.
“Doesn’t really matter, they’re delicious any way”, Zoe said as she put the last one in her mouth.
“You should get some too”, Zoe told Ethan.
Ethan noticed that she was trying to give her stomach more room by pulling at her skirt’s fabric with one of her hands.
In her drunken state she had no idea Ethan had a pretty good view at her arching stomach, otherwise she would’ve been very embarrassed.

They ordered another beer, and this time the waitress reminded Zoe of herself.
Well, if she’d gain 30 pounds or so. But the girl was about the same ages as her and her hair looked very much like hers.
The resemblance gave her an idea
“Ethan, do you think they still need a waitress at the all-you-can-eat buffet?”
Ethan looked as if she’d just pulled him out of a daydream with her question.
“Uhm, what?”, he asked, not following her.
“Well, I was thinking about getting a studentjob myself, you know. The last few weeks have been a little more expensive than what I’m used to and I don’t want to ask my father for more money, he has enough on his mind. So I thought maybe I could earn some money myself.”
After a second she added shyly, while looking at her beer:
“And, uhm, I guess it would mean I could come see you at your work.”
Ethan smiled.
“If you want to work, I think that’s a great idea”, Ethan was already imagining the demage the job would do to her waistline.
He’d seen so many young, skinnny waitresses start there, only to plumb up into curvy overweight girls.
It was one of the real reasons he enjoyed working there.

They order a third beer and while they talked, Zoe ate almost the entire plate of fries Ethan had ordered for himself.
Little did she know that Ethan had always planned for most of them to end up in her belly instead of his.
Zoe was really getting drunk and Ethan wasn’t sure he should’ve stopped her when she order a fourth cherry beer.
But he didn’t want to ruin the fun, so he ordered another one for himself as well and promised his conscience he’d walk her up to her room to make sure she’d be alright after their date.
When thier order arrived, Zoe stood up and took her glass with her. Ethan was confused but followed her with his drink.
When he noticed she was walking toward the ‘sweet’ section of the bar, he was perplexed.
Sure, she wasn’t planning on eating even more? Ethan was glad when he could sit down again, he was sure he had a hard on by now.
Zoe was telling him a story about her friends while checking out the menu.
When she put it down again, Ethan assumed she wouldn’t order anything after all.
It didn’t matter, he was still amazed at how much calories she’d consumed today.
Obviously, her new friends and their lifestyle had an affect on her appetite.
The effects were very noticeable were her skirt dug into her skin.
If Zoe hadn’t been drunk she would’ve been very uncomfortable.
She left Ethan to go to the restroom. When she left, Ethan checked his pants, hoping his hard on had left.
After 10 minutes, Zoe returned, but not alone.
She was caring a sugarwaffles with whipped cream and pieces of brownie on too of it.
Ethan almost cursed when he felt his pants tightening again.
She was irresistible to him.
“I’m sorry I took so long, but the smell was so good, And I really wanted to taste some Belgian choclate, but then I saw this waffle lying there with little pieces of brownie, and well... I couldn’t resist. They’re my favorite”, she ended her speech with a bit from her waffled and moaned with how good it tasted.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying the place, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea”, Ethan replied.
He wondered how her skirt could look even tighter than before.
She really looked pregnant now.
“Ethan you have no idea, this was like the best date ever” she giggled drunkenly.
“Thank you so much!”
Ethan was cut by surprise when she leaned over to him and gave him a short kiss.
There lips had hardly touched but when he licked his, he could taste a bit of whipped cream.
He started to blush and didn’t dare look at her, how was he supposed to let go of his hard on, when she kept acting like that?
Instead he drank his last beer with one big gulp.
To his surprised he saw Zoe doing the same thing, even though her glass had been less full, it was still impressive.
When she finished, she asked him softly:
“Wanna get out of here?”
When she added a wink, Ethan stood no chance of refusing.
He paid their bill and they left together.

Once they started walking, there was no denying how drunk Zoe had gotten.
Not that he didn’t find it charming how she tried to walk on the edge of the sidewalk.
They still had a few more minutes to go when he noticed Zoe was starting to shiver.
After all she was still wearing nothing but a see through top and a bra.
Ethan felt bad for not noticing it sooner and told her to come take his jacket.
She giggled and ran into him.
He was just in time to catch her.
He put his arms and coat around her and said:
“You’re totally crazy you know that right?”
She seductively looked up into his eyes. Damn, she looked even prettier standing so close.
“Maybe. But you sure seem to be crazy about me”, Zoe answered playfully.
It took Ethan a second to figure out she was talking about his hard on.
Standing so close, face to face, she must have felt the bulge in his pants, just like he felt the bulge of her stomach, pressing against his. He could no longer help himself, she was so close after all.
They kissed.
He wasn’t sure if he’d closed the last few inches or if she had, all he knew was that their kiss felt perfect.
At first it had felt unsure, searching. But soon the heat had taken over and he let go of all the lust he’d felt for her through the evening.
They were both panting when their lips parted.
“You know, normally I don’t kiss on the first date”, Zoe joked.
“Me neither”, Ethan replied, while putting his jacket over Zoe.
They walked the last minute in silence, thinking about what had just happend and what it had ment.

When Zoe had to take a turn for her room while Ethan needed to go up one more floor, they paused to say goodnight to each other.
“I had a wonderful time, Ethan”, Zoe said while looking deep into his eyes.
“Me too, I hope I can take you on another date sometime?”, he asked nervously.
Zoe kissed him again.
“Can I take that as a yes?”, Ethan joked.
“Uhu. I’ll be more persuasive this time”, Zoe said with a winkand kissed him again.
This one was even more heated than the first.
Zoe felt how Ethan started playing with her hair and she started feeling his back muscles. Suddenly, Ethan noticed Zoe’s hand sliding towards his pants.
“No”, he wispered to her lips.
“Why not” she answered in between kisses.
Ethan gathered al his strength to step back from her.
“Look, Zoe, I like you a lot. Too much to let you do this while drunk.”
When he noticed how let down Zo looked he continued:
“Don’t get me wrong. I want this, I really do. But not like this. Not in a dark stairways after our first date, with you drunk. I hope you understand that.”
He gave her a short kiss.
“I do. You’re a great guy Ethan.”
She smiled and with those last words, she walked back to her room.
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Klaufra 7 months
I really enjoyed reading it, I hope you continue the story.
JigglyArms 1 year
Will they ever do the run mentioned in chapter 14?
Noname078 1 year
If I ever find the time to write it: yes! Although in my head I always thought to keep it for when Zoe and especially Victoria are fatter.
Richman92 1 year
I love the story. Anne and Victoria have good chemistry, I hope they end up together
Honking Ante... 2 years
can't wait for more!
Dan20 2 years
congratulations, this story is spectacular ... I hope you continue this story, and it would be really fun to see Zoe, Anna and Victoria exceed at least 250lbs ... it would be nice that Anna also finds
Dan20 2 years
find a guy who loves her beautiful curves
Admirergirl07 2 years
Are there more chapters, I really enjoyed reading it😊
Shammyboy 2 years
I'm really enjoying it though the editing is rough. There are times where the names are obviously mixed up along the lines of "Zoe talked to Zoe about Zoe." Also breaks for paragraphs would help.
Noname078 2 years
Thank you for the feedback! I know there is still a lot of editing to do. I hope to get around to it sometime soon.