Nadia and tanino

chapter 2

Nadia had no intent on actually gaining weight, or at least that's the story she was still telling herself at this point. However, nonetheless, armed with her new knowledge of Tanino's inner most and true desires, Nadia still made sure to tease Tanino when out on their dinner date.

Dressed in her tightest two piece outfit she could arrange, Nadia changed up her order from the usual Salmon salad, accompanied with water to the restaurant's ridiculously massive burger, complete with juicy strips of bacon all the fixings, and large fries, not to mention, a large fudge milkshake to top it all off.

The shocked reaction on Tanino's face, along with him wiggling and asjusting the seat of pants was all the confromation Nadia needed to confirm that Elias' hacked information on her boyfriend was tried and true.

"Something wrong? Can't a girl let her self go from time to time?", queried Nadia playfully.

Tanino, who usually possessed a silver tonge was at a loss of words, much to the delight of his probing girlfriend.

Eventually and with Nadia still wearing a wolfish grin, the flushed faced and totally bonered Tanino managed to stammer out, "S...s...sure, just, just be careful, you don't make it a habit", he chuckled, Nadia sucked down hard on her milkshake, and let out a little stifled burp just after he'd said his piece.

Then after a bit of a pause, Nadia donned the best faux sexy pouty face she could muster and said, "So you, who just the other night said, and I quote, I love you Nadia, now and forever, that was just a lie? Hmmmmm?"

"W... what are you talking about babe?"

"So your telling me, that if I stopped working out, and grew a big ass and wide jiggly hips like my sister, or god forbid got as huge as my mother", said Nadia, miming with her hands out infront of an invisible belly, "Would you love me then?", she pouted.

"Of, of Course I would", stammered Tanino once again, while secretly visualizing Nadia much fatter and covered in cellulite like both her mother and sister.

And with that, Nadia tucked away at her huge burger and made her way through the huge basket of fries. By the end of the meal, Nadia let out the button on her jean shorts, not that she had to, but she did it for the effect anyway.

That night, confirmation was complete, as Tanino fucked her with more intensity and with more passion then ever before.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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AndiFive 2 years
Karenjenk 2 years
AndiFive 2 years
tell me this story is a tribute to Nadia.
Nadia 2 years
It Is! And I Lov It 😍🐽