College weight gain story

chapter 8.1 - new lifestyles

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Chapter 8 - new lifestyles

The last days without any school obligations had flown by for the group of friends.
Erinn had fallen into the same lazy routine as Anna and hadn’t joined Zoe for any runs in the passed days. (But to be fair Zoe had only went running twice).
Anna had unknowingly gained three more pounds, landing her at 162 pounds.
When she’d first arrived at campus, it had been clear that she was a bit chubby. But now, with a BMI of nearly 30, there was no denying that she was overweight. Especially on her short 5’2 frame, every inch of soft meat was noticeable.
Her thighs and ass were giving her trouble walking. The insides of her thights often hurt from the flesh rubbing against each other whenever she walked.
She had a full D-cup, however her belly protruded allost as much as her boobs.
She tried to hide her love handles and belly in high waisted jeans, but whenever she sat down in them, a deep fold of fat flowed out of them and she would feel like her waistband was cutting of her blood circulation to her lower half.
Her arms had jiggled when she waved her arms.
But there were also some changes noticeable in her face. Her chipmunk cheeks looked even fuller and she started to show of a double chin even when she held her head up high.

Erinn’s look had also changed.
The scale still read 142 pounds, but it was obvious that she’d exchanged some of her muscles for fat.
Gone was the muscle definition in her arms, legs and abdomen. Besides, muscles weight more than fatcells, so even though she weighted the same, there was more of her.
Erinn however naively told her self that the change she noticed in her body must be a figure of her imagination, because the scale had stopped climing up to a higher number.
She believed her weight was stabilizing.

Zoe and Victoria had started working together at the all-you-can-eat restaurant at the mall.
At first, neither girls ever took any food home and theh tried not to eat too much while at work.
They learned that the staff got to eat everything that wasn’t good enough to sell.
This contained slightly burned pizza, breadsticks that were too small or too big, food that had been stalled out too long, pasta that was too sticky, pieces of pie that had partly crumbled, ...
It was all very tempting, especially because it was free and the rest of the staff didn’t seem concerned with possible influences on their waistlines.
But Victoria understood the dangers of overindulgence and knew first had how addictive food could be. Together she and Zoe tried to ignore all the free food and stick to their healthier lifestyles.
But in reality, whenever one of them had a shift without the other, they’d try some of the free food anyway.

Zoe and Ethan had gone on another date, this time to an Italian restaurant.
They’d talked a lot and Zoe had (again) ended up eating more than she’d intended, but Ethan didn’t seem to mind.
If anything he always encouraged her to try something new or finish his plate as well as her own.
They’d kissed again and planned a third date.

Finally summer was over and their classes started.
The girls adapted to their new schedules and fell into a routine.
In the morning they’d go to their classes, or sleep in, if they didn’t have any.
At first Zoe and Victoria had the intention of practicing sports in the morning, but tired from working they’d never actually worked out and were happy whenever they could catch up upon some sleep.
At noon the four of them would meet in the cafeteria. Sometimes Matthew, Ethan and their friends would join them.
Ethan and Zoe weren’t ‘officially’ a couple yet, but after she’d spent the night at his room after their third date, it was clear to everyone that he’d claimed Zoe.
They hadn’t had sex that night, only some foreplay.
In the afternoon they’d either attended more classes or go to work.
If they had nothing planned, the girls always ended up meeting to hang out and do nothing together.
The evenings looked more or less the same except that there were no classes planned then but dates or parties.
Zoe and Victoria’s lifes had gotten pretty busy due to work and school. Soon neither of them could resist the temptation of the free food from work.
Mostly because it saved them time and money if they ate during their shifts or took some back with them to their rooms.
But the real reason was that the food was too good to pass.
Both girls were tired after their jobs as waitresses and lacked the energy to go out for a run in their spare time, they’d rather spent their free time with their boyfriends.

Zoe and Victoria’s new life style started to show after 2 weeks. Victoria hadn’t changed much. She’d gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks.
At 131 pounds, she looked sexier than ever. As she’d told Zoe after her first date with Ethan, she really did look good with her extra curves. It looked as if none of the extra weight had gone to her belly, but instead was stored in her boobs and ass.
Zoe’s changes had been a little bit more obvious.
Just like Erinn she’d lost some of her muscles and had traded them for a softer layer.
She’d gainend 10 pounds, double as much as Victoria, however the girls now weighted the same.
This ofcourse was to blame on Ethan’s influence.
Their dates always involved eating and he always made sure Zoe would ended up stuffed at the end of their date.
This resulted in Zoe’s appetite growing bigger. She’d started eating more even when Ethan wasn’t there to encourage her.
She’d found it more difficult than Victoria to resist the free food at work.
She often snacked during her shifts or in between classes and recently started bringing home food from the all-you-can-eat for a late night snack.
Because of her relatively rapid gain, most of the extra weight had settled in her stomach.
Ethan was happy with the results, but couldn’t wait to see how the weight would distribute over her entire body.
The first time she’d spent the night at his room, they’d only fooled around a bit.
It wasn’t until the next time that they’d finally had sex. The sex had been good, but Ethan knew from experience that it would get even better after she’d gained some more.

As both of them didn’t have any lessons on Wednesday and Friday morning, Zoe had gotten into the habit of sleeping over on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Ethan’s roommate hardly ever visited his room and with Zoe out of her room, Matthew had the opportunity of spending some alone time with Victoria, without being careful that Zoe might hear something.
Zoe had fallen fast for Ethan’s charmes and was madly in love with him.
Everything seemed to work out fine between them. She felt happy and didn’t waste any thoughts on her growing waistline.
Sure, she’d noticed her waistband getting more snugg, but she thought she still looked good.
After all it didn’t take much effort for her to get her boyfriend excited and no one had made any comments about her recent gains.
Well, maybe no one except Victoria, who had made a few jokes about becoming as big as some other girls at campus. Victoria didn’t say it out loud but Zoe knew she’d ment Anna.

The truth was that a lot of girls gained at the start of college so the group of friends weren’t that much of an abnormality.
Erinn and Anna had noticed their friends gaining, but they both felt it would be hypocritical of them to say anything about it.
After all, both of them were heavier.
They’d ofcourse discussed the subject between the two of them.
Anna had confessed to Erinn, that she kind of hoped Victoria would gain in her midsection as well, she wouldn’t mind Victoria losing her perfect figure.
Even though she’d learned to appreciate Victoria, she hadn’t forgiven her for all the mean comments about her weight.
To her it seemed only just that Victoria should end up fat. Only then wound she understand what us was like to hear wispers about you’re weight every where you went.
She knew it was only a fantasy, however she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Victoria ending up as big, no even bigger as her.
Erinn told Anna she was glad she was no longer the only one who was losing her fit body.
She was still worried about Zoe, knowing how she’d gained a lot of weight after the loss of her mother. But she had to admit she’d never seen Zoe so happy before.
She only hoped Ethan wouldn’t dump her if she kept gaining weight. Little did she know about Ethan’s preferences.

Another busy school week passed (now: Erinn: 145 lbs, Anna: 165 lbs, Victoria: 133 lbs, Zoe: 136 lbs)
Everything was normal untill something tragic happened.
After Victoria had weighted herself on Monday morning, she vowed to herself to pull herself together and start running again.
But after not having run once in 2 and a half weeks, she’d made the mistake of running hordes.
A bit out of shape, she’d only managed two hordes before making a terrible fall.
Matthew had taken her to the campus’ nurse who’d told her she’d injured her ankle.
As a result, Victoria had to avoid exercise for 2 weeks.
She wasn’t allowed to work or to enter the athletics competition for this semester.
She had to leave work during the time her ankle needed to heal.

Her life changed from busy to lazy as she did nothing besides hopping to class and spending time with Matthew in her room.
She’d never learned how to cook, so Zoe brought her food from work every day.
Soon Victoria felt her growing hunger for fast food and sweets. However, with her ankle injured, there was no way to escape her desires.
She often caught her self eating out of boredom instead if hunger. She was feeling down with her dull life and decided to ignore her diet.
After all she was sure she could never become a fatty and would lose the few pounds she gained when her ankle was cleared for exercise.

The 2 weeks of bedrest passed. While Erinn and Anna’s gains seemed to have slown down (Erinn now weighted 151 lbs and Anna 168 lbs), Victoria’s waistline had never grown faster, due to the lack of exercise.
She no longer tried to hold back from unhealthy food.
She knew there was nothing she could do with her injured ankle and had decided to lay back and relax until it was heeled.
However she had naively ignored the scale and now weighted about 144 lbs, 11 pounds more then before her fall, when she’d already panicked about her weight.
Victoria now had a BMI of 23, she’d started the year with a skinny BMI of 20 thanks to her full C-cup brests.

Zoe kept her steady gain thanks to Ethan and the free food from her job. Her appetite had noticeably grown. She often snacked during classes, indulged herself while at work and during her dates with Ethan.
Ethan had to encourage her less and less, all he had to do was make sure there was food nearby and Zoe’s appetite would do the rest.
As a result, she’d gained 13 pounds landing her at 149 pounds.
This ment she only weighted 2 pounds less than her bestfriend Erinn.
However the girls still looked a lot different from each other.
Erinn was 3 inches shorter than Zoe, which made her look a lot heavier than her. But Erinn had only gained 19 pounds total, while Zoe had gained 28, almost 10 more than her!
Erinn had never been really thin and had looked mostly muscular when she arrived at college.
Back then she’d had a BMI of 21, which had classified her as an average girl.
Now after she’d started gaining thanks to her new found lazy lifestyle, she had a BMI of 24, which gave her a more chubby look.
When she was muscular it had been hard to tell what kind of figure she had, but now that she’d swapped her muscle for fat, it was obvious that she had a ‘pear shaped body’.
With her lower half expanding, she’d already had gone up from a size 8 to a 12.
She was starting to get some dimpels in her ass and her love handles had grown a lot.
Whenever she sat down, her belly created a deep fold in the middle. She wasn’t overweight or anything, but she’d have to be careful.
Zoe carried her new weight differently than her bestfriend.
When Zoe had arrived on campus she’d had a BMI of 18.
She’d been very thin and in good shape.
She’d looked pretty however she was rather flat in the ass- and chest area.
Some people might have called her a bean pole.
Now after 5 weeks, she had a BMI of 22, which was still very healthy and no where near overweight. But some changes ought the be noticed.
She’d gainend 28 pounds, which was a lot especially for such a short period.
At first all of the weight had settled in her stomach, giving her a pregnant like look.
She’d been stuffed 24h a day and it showed.
In profile she had an obvious bump which was at odds with her smal B-cup brests and her rather flat ass.
Now after 5 weeks, the weight had started to distribute more evenly.
She no longer looked pregnant or stuffed al the time, instead it seemed that her muscular definition had vanished.
Her intire body had gotten more soft to the tough.
Her brest filled her bra better than before and so did her ass in her skinny jeans.
She still fitted into her hee normally loose pair of jeans, however they were a bit thighter.
Her thighs no longer had a gab between them but touched each other slightly.
When Zoe sat down, her legs spreaded out making them appear more thick.
While seated her belly protruded one inch further than before, pressing against her clothing.
When she bended over, her softer belly would make small folds.
She was not yet sporting the spare tires Ethan desired, but below her bra and above her waistband, her belly was forced to fold a little.
Ethan had also noticed that her belly button was starting to look more horizontal, instead of the typical vertical, shallow navel most fit girls had.
Her gain was noticed by some students, but every one agreed she looked more womanly, healthier and happier, as long as she wouldn’t keep her rapid gain going for the rest of the year.
So whenever someone metioned her gain, it was to compliment her.
The only one that had teased, had been Victoria.
But Victoria knew she wasn’t exactly an image of a healthy lifestyle herself at the moment so, most of the time the two roommates joked about their weight, laughing it away.

Victoria knew that now that the nurse had cleared her for exercise again, she had no excuse to keep behaving like the lazy girl she’d been for the past 2 weeks.
However every time she promised herself to start dieting, she ended up eating again.
Telling herself it would be the last time she’d enjoy herself before starving herself untill she’d fit into her skinny jeans again.
Normally the confident blonde would put a lot of thought in to her outfits, however since she’d started gaining she’d noticed her outfit option were rather limited.
For the past 2 weeks she’d only worn black yoga pants. She’d told everyone it was because she needed to wear bandages around her ankle and those made it difficult for her to put on jeans.
But that was only half the truth.
The real reason was that recently she couldn’t fit into any of her regular pants, without having to suck in her stomach.
Even the waistband would give her a muffing top, which she hated.
The same went for almost all of her blouses. She’d torn of a button when she’d tried one yesterday morning. All her new weight seemed to make it a mission to accentuate her hourglass figure.
At first she’d been happy about it because her growing ass and tits seemed to lead away the attention from her soft looking belly.
She’d seen what the extra weight had done to her roommate Zoe who at first had looked pregnant, with all the extra flesh storing around her middle.
She’d only recently discovered that there was a downside to her figure. With her curves expanding, it had became more and more difficult to find clothing that fitted her.
Normally she would’ve already bought new ones with her parents money, but now that they’d cut her off she was forced to suck in her belly and wiggle her ass into her thight clothes.
Zoe had been through some similar troubles, but, unknown to Victoria, Zoe had a secret stash of bigger clothes from when she was 16 y/o and chubby.
Besides Ethan had bought her some new clothes.
She’d found it strange that he’d bought her something like that after only knowing eacht other for 5 weeks.
But the clothes were gorgeous and fitted, if anything they were a bit on the loose side, when he’d given them to her in the week Victoria had injured herself.
However now, only two weeks later, they fitted Zoe’s body perfectly.
Little did Zoe know that this had been part of Ethans scheme to fatten her up.
As long as she had clothes that fitted her, she was free to ignore her weight gain, or at least wouldn’t be confronted with the shock of having to by bigger clothes.
Ethan had purposely bought her a dress that he knew would be a little to big, for that time at least.
However he knew that if she’d kept gaining like she had, the dress would fitted her perfectly in 2 or 3 weeks.
And he’d been right ofcourse.

It was a Tuesday evening, which ment that Zoe would be spending the night at Ethan’s room.
Ethan was doing some schoolwork while waiting for her.
She had a shift at the restaurant from 4 ‘till 8 pm, and would come as soon as her shift ended.
Ethan guessed she would arrive with some food from work, as she had done many times.
She always told him she’d brought the food for him but in reality, Zoe would end up eating the lion’s share. He was kind of nervous.
Yesterday Victoria’s ankle had been cleared for exercise and even though Matthew had mentioned Victoria’s lazier lifestyle and how it was starting to have an effect on her body, he feared that Victoria might decide to go working out again to lose her new softer layer of fat.
Not that he cared much for Victoria’s figure, but he was smart enough to know that Victoria had a certain influence on Zoe.
Besides, he’d first hand witnessed how mean Victoria could be about other people’s weight.
He needed to make sure Victoria wouldn’t push Zoe into dieting and exercise.
If anything he wanted to speed up her gain, instead of slowing it down.
Well, maybe slowing down was still better than losing weight.
But Ethan had already thought of some ways to sabotage any possible weight loss.
He’d orded some weight gain powder and appetite enhancers.
He was still conflicted about using them but he had finally found the perfect girl the project his fantasies on and he would let his dreamgirl go without a fight.
However he had made the promise to himself he would only use them if Zoe actively wanted to lose weight. Or if she agreed to using them... Ethan stopped himself from daydreaming.
He was lucky enough as it is.
He couldn’t expect Zoe to secretly enjoy gaining and wanting more.
Sure, it was his hope for the future, but not while she still maintained a normal healthy figure.
He guessed she’d gained more than 20 pounds in over 5 weeks, but she was rather tall and any doctor would definitely label her as healthy, maybe more so than when she was skinny.
Ethan closed his books.
He couldn’t concentrate on his schoolwork and decide to do some sit ups in his room.
With Zoe constantly bringing back food from the all-you-can-eat restaurant he had to make sure he maintained his athletic figure.
Afterall, he didn’t want to become the fatty in the relationship, that role had already been cast.

He counted 32 sit ups, when he heard a playfull knock on his door.
“Come on in, Zoe!” he yelled from his room.
He continued his sit ups untill 50 and than got up to greet Zoe.
“Show off”, she scoffed while leaning aginst his door post.
“Damn, so much for impressing you”, he replied with a wink.
In the mean time he’d crossed the distance between them.
He put his hands on Zoe’s softer love handles and kissed her passionately.
Zoe sighed when their lips parted. She bit her lip and wispered:
“Now that was impressive”.
Ethan laughed and went to sit down in his sofa in the small living space. He gestured to Zoe to come sit next to him.
When she sat down he noticed her belly poking againt her red polo from work.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Klaufra 7 months
I really enjoyed reading it, I hope you continue the story.
JigglyArms 1 year
Will they ever do the run mentioned in chapter 14?
Noname078 1 year
If I ever find the time to write it: yes! Although in my head I always thought to keep it for when Zoe and especially Victoria are fatter.
Richman92 1 year
I love the story. Anne and Victoria have good chemistry, I hope they end up together
Honking Ante... 2 years
can't wait for more!
Dan20 2 years
congratulations, this story is spectacular ... I hope you continue this story, and it would be really fun to see Zoe, Anna and Victoria exceed at least 250lbs ... it would be nice that Anna also finds
Dan20 2 years
find a guy who loves her beautiful curves
Admirergirl07 2 years
Are there more chapters, I really enjoyed reading it😊
Shammyboy 2 years
I'm really enjoying it though the editing is rough. There are times where the names are obviously mixed up along the lines of "Zoe talked to Zoe about Zoe." Also breaks for paragraphs would help.
Noname078 2 years
Thank you for the feedback! I know there is still a lot of editing to do. I hope to get around to it sometime soon.