Must be a dream

chapter 4

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The two left the restroom. Alex sat in the stall crying. She never realized how much her co-workers disliked her! She wiped her eyes and freshened up at the sink. Alex stared at her reflection in the mirror, she suddenly pulled up her dress, revealing her huge belly in the tight bikini style maternity panties and slapped it, making it jiggle. She thought, “God I am so hungry again! Thank goodness it is time for lunch!”

She waddled to her office and grabbed her purse and then headed down to get Sally.

Sally looked up to see Alex waddling toward her. Sally thought, “I have got to find out how she got so fat in one weekend. She really is cute all round and fat though. She is prettier than she was when she was skinny.”

Alex, just blurted, “Sally, ready to go? I am starving!”

“Yes Alex I am ready”. Said Sally. Alex asked, “So where it this buffet you were talking about, I hope not very far? I really do not like to walk very much anymore.” Absently patting her belly, making it jiggle to Sally’s delight.

“It is only two blocks over, Alex, is that too far?” asked Sally, giggling to herself.

“I should be okay, Sally let’s go!” replied Alex.

Sally really did not like to walk very much either. She was shorter than Alex and weighed around one forty-five. She to had a pronounced belly and bubble butt, just not in Alex’s league!

The girl’s arrived at the “Hungry Farmer Buffet”. They paid the luncheon fee and started for the food lines. Alex loaded her tray to overflowing, she was so hungry. Sally too filled her tray pretty well. She was thinking, “God I can’t weight to watch her gorge herself, I will stuff myself too, just to see Alex blow up like a balloon!”

The girls lowered themselves into chairs and started to binge, gorge and stuff themselves into oblivion!

Forty minutes later, an engorged Sally looked up, “BURP, oh excuse me, Alex, I need to get back to the office.” Sally had undone her pants, the zipper slid down letting her belly sag onto her thighs.

Alex looked up, her belly was now nearly fifty inches around, the maternity dress was tight, clinging to her belly. “Ok Sally I need to get back too! We better call a cab, I know I can not walk back to the office, and it looks like neither can you!”

The started cabbie deposited the two bloated women in front of the building. Alex even tipped him pretty well, since he did not make any cracks about how fat she and Sally were.

Sally got off the elevator on the reception floor and staggered to her desk. Alex punched the button for her floor. The elevator went up two floors and the doors opened. Jerry, Alex’s on again off again boyfriend got on.

At first he did not recognized the hugely pregnant young women in the elevator, but as an FA he could barely keep his eyes off of her. She looked like she was going to explode, her dress was tight, clinging to her round belly and taught across her bubble bottom, showing awesome panty lines. “Darn, she is really cute too! She looks like that skinny little bitchy party girl Alex.” Thought Jerry. Then it dawned on him, “Holy shit it is Alex!”

“Hi Jerry. Don’t laugh! Or I will smack you!” Said Alex.

Jerry was in shock. “Alex, wow you look fantastic, how did you, a when did you, uh, what’s going on? The last time a saw you on Friday, you were your usual skinny self!”

The elevator stopped on Alex’s floor and she waddled off, with Jerry following her (enjoying the view!) down to her office. Alex’s was so bloated from stuffing herself at lunch, Jerry had to pull out her desk so she could sit down.

Alex said, “Jerry have you ever been to a bar restaurant called “Zoloff’s” over on Grant Street?” Jerry thought, “Yes I have, I really like that waitress there, Zelda, the one with the huge belly, she is really sweet and her figure is…”

“Well I managed to insult the waitress, there, you know the one with the huge belly and she put a potion in my drink! I woke up and fell on the floor, my belly was so huge and heavy it dragged me off the bed! I have gained over fifty pounds in one night!” Alex blurted out, now almost in tears again.

Jerry was getting turned on just looking at Alex’s massive belly and now round wide bottom! “Alex, would you like to go out to diner with me tonight?” Jerry stammered, still staring at Alex’s expanding figure.

Alex, giggled and smiled, “Jerry, you really like me like this, don’t you?” “Oh my God Alex, you look so hot I can hardy control myself!”

“Well in that case Jerry, I would love to go out to diner with you tonight!” giggled Alex.

Jerry said, “I will come up here and get you at five thirty, then off to diner!” Jerry left for his office. Alex sat back in her chair, patting her abdomen. She thought, “I think this belly may work out pretty well. I really like Jerry, he was nicer to me than any of my previous boy friends. They only wanted in my panties and to have a hot girl on their arms at parties and bars. But Jerry really liked me, even though I was not very nice to him. Well that is going to change, Jerry clearly adores me all fat and round and I am going to make sure that he knows how much I appreciate him and his affections!”

When Jerry came up at five thirty to pick up Alex, she was all freshened up, almost glowing with desire for Jerry.

“Wow Alex, you look really great, this evening!” he stammered.

Alex patted her belly, making it jiggle, nearly causing Jerry to collapse with desire, “I really want tonight to be special, Jerry. I am so happy you like the “new me” it really means a lot to me, that you find me so attractive and desirable.”

In the elevator on the way down, Alex let Jerry put his hand on her belly, she could feel how turned on he was! Alex smiled coyly at Jerry, “Did you enjoy that little feel, dearest?”

Jerry helped Alex into his car, marveling at the view of Alex’s belly and bottom squeezing into his car. He helped her out at the restaurant getting another great view!

Alex, thought, “Jerry is the one, especially the way I look now, he gets turned on just watching me move!”

Alex made sure diner would not disappoint Jerry. She gorged herself on rich entres and ate a huge piece of cheese cake smothered with caramel and chocolate sauces for desert. Alex could feel that her belly was even bigger!

She squeezed back into Jerry’s car after diner. “Jerry, you have to take me home and help me up to my condo, I am so stuffed and full right now, I think I might burst!” she giggled.

Jerry dutifully opened the door and helped his engorged, bloated girl friend out. He put his arm around Alex and they walked to the elevator.

Alex un-locked her door and waddled in. “Jerry, sit down for a minute, I need to use the bathroom.” “Sure Alex, I will be fine, take your time, babe!” replied an infatuated Jerry.

Alex pulled off her maternity dress and bra, she dug through her lingerie drawer and found a teddie that was one of Jerry’s favorites. She changed into a clean and very lacy maternity bikini and pulled the teddie over her head. She giggled at her reflection in the mirror, the teddie rode up nearly to her boobs, accentuating her bloated, bulging belly!

Alex waddled into her living-room and Jerry’s wildest dreams!

Jerry stammered, “Alex oh my God babe you look so hot! Your body is awesome!”

Alex waddled up and pressed herself against Jerry, “Take me, honey, I am yours! I want you so bad, Jerry!” Alex nearly screamed.

They had to most awesome sex either one had ever experienced. Alex loved the feel of Jerry body pressing on her, she loved the feeling of being so soft and jiggling with ever move she made. Jerry loved feeling Alex’s weight on him and how soft she felt in his arms, his hands squeezing her belly and bottom.

The next morning they woke up, looking at each other, they blurted out at the same time, “Marry me!”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
True, it's fiction after all. Thanks for commenting and reading my story.
Karenjenk 2 years
a happy ending
I wish you had slowed it down some
this was a fun morning read!
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for your kind comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it.