Nat has a fat epiphany

chapter 2

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I waddled downstairs, not only because of the padding, but that I was so full. I pulled off everything and I looked in the mirror at my real belly bulging out, my briefs were really showing off how much weight I had gained in just two weeks. I started to play with my fat. I was starting to jiggle, a role of fat over my waist band, my bottom cheeks were really soft and my thighs were starting to touch. I pulled myself away from my reflection and gathered the clothes and went upstairs.

I put the clothes away in my bedroom and in grandma’s. I went back to the family room, grandma was sitting in her chair, eating of course, “Nat, dear, please come here for a minute.” I walked over to her. She gently poked my now quite bloated belly, “Nat, I want you to be honest okay?” “Yes grandma.” “Nat did you really like pretending to be fat?” I blushed, “Yes grandma I did, but what I did is called padding, not pretending.” “Nat did you love, padding to look fat?” “Yes grandma, I did. I really loved it.” “Now, Nat be honest, don’t worry about your mom or friends, just be honest, do you want to be that fat?” I thought about her question, I made a decision, “Yes, grandma I want to be so fat and then I want to get even fatter!”

She smiled at me crying , “Nat you are a dream, now promise me, you will eat everything I put in front of you!” “Yes grandma I’ll eat everything!” “Nat will you eat as much food as you can every time you eat!” “Yes grandma, I will eat until I burst! Please feed me, please. I want to get so fat!” She poked my belly, “Nat, I think you could get as fat as grandpa was.” I thought about that he weighed over four hundred pounds, I would be massive if I got that fat. I patted my belly sticking out as far as I could, “Yes, grandma, I’d love to be as fat as grandpa was!”

“Nat dear, go in the kitchen and fix yourself some milk and cookies and come, sit and eat with me.” I loaded a plate with cookies and got a huge glass of whole milk and came back in and sat with my grandma and starting eating the cookies. I finished a half hour later, “Nat put our plates in the sink and get yourself some ice cream and come back in here.” “Yes grandma”. I got up, my belly was bulging out pushing down the waist band of my tight briefs and lifting the hem of my t-shirt. I felt kind of full, but I was really enjoying eating too. I went back to the family room and grandma watched as I ate my ice cream. “Nat, we have a lot of work to do in the next eight weeks I can’t weight to feed you!” I patted my bloated belly, chuckling, my face smeared with ice cream, “I know grandma, I have a lot of eating to do, but don’t worry I’m going to gorge myself the next eight weeks for you.”

Grandma fixed supper that night, making my favorite, macaroni and cheese, with hot dogs and hamburgers too. I got so stuffed, grandma thought I might get sick. After resting she fixed me a massive bowl of ice cream with nuts, chocolate fudge and whipped cream. I couldn’t get up from the table for twenty minutes, I was so stuffed. Grandma helped me up, giving my bloated belly an affectionate pat and sent me to bed. I was stuffed and full I fell asleep immediately.

The next morning, grandma started our routine. I ate a huge breakfast of only the richest and most fattening things she could think of. I sat around snacking and nibbling, I always had something in my mouth, or in my hands to eat next. I would have a large heavy lunch, snack and nibble all afternoon, then a massive feast of a dinner. I would sit with grandma in the family room and she’d watch me snack until bed time.

Over the next four weeks, my belly ballooned, bulging straight out from my chest, jiggling with every step I took. My bottom cheeks got round and soft and so did my thighs, which now rubbed together when walked/waddled. One morning I bent down to pick up my fork and my white, cotton briefs ripped open. My grandma giggled, “Oh Nat dear, you’ve done such a good job gorging, you’re bursting out of your underpants.” “Grandma, which was the last pair I had that I could pull up over my thighs and butt.” “Dear, let’s go over to Walmart and get you some new things.”

We got in the car, not without some difficulty on both our parts and I drove, grandma couldn’t fit behind the wheel. I went right to the men’s section, specifically the underwear aisle and pick out men’s medium sizes of nylon briefs, that my fat brothers always wore. “Oh Nat dear, you’ll look so cute in those underpants.” I blushed, “Grandma, please don’t call me cute, okay?” “Oh sorry dear”, she giggled. We got some t-shirts and sweat pants too.

I loved the new briefs, they hugged all of my new fat, they stretched to cover my fat bottom and bulging belly and they were shiny too the! The waist band cut into my belly fat.

The tenth week of my stay had arrived. The last four weeks I continued to gorge myself, with my grandma encouragement , I loved it. I was having breakfast the morning I would be leaving for home, my now over forty-eight inch belly was sagging onto my fat thighs, my bottom cheeks were bulging threw the back of the kitchen chairs. Grandma weighed me on her scale in her bathroom, we both were so delighted when I weighed over two hundred sixty pounds! I had backed on over eighty pounds in ten weeks of eating, gorging, stuffing bliss! I still wasn’t fat enough to fill out grandma’s panties without padding, but I promised myself that I would fit in them next summer.

I hugged grandma goodbye and waddled up the steps of the bus and heading home to show my mom and dad how fat I was now. My mom met me at the bus station, she almost didn’t recognized me I was so fat now. “Oh my, Nat honey, you’re huge!” She gently poked my bulging, jiggling belly. I giggled and hefted my belly and let it slap my fat thighs. “Yes, mom, I’m fat now, too!” We both waddled to her car and started for home. She reached over and poked my belly again, “Nat, are you happy?” I laughed, “Mom I love being this fat now, yes, I’m very happy!” We got home, when my dad got home and he saw me, he just chuckled, “Nat, you’ve join the club. How do you like being fat?” I laughed, patting my belly, “Dad, I love being fat!”

The next day, after a huge breakfast, mom and I drove over to Walmart to get some school clothes, underwear, sweats and t-shirts. We went to the men’s section; I wanted a couple more packs of the nylon briefs I like so much. Mom made me get larges and instead of the nice tight mediums that grandma bought me. She giggled when I protested, “Nat, you don’t want to have panty lines do you?” I thought for a minute, “Yeah, I guess these will be fine.”

School was starting next Wednesday and it was Friday afternoon when my friend Dave called, “Nat phone.” Called my mom, “Who is it”, I asked. “It’s Davy honey.” I took the phone, “Hey Davy, what’s up?” He chuckled, “Nat, I heard that you got really fat at your grandma’s, is it true?” I laughed, “Davy I weigh over two hundred sixty pounds, I’m so fat now!” Davy virtually screamed, “No weigh Nat you’re that fat. I don’t even weigh over two hundred thirty pounds.” “It’s true Davy, all I did at my grandmas’ was eat and I got wicked fat!” We talked for a few minutes, I asked how his summer was, “Nat, it was so boring with both you and Camille gone and my mom tried to put me on a diet until dad talked her out of it.” Davy, do want to hang out tonight?” “Nat that would be awesome, I have been so bored.” I’ll pick you up around seven o’clock and we can go over to Dunkin Donuts.”

“Mom, may I use your car tonight, Davy and I want to hang out?” “That’s fine Nat, when are you going out?” “Around seven, does that work for you?” “Yes, Nat, that’s fine.” “Mom?” “Yes, Nat.” “What’s for dinner?” I gorged myself at dinner eating four cheeseburgers, a pound of potato salad, ice cream and sweet tea. All of the family being fat, mom always cooks a ton of food.

I drove over to Davy’s house, which is only a couple of blocks, but when you’re fat and want to become fatter, avoiding exercise is always a priority. I pulled up and Davy came out, wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans, his belly was bulging over the waist band and his t-shirt was riding up on his belly. “Nat, my mom wants to see how fat you are.” I got out and went to the door, I was wearing sweat pants, my belly was bulging over the waist band and my t-shirt was riding up on my belly. There was a four inch roll of soft fat jiggling between the waist band and hem of my t-shirt. Davy’s mom came to the door, “Davy, I just wanted to say hi to Nat not see how fat he is.” She gasped when she saw me, “Oh Nat, you really gained a lot of weight at your grandmother’s house.” She gave my “roll” a gentle pat, “Nat are you okay with your weight, dear?” I patted my belly making it jiggle, “Yes, I’m good, I really like to eat now too.” She laughed, “You two have a nice evening and Davy, don’t eat too much.” Davy just replied, “I’ll try mom.”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Big Easy 2 years
WOW! Great short story smiley

I'd love to see a continuation where Nat and Camille start dating and get fatter. I'd also love to see a spinoff that shows Camille's summer and how she got fat.
Fanedfox 2 years
I do have a story already written, "Camille gets Fat" which I will post soon. I'm planning on a mutual theme for a future story with those characters. Thanks for commenting and reading my story.
Big Easy 2 years
That's great to hear! Can't "weight" to read it smiley You're my favorite weight gain author and always look forward to reading your stories, new or old.
Joey95 2 years
Ah, but he got to be as fat as grandpa, please continue the story until he fits in grandma's underwear.
Fanedfox 2 years
I'm planning on a sequel, thanks for commenting!
Stevita 2 years
Awesome story! I hope Nat and Camille get together and keep each other fat!
Fanedfox 2 years
I'm planning a sequel in which they date and keep gaining.
Joey95 2 years
Great story, i love stories about grandparents fattening up their grandchildren, will you keep going right?
Fanedfox 2 years
I will keep writing those style plots. I do have several stories with grandmas fattening grandchildren, mainly women/girls.