A true love gain

Chapter 8 - all that glitters is gold

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I don’t need to tell you Kira said yes. It was the most life affirming yes of her life. The final tendrils of doubt were brushed from her mind and she was blissfully happy. She was with the love of her life, did whatever she wanted and more importantly she ate whatever she wanted. The fat rock on her finger empowered more than she’d thought, she didn’t feel insecure going to events with Teddy or being around the other WAGs at any of the matches. In fact she felt deliciously sexy at the games, her thick thighs and bubble butt poured into the new jeans Teddy had got custom for her. Her round belly sat proudly over the waist band, she’d taken to wearing white turtle necks to really accentuate the huge breasts that sat on top, and then her football scarf. The fact her face hadn’t changed so much and she was far from being clearly fat, Kira had had the pleasure of being mistaken for pregnant. She knew it was pretty weird but the mistaken identity sent a shiver down her spine and she beamed back at the now stammering woman. She’d simply stroked her rounded belly and assured the woman she was just fat. Kira’s upfront attitude and brazen weight gain had the other girls shaking in their boots. The confidence, happiness emanating from her made it impossible for the women to make sly comments or back bite. And when Teddy would sneak up behind her, hands stroking Kira’s thickened waist, kissing her neck, the women saw there was clearly no issue there. If they were as upfront with their own feelings these women, the WAG’s if you will, were having a startling face off with their own prejudice. You couldn’t be fat and happy- could you?

Teddy was in the off season and was spending every second with his wife to be. He was still shook to his core at the change in Kira. She was just insatiable. With sex, with food, she was just obsessed with indulgence. Still the down to earth, funny woman she’d always been but she just seemed unlocked, free. Teddy’s wildest dreams were all coming true. Which showed heavily in his actions. The second Kira woke up, he’d push up behind her caressing every soft inch and adoring the way her stomach sloped down. It was so soft and squishy in the morning and his hands would get lost in her. He’d got in the habit of keeping a vibrator on his side of the bed so in the morning, keeping one hand massaging her breasts, he would use his long arms to surreptitiously grab hold of it, and then he’d subtly slip his hands between her legs stroking her wet pussy. Kira loved nothing more than to fondled and played with so these morning cuddles always got her going, but the second the vibrations hit her throbbing clit she’d tilt her head sharply into him reeling at the sensation. Teddy would often break away from her clit, allowing the orgasm to build and build. He’d ease her legs up over his so the bulk of her body was resting against him, as if that feeling wasn’t erotic enough he’d then revel in the struggle to reach round her to keep the vibrations building on her clitoris. Teddy would listen closely to her little gasps and moans until he heard the specific catch in her throat, then her chubby calves would straighten, toes curling and he knew it was about to happen. He’d press the vibrator against her clit with force to emphasise the orgasm that now ricochetted down her body. Kira would smile like a cat that got the cream, pressing her corpulent body into the pillows. Some mornings she’d jump on top of him. The view of her toned, tanned fiancé pressed between her pillowy legs was worth the extra exertion this position caused her. She also loved the way her body crashed down on itself as she rode his dick with zeal. She never had to ride it long anyway, Teddy could not control himself when he had over 200lbs of feminine goodness pressing into him, his hands clawing at her waist, wild with desire. If Kira was feeling lazy, which was often, Teddy would peel himself off the bed after making her cum and start to kiss her deeply his raging erection tapping needfully at her leg as he leaned over her. She loved this view as she could trace the curve of his taut arm muscles as he hovered over her with her chubby fingers. His body never got old either.

Teddy’s second favourite morning activity involved another athletic stretch to his side of the bed where he’d pull out a box of the finest chocolates. One of his personal hobbies had evolved from Kira’s gluttony, as he loved to make extravagant orders to all of the world’s finest chocolate houses and he loved to receive the exquisite boxes in return. Of course, it wasn’t as fun as posting each delicacy into his beauty’s mouth every morning. He’d start with a couple, her mouth breaking into a smile every time the chocolate melted across her tongue. He’d feign to put the box away as he fucking loved it when she complained. She’d pout, raise her eyebrow questioningly, tug on his arm, whine, straight up ask for more. So many ways she played him to get more food and he found every one of them adorable. Kira satisfied for now, Teddy would run her bath and help her ease into the water. He’d wash her hair for her, his strong hands massaging her scalp as she sucked on chocolate strawberries or candied almonds. Whatever was there if she was honest. By the time she’d get out of the bath he’d start to see a gentle bulge of fullness in her middle. It didn’t stay little for long. Whether they ordered in or Teddy cooked breakfast was in abundance. Kira loved breakfast food and could sit there and graze on it for hours. By the time she was done, her belly would be popping out of her robe, rounded and full. Teddy would guide her to the sofa, rest her between his legs so he could stroke her belly and ease out those much needed burps. Oh any guise to cover the drop in her ettiquette had been short-lived. Kira ate way too much to crave release somehow, it couldn’t all wait until Teddy was out the room.
They’d watch TV together or listen to music and talk until the tension in her stomach subsided then they’d decide what to do all day. Sometimes they just fucked all day, stopping to ply Kira with sustenance. She’d let Teddy spoon cake or pie into her waiting mouth, feeling her belly ooze into her hands as it got fuller and fuller, then just as she felt herself start to sweat and ache at the sides he’d flip her round and pound her against the sofa, or the kitchen table or the bed. She loved to feel the weight of her belly pull down and bounce against her legs as he fucked her. One time he’d grabbed at the pendulum of her stomach as she rocked against his dick. He’d squeezed her belly fat and he’d cum instantly, calling out simultaneously as she let out a low burp. Against her better nature, she’d cum too. Quietly in the chaos but there had been something so deeply erotic about the complete lack of self regard. She’d truly let herself go, boyfriend hanging off her belly fat, burping as he climaxed. It was so wrong, yet so right, The cliche of it all. The taboo of it all she corrected herself.

However, if they didn’t fuck all day, they’d go out for heavy lavish meals. Kira was sure, although she hadn’t pushed it on Teddy, that he was as into all of this as she was. A particular weakness of his was her gut busting through clothes in public. He’d never say it to her but she saw the way his eye’s lit up when she’d stuffed herself silly in the posh Italian or the boujee burger places they went to. He’d watch ever more avidly as she’d rub at the deep red marks imprinted in her stomach from the restraint of a waistband. It was sometimes hard to differentiate them from the red lines that had started to ripple down her stomach.
She’d stifle burps, trying to free up space, as more often than not she was so consumed by food she’d not wake up from her trance before her buttons were so tight she couldn’t get a finger in to undo them.
‘You’ll have to eat your way out of them.’ Teddy would say wickedly. The glint in his eye would do something unholy to her and she’d eat with reckless abandon.
Truffle pastas, whole pizzas, lobster and caramelised mac and cheese, deep fried shrimp and rich dipping sauces. Whatever it was she’d push through the pain to eat it until-
The button had surged off the trousers with force. Kira had let out an moan of relief laced with pleasure. She leaned back, her belly eclipsing the table. Kira was wearing a cute little tie up cropped cardigan and her belly reared out from it, bigger than it had ever been. She was literally panting, her legs spread to allow as much room for her sensitive belly. Teddy would arrange for them to be taken out the back to respect her privacy, and would gaze at her in awe as she lay across the back of their town car her belly towering above her, breasts flopped to the side as she rubbed desperately trying to soothe her angry belly which let out low guttural groans. She burped with every bump of the car and looked at Teddy with such sorrowful puppy dog eyes his heart melted.

But Kira’s favourite type of night was when she’d have to accompany Teddy to some sort of event. She was a show off at heart, loved being a witty raconteur and bouncing amusing ‘real girl’ one liners to the press. Kira hadn’t been good at much in school, she hadn’t even been very good at selling shoes. But what she was good at was being a socialite- although she’d hadn’t really realised thats what she was these days. When Teddy was away she’d never fallen into quite as heavy binge spiral as she’d done before. Instead she was winning hearts with her quick banter and natural comedy. Her dimensions were goddess like in their drama and caught the attention of various designers who quickly became her friends. Another infuriating fact to other WAG’s she saw at various events was how well dressed Kira had always been and managed to maintain. ‘Even at her size.’ People whispered. But the reality was footballers wives had rarely been permitted to dabble in the liberal arts, high fashion world. But Kira wasn’t just some footballers wife and she certainly wasn’t cut from the same cloth. She’d always been artistic, read avidly and had some minor celebrity of her own with a photography book her own nude portraits. Her unabashed adoration of herself was refreshing and the sparkling personality that came with it was a delight. She was swiftly making her name for herself as the nations alternative sweetheart but it all came to head one very particular night.
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BeenJLuv 2 years
Fun story! Wish I was dating Kira 😉
Degek2001 2 years
Please go on. I like your story.
Baron 2 years
Keep going