Must be a dream

chapter 3

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Then a light went off in Alex’s head. “Oh my God that weirdo waitress with the huge, pregger belly! She must have done something to me! Oh that dam gypsy bitch, she must have slipped something in my drinks to make me get fat.”

Alex struggled out of the now ruined leotard. She pulled back on the maternity bikini panties and a bra. She decided to wear the stretch pants to accentuate, her condition and pulled on a t-shirt.

She waddled down to her car, squeezed in and headed for Zoloff’s Restaurant.

She pulled in to the parking lot and squeezed out of her car and waddled into the restaurant.

The startled hostess looked up and the hugely pregnant young woman. “May I help you madam?” she asked. “Yes! I want to see the waitress with the huge belly!” Stated Alex.

“Oh you mean Zolda?” asked the hostess. “Yes, Zolda, is she here?”

“I will call her for you.” The hostess punched in an extension number. She asked is “Zolda back there? She is. There is a young woman to see her up front. What, yes she is very pregnant. Okay, I will.”

The hostess put down the phone. Smiled, “Zolda, is in the changing room in the back past the rest rooms, she said to just go back there and walk in.”

Alex stormed (well, waddled with resolve) through the back hallway of the restaurant and went through the door marked “Private, Employees Only.”

Zolda was standing there wearing nothing but a bikini panty and t-shirt, her huge round belly bulging out, the tight t-shirt stretched over her bra. She patted her belly and ran her hand over it too.

Alex stared for a second and then started to yell at Zolda, “You bitch, you did this to me, didn’t you! You ruined my figure! You made me fat like you! I am so fat I can hardly walk! Why did you do this?” She was sobbing now.

Zolda looked at her. “You look very cute, nice and fat! You look like a very cute pregnant future mother! But you will never be slim again! The potion I took and that I gave you is permanent you can work out all you want and never lose one gram, nor even a millimeter off your belly! You better watch your appetite too, or you will get even fatter!”

“But why!” sobbed Alex.

“You deserved to get big and fat! You were such a self centered little bitch, not only treating me like crap, but even your friends, which I can’t believe you have any friends!” Retorted Zolda.

Alex sobbed for a while longer. It was the first time anyone had told her off. She turned to leave. Zolda, slapped her on the bottom causing it to jiggle. “You really look good, all nice and round. You will be surprised, that if you are nice and gracious for a change, you will find out how many men are really into girls with big bellies and wide bottoms!”

Alex trudged out of the restaurant. The hostess smiled at her on her way out.

Alex got in her car. Now really feeling sorry for herself, she stopped by Pizza Hut and got three deep dish pizza and two liters of pop. She picked several goodies at the drive thru at DQ. The chubby girl at the drive thru, gave Alex a knowing look, “Enjoy your evening!” For a change, Alex was gracious, “Thank you, I will!” She patted her belly, causing the girl to giggle.

Alex waddled into her apartment, striped off her stretch pants and t-shirt, now just in a bra and panties she laid into her fattening gorge with gusto!

Two hours later, an engorged, bloated and tired Alex struggled into her bathroom, used the toilet, brushed her teeth and then settled into her bed.

She had a bad dream that she was now hugely fat being teased by her former “friends”, the only people who were nice to her were those “chubbies and fatties” she had teased when she was skinny.

Alex woke up with a start. She felt her body and sighed, “Well I am still fat!”

She sat up and got to her feet. “I really need a shower, there is a lot more of me to wash now!”

Alex showered and ate three bowls of cereal for breakfast, making an effort to control herself. She dressed in one of the maternity dresses she bought at Wal-Mart yesterday.

It did make her look even bigger. Alex, sighed, “Well it is time to face the music, as they say.” She was dreading going to work, knowing that people were going to freak when they saw how huge she was, not to mention looking nine months pregnant.

Alex waddled out to her car, squeezed in and drove to her office.

She parked in her usual spot, got out and started to waddle in to “face the music”.

The receptionist, a cute little plumper named Sally, who in the past Alex virtually ignored looked up, “May I help you? Oh My God, Alex is that you? Are you pregnant? What happened, you have, uh changed.”

“No, I am not pregnant! Just huge.” Alex giggled. “I want to apologize to you for being such a snotty bitch to you in the past, I want to make it up to you too, how about lunch, I am buying.” Asked Alex.

Sally giggled, “Sure Alex I would love to have lunch with you. I know a great buffet place down the block, you will love it!” Alex laughed and patted her belly, which jiggled, “Especially now!”

Alex left Sally and waddled down to her office. Sally stared after her thinking, “God how could she get so big in one weekend! I wish all the other skinny little bitches around here would get fat and pregnant looking, this would be a great place to work then!”

Alex waddled into her office, she had to squeeze behind the desk her belly and bottom were so big.

One of Alex’s co-workers stopped in to see her. She nearly fainted when she saw how huge the once petite Alex now was.

“Alex! What happen to you, you are, uh, wow, huge! What did you do to yourself, are you pregnant?”

“No Linda, I am not pregnant! It is hard to explain, but I gained a lot of weight over the weekend and now look like I am pregnant. But don’t worry it is the same little me, in here!” said Alex.

“Oh okay, Alex.” Replied Linda. She left, snickering to herself, “Oh I can’t weight to tell everyone that bitchy little princess Alex is now a fat cow!”

The word that Alex had become really, really fat over the weekend spread like wild fire through the office. Her co-workers were now virtually filing by her office to check out how fat Alex now was.

Alex did manage to get some work done, after a couple of hours she needed to use the restroom. She got up and waddled to the ladies room. Thankfully there was no one inside when Alex went into a stall.

A minute later, Linda, the little snit, who was just like Alex was before she ballooned came in the rest room with another rival of Alex’s.

“Did you see how fat Alex is?” giggled Linda. “She must have gained fifty pounds to get a belly and ass that big!” “I did.” Said Carol, “God I hope she doesn’t have some weird disease that makes you get fat!” “Nah,” replied Linda, “I think she just made a total pig of herself, some of my friends were with her at Zoloff’s on Saturday. They said she bought a lot of McDonald’s stuff on the way home, she must have doubled back and spent the weekend there gorging herself!” Cackled Linda.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
True, it's fiction after all. Thanks for commenting and reading my story.
Karenjenk 2 years
a happy ending
I wish you had slowed it down some
this was a fun morning read!
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for your kind comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it.