Camille gets fat

chapter 2

Caroline went to her bedroom; she was nearly in tears, thinking of how fat Camille was now. She thought, “God, what was Mom thinking, she must have fed her thousands of calories to get her this fat”. Caroline dialed her mom’s phone. “Hello dear”, said Angela, “Did our little princess get home alright?” “Oh my God, mom what did you do to her? I sent a slim, petite young woman to stay with you and I get an obese, waddling daughter back! What were you thinking?” “Caroline, you know I don’t like skinny young women and men. Camille was so skinny, I had to put some weight on her.” “Mom, she’s obese, she’s so fat now, and she has trouble just walking! That’s not “some weight”. “Oh nonsense, she’s just a little chubby that’s all.” “Mom she not a little chubby, she’s obese! She can barely walk or go upstairs!” “Calm down dear, Camille is very happy that she has put on weight. She’s so cute with her round belly and her round bottom.”

Caroline thought, “This isn’t going anywhere.” She said, “Mom, have you gained weight?” “Oh just a little weight dear, you know, just about twenty pounds or so.” “Mom twenty pounds is a lot of weight.” “Oh, it’s fine dear.” Angela was sitting in her favorite chair, her hand resting on her sixty five in belly. She had just finished two medium pizzas with a third in the oven. “You and Camille should come and visit me dear, I’d love to see you both.” Angela was thinking, “So I can fatten you up too.” “I’ll see what I can do about my vacation schedule Mom, Good night.” Caroline hung up. Caroline was thinking, “She must be huge with twenty more pounds on her. She was large when I saw her last fall.”

Camille lay in her bed playing with her fat. She was thinking of her two best friends in high school, Nat and Davy. Davy was pretty fat, Nat was just a little heavy, but not much. Nat was going to his grandmother’s house too for the summer. Camille knew that Nat’s grandmother was fat too. She had kidded him about both of them getting fat at their respective grandmothers over the summer. Now Camille was hoping that Nat did get fat and Davy’s mom didn’t put him on a diet.

The next morning Caroline tried to control Camille’s appetite, but it just devolved into an argument over her daughter’s weight. She gave in and let Camille eat whatever she wanted and how much she wanted. Mom was beginning to become resigned to the fact that she now had a fat daughter.

Caroline and Camille went to Walmart to get Camille some school clothes, new underwear, sweat pants and t-shirts. They argued over bikinis or briefs, finally compromising and getting packages of both. They did pick out some larger bras too. Mom thought that Camille should wear dresses, hoping to hide how fat she was now. Camille liked sweat pants, which she couldn’t wear to school and stretch pants. Mom thought stretch pants to revealing of her daughters now fat body. But Camille convinced her that stretch pants would be fine. (Camille couldn’t weight to show off her fat body.)

Camille got hungry and Walmart and Caroline bought her a couple of hot dogs, small fries and a diet soft drink. She ate everything, but still hungry, but mom insisted that she had had enough.

On the weigh home, mom was chatting, “I saw Nat’s mom at the super market yesterday, she said that Nat had gained a lot of weight at his grandmother’s house.” Camille’s interest was perked, “Did she say how much weight, mom?” “Well she didn’t say, but she said he’s quite fat now.”

Camille tried on her new clothes when she got home. She put on the stretch pants over a new bikini panty and a tight t-shirt. Mom came in, “Camille, you need to wear a bra.” She took off the t-shirt and put on one of the bras. “Mom this isn’t very comfortable.” Mom sighed, “You were the one who let yourself go and get fat, now you have bigger boobs, so get over it.” Camille did like how the bra straps were cutting into the fat under her arms.

Camille was hungry again (really she was always hungry), but mom controlled the kitchen. She called her grandma. “Hello Camille dearest how are?” “Grandma, I’m hungry and mom doesn’t let me eat like you did,” pouted Camille. “Let me think for a moment. I know, I’ll give you my PayPal account number and password and you can buy all the treats you want to eat.” “Oh grandma that’s awesome.” Camille drove over to the closest convenience store and loaded up on fattening treats and snacks. She carefully tucked away her stash so her mom wouldn’t find it.

She snacked watched TV, used the computer or her cell texting, she couldn’t weight to see Nat and Davy at school next week. She was hoping the Nat had gotten really, really fat like she had.

Caroline and Camille were having lunch. Caroline only let Camille have one sandwich, some chips and skim milk. “Mom, I’m still so hungry, can I some more to eat, please, please?” Caroline, gently poked her daughter’s bulging tummy, “Camille, tell me how grandma got you to eat so much you got this fat. Did she force you to overeat? Did she feed you?” “If I tell you mom, will you let me have more to eat?” “Okay, deal, so tell how you ate so much to get this fat.”

“When I got to grandma’s she started crying that I was so skinny. She said to take off my dress and put on a t-shirt over my bikini and bra. She made me a huge lunch with four peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips and a big glass of milk. When I finished, my tummy was sticking out and grandma patted me and gave me a whole plateful of cookies and more milk. She said I could eat whatever I wanted and all I wanted too. She said I shouldn’t run or walk too much, just sit and eat treats all day. I had ice cream and cake anytime I wanted. She made cookies fudge and candy for me. There were bowls of candies, nuts and cookies in every room. Grandma said I should have something to eat all the time, she said just snack and nibble between meals. We ate six meals a day with all my favorites. Grandma said I should eat until I was really, really full and then try to eat just a little more at every meal. I could eat as much as grandma before I came home.”

Caroline sat back in her chair looking at her obese, fat daughter. She thought, “There is no way I’m going to get her to diet off all this fat, I might as well let her be happy.” “Camille dear, how many sandwiches do you want, dear?” Camille giggled, patting her belly, “Mom, can I have five more please?” Caroline watched in awe as Camille hammered down all the sandwiches, plus cookies and four glasses of milk.
Camille waddled into the family room and planted herself on the couch and watched television for a while and then logged onto the computer. She surfed some weight gain sites getting a little turned on. She snuck up to her bedroom and stash of fattening treats she had bought with grandma’s PayPal account and did a mini gorge. She patted her bulging belly, thinking about her two friends Nat and Davy. She really hoped Nat had gained weight staying with his grandmother, she really wanted to see the guys before school started.

“Camille, dear, dinner is ready.” She patted her belly making it jiggle, “Coming Mom”. Caroline had laid out a nice dinner, with macaroni and cheese and some hot dogs. “Oh Mom thanks, this is one of my favorites.” Caroline just sighed watching her now obese daughter stuff herself.

Camille finished in record time, “Mom, may I use the car? I want to go see Nat and Davy.” “Yes you may dear.” Camille waddled to her room and pulled on a pair of stretch pants and a t-shirt that hugged her belly and modest boobs. She left to go see Nat and Davy. “Bye mom, I’ll be home in a little while.”
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Annabel 2 years
20 minutes to eat a big Mac fries and a sundae? It'd be bloody cold by the time she got to the ice cream.
Fanedfox 2 years
Good point!