A true love gain

Chapter 6 - kira’s big binge

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That was the change in Kira. Now she felt secure the floodgates opened. She’d given up her gym membership when she’d moved into his flat, it was too far away. She’d been working in a shoe shop when they met and after their first anniversary she’d quit. Teddy adored taking care of her and she’d never enjoyed it anyway. She’d truly leaned into the dream life Teddy was happy to offer her. And today was just like any other.
Teddy was at training early so Kira had slept in. She was naked in bed, the curve of her newly formed belly outlined by the sheet. And it was a belly now. Long gone was the little bit of puppy fat getting caught in her jeans. All the chocolates Teddy posted into her mouth as they watched movies, the days spent getting brunch and ordering in takeaways when Teddy was playing late had started to rest more and more on her lower stomach. As she awoke and sat up on her bed, that creamy lower roll kissed her thighs only allowing a peekaboo of pussy to be seen. Her breasts bounced as she adjusted herself in bed, their size no longer contained in the palm of her hands like they used too. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hips seemed even more hourglass with the extra inches of fat on them and her thighs looked even more feminine now they crashed into each other. It surprised Kira how much she enjoyed her new body. Maybe it was the way Teddy would eat her out for hours, caressing every inch of her curves. Maybe it was the divine softness of her skin and body. Maybe it was the erotic freedom of letting go and just indulging. Every media article she’d ever read had made her feel the worst thing she could possibly do was get fat. Now that she was, the delicious rebellion made her pussy tingle. It was so arousing to just let go and give in to every pleasure. Her libido had only increased with her appetite and Kira was so into it. Really into it in fact. In recent days, Kira had been exploring a new side to herself. Teddy was away on a football tour and Kira left to her own devices had woken up with a devilish thought. She’d stroked her small potbelly and tried to push the idea away but as she showered, her fingers found her pussy and the idea boomed forward and she climaxed harder than she’d ever on her own. She wanted to eat the house empty.
She’d towelled herself off and padded out into living area. Surveying the fridge she assessed what was there.
-Left over pizza
-Thick cut ham
-A bit of baguette
-3 eclairs
-Half a block of cheese and some salad.

That would be light work she thought and her clitoris tingled at the concept. The cupboards were more fruitful. 2 boxes of cereal, couple of packs of biscuits, Pringles and some pasta. They didn’t keep much food in the house as Kira didn’t like to cook much and Teddy usually bought fresh. As Kira brewed her coffee, the thought kept circling in her mind. She could actually do this. She could eat everything here. Her better nature tried to tell her that was utterly indulgent and ridiculous. But that voice had been growing quieter and quieter ever since she moved in.

Taking her coffee and eclairs to the couch, she flipped on the tv and the three eclairs went down a treat. Since Teddy had been away, Kira found herself moaning a little as she ate, especially when it was something she liked. The cream had flooded her mouth and Kira groaned to herself. The eclairs had barely scratched the surface, so she leapt up and in the kitchen she poured both brands of cereal, thankfully both chocolatey, into a mixing bowl and finished the milk topping it up. Now with something a big more substantial she settled back in front of the TV and started to work through her monster bowl of cereal. Tipping the chocolate milk back, rivulets of milk ran down her face and she let out a huge burp. Who cared no one was here?
Burping again, Kira caressed her stomach. Her upper stomach which had been on the slimmer side this morning had risen into a dome with the onslaught of food. She rubbed the tight little ball and then her hands travelled down to the fluffy lower stomach. She just couldn’t believe how hot and bothered it got her to touch her own heavenly soft body. She was wet again and since she had nowhere to be, she slunk back into her bed and raided her cabinet for one of her sexy toys. Rabbit positioned between her legs she realised with a shiver she had to curve her body so her arm could reach round her bloated tummy. She came in minutes and promptly fell asleep.
Kira awoke again in the early afternoon slightly confused but also ravenous. She felt heavy and sensual. Just the feel of her body against itself had her in a state of arousal and she’d been awake for all of 5 minutes. She felt possessed by some sort of hedonistic demon. Bothering to put on pyjama’s this time instead of a robe, Kira went back out into the kitchen and put all the pasta on to boil. She had a tomato and mascarpone tub of sauce she’d not spotted earlier in the fridge and then she grated the entire block of cheese into the pasta. All the salad was drenched in dressing and served to the side with the bit of baguette left.
All the food laid out on the little breakfast bar had Kira’s mouth watering and her eyes wide. It was so much. But she wasn’t a quitter and started on it with reckless abandon. She ate quickly trying not to think, only focusing on the creamy texture of the sauce and the richness of the cheese. It was only when her fork scraped the bottom of the cooking pot- she’d not bothered with a bowl- that she realised she’d demolished it all. Leaning back on her chair she was breathless. Her stomach had pushed her breasts aside as it rose out. Her belly was peeking out the bottom of her large pyjama top and the elastic strained on the bottoms. She was so full oh my god. She grabbed her belly, it was so hard to her touch, and pushed slightly. She let out a roaring burp and felt the pressure ease ever so slightly. Now she felt she could get up and so she stumbled over to the sofa. As she sunk into the soft fabric a sense of extreme pleasure washed over. She’d never been this full and it had switched something on in her mind. She lay there with the TV on but she wasn’t watching at all. She was stroking her domed belly, sitting up every so often so she could admire how the weight of it pushed her legs apart so it could drop down comfortably. A few hours of gazing adoringly and passing gas she was ready for the finale. She snacked on the pack of ham while she microwaved the pizza and she poured all the biscuits into a bowl and popped them next to her on the sofa with the Pringles. She was still hellishly full but that demon took over again. She scarfed the pizza down, not caring that toppings fell down marking her pyjama top. It felt so good to not care. She grunted a little as she forced the pizza down she was eating so fast. She topped it off with a family sized bottle of Coke that had been hiding behind the biscuits, gulping it down to wash away the pizza. She drank half of it in one sitting so naturally, setting the bottle down, an unholy burp emitted from her. She was panting slightly as she rubbed her stomach trying to settle it as the Coke bubbled away. Her stomach was so bloated now, it was red and shiny and her pyjama top was pinching under the arms as her new girth pulled the top up. She heart a low groan and realised with horror her stomach was making that noise. Was she going to throw up? She pressed on her stomach and released another huge burp before realising. She could eat more. So she’d turned to the Pringles and easily moved through a tube. The salt had her needing a drink so she’d polished off the Coke, which of course had her burping again. Only the bowl of biscuits left. Kira eyed them up feeling drunk she was so full. Heart racing with adrenaline she attacked them and got all 24 down in less than 10 minutes. The bowl fell from her sticky, crumby hands and she moaned. It hurt so much, but the sense of ecstasy she was experiencing right now she wasn’t sure how to handle. As she’d pushed the last few biscuits into her mouth she’d been rubbing herself against the seam of her PJ bottoms and she’d come in a hot rush, burping sordidly as she finished, the orgasm shaking her up. Kira had simply slid off the sofa, leaned her head back against the seat and passed out there and then, her orb of a stomach groaning and churning while she slept.

And now this was a normal thing. Not necessarily clearing the whole house out. But in recent weeks binge eating to ecstasy was very much part of the schedule. She tried to delay days between the hedonistic meltdowns to maintain some sort of semblance of health, but it was so hard. Unbeknownst to her even Teddy was cottoning on to some changes afoot after watching the Delieveroo and UberEats charges stack up on his card. As he boarded his plane home he had to focus directly into the back of Jules’ head in order to not get hard on the plane. He was so ridiculously excited to see Kira but his dick was even more excited to see what had become of Kira.
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BeenJLuv 2 years
Fun story! Wish I was dating Kira 😉
Degek2001 2 years
Please go on. I like your story.
Baron 2 years
Keep going