Must be a dream

chapter 2

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Alex grabbed all of her yogurts, a quart of milk and balancing those on her belly with her arm pressing them against her boobs. She waddled over to her kitchen table, knocking over one of the chairs she bumped with her huge belly. She rested her belly on the table letting the milk carton and yogurts slide onto the table. She went to the cabinet that she kept her cereal in, she reached up, but her belly bumped against the countertop, making it hard to pull open the upper cabinet door. Alex hefted her belly onto the counter, which felt nice and cool, she grabbed all the boxes of cereal and started back to the kitchen table. She nearly lost her balance when she slid her belly off the counter!

Alex sat down and pounded down all of the yogurts, cereal and milk. Now somewhat sated, slouching in the chair, she started sobbing. “What am I going to do? I am so fat, I have to see if I am pregnant, but I can’t be, it has been weeks since I slept with Jerry.”

Alex decided she should go to the emergency room and get her belly checked out. She didn’t think she was pregnant, but she was so huge, she did not know what else to do.

She waddled into her bedroom and started rummaging around for some clothes that might cover her expanded form. Alex remembered her “X-Box” the box where she keeps left behind clothes belonging to boyfriends ex or otherwise. She found an XL t-shirt and a pair of large sweats and pulled them on. The t-shirt did ride up on her belly, but it was the best she could do.

Alex waddled down to her car, being careful not to run into any of her neighbors in the building. The last thing she wanted was for someone she knew to see her in this “condition”. She got to her BMW, she had to slide the seat all the way back to get her belly and round bottom in. She drove over to the emergency room. Struggled out of the car and waddled in.

The first nurse to see her, “Oh my, young lady are you in labor? How far apart are your contractions, dear?”

Alex, replied, “I am not in labor and I don’t have any contractions. I don’t even think I am pregnant, but I was really slim last night and I woke up looking like this!” With that statement she started to cry.

The nurse seemed confused, thinking, “There is now way someone can get that big in one night!”

She got a wheel chair and rolled it up to Alex, “Here, please sit down and I will take you to an examination room.” Alex, heavily sat down and the nurse rolled her into an exam room.

The nurse helped Alex up and said, “I need to examine you, do you need help taking off your clothes?” Alex blushed, “Yes I am afraid so.”

The nurse, Jane, helped Alex out of her t-shirt, sweats, bra and panties. She was stunned at how big Alex was.

“Alex, step on the scale please.” Said Jane. Alex waddled over the scale and backed onto it, as her belly stuck out so far she bumped the upright. Jane looked at the digital read out, “one hundred sixty two pounds.” She then got Alex a hospital gown and helped put it on. “Let’s get you up on the exam table, please.”

Alex struggled to heft herself up and started crying when she could not. “I’m sorry, I can’t get up on this!” She wailed. Jane cooed, “It’s okay Alex, I will help you up!”

Jane was thinking, “My God this girl is so out of shape and fat, she is only twenty five and she is obese already!”

Jane had Alex lean back and put her legs in the stirrups, she checked her out. She definitely was not pregnant, her uterus was normal.

She took Alex’s temperature and it was normal too. She used a stethoscope and listened to Alex’s abdomen, she only heard her breakfast digesting, no fetal heart beat.

“Am I pregnant?” asked Alex lying on the table with her belly sticking up in the air.

“No, you are not pregnant. But let me set up the ultra-sound machine and I will check out your abdomen.” Jane replied. She got the machine and rolled it up to Alex, she greased up Alex’s huge belly, awed by how big it was. Jane put the receiver down on her and started to move it around.

The screen showed Alex’s stomach, somewhat swollen with all the yogurt and cereal she had eaten earlier. The ultra-sound screen did show a massive amount of fat around many of Alex’s organs, which seemed to explain why Alex’s abdomen was so huge.

Jane looked at Alex, “Alex, you are not pregnant. You are at least fifty pounds over-weight, and close to being morbidly obese! You really need to get on a diet and get some exercise, you are so young, there is no reason you should be this heavy at your age!”

Alex was crying now, “But, but, I was slim and in good shape last night, I did have a little to much from McDonald’s and some drinks, but not enough to get like this!” Slapping the side of her huge belly.

Jane looked at Alex, “There is no way you could gain fifty pounds in one night! Alex, tell me, how many days have you been bingeing! Five, six days, a week, two weeks, how long?”

“No” wailed Alex, “I just told you! I was slim and petite last night! I wear size four clothes. I can’t explain why I am so fat right now!”

Jane just sighed, “Alex, there is nothing we can do for you here. Get dressed and for God’s sake and your own, stop over-eating or you will be huge!”

Alex struggled back into her clothes and waddled back to her car. Now thoroughly depressed and feeling sorry for herself. She sat crying for a few minutes. She thought, “Well I need to get some clothes, I can’t wear these rags. God I am hungry again too!”

She drove over to Wal-Mart, not daring to go to her favorite mall and risk being recognized in her present condition. The greeter, smiled, “Good Morning young lady the maternity section is over to your left.”

Alex waddled over and picked out stretch pants, maternity bikinis and panties, maternity jeans, t-shirts and a couple of dresses. She was almost in tears again, thinking, “Me, buying clothes at Wal-Mart!”

In line to check out, temptation ruled and Alex bought several boxes of decadent treats. The obese check out clerk commented, “A little late to be buying maternity clothes isn’t dear, you look like you are due any minute!” Alex just shrugged, “It’s okay.”

On the way home Alex went through a drive thru and bought several burgers, fries, two milk shakes and three sundaes for lunch.

After dumping her clothes purchases on her bed and changing into a new bikini that fit at least. She waddled into the kitchen and plopped her self onto the chair at the kitchen table and laid into the greasy, heavy fast food.

Alex felt guilty after gorging on all the fast food. Her belly felt even larger, stuffed. She struggled up from the table and waddled over to her couch and sat down heavily.

Alex sat around in her bikini for a while when she stopped feeling full she got up and got out her cloth sewing tape measure and wrapped it around herself. She nearly started crying again when she read forty five inches! “I have to try to get some exercise.” Thought Alex.

She waddled into her bedroom and opened up her dresser to her work out clothes drawer and pulled out a leotard. It looked tiny! She struggled into the workout panty that went with it and tried to get the leotard on. After nearly ten minutes of yanking and pulling, she got it on.

She looked in the mirror and was shocked. The leotard was stretched out so much is was transparent, plus her belly being so large and protruding, the leg openings now were so stretched out, that her belly sagged out through the openings!

Alex started crying again, she thought, “How could this happened to me, this has got to be a dream, no one can gain fifty pounds in one night! All I had were a couple drinks at Zoloffs from that fat bellied waitress and some McDonalds and now I am fat!”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
True, it's fiction after all. Thanks for commenting and reading my story.
Karenjenk 2 years
a happy ending
I wish you had slowed it down some
this was a fun morning read!
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for your kind comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it.