Bulking with coach

chapter 6: a nourishing buffet

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Another session with coach was over. Breathing heavily, I got up to get dressed before we would grab some grub.

Nowadays, coach didn't make me put to much strain on my body. Our workouts basically just consisted of some stretching and 20 minutes of weight lifting. Not that I cared much about that aspect anymore.

It's been three months since we started our sessions and during the last weigh-in, I had tipped the scales at 98.7 kg. Three of those kilos had been added in the last month alone.

I was not the only one who was heavier, Mr Kerman as always stepped on himself, and he now had 122.7 kg to call his own.

"Looks like your eating habits are rubbing off on me" We both chuckled at that.

Back to the present, Coach and I were driving off to our favorite place to go, a chinese all-you-can-eat buffet located more in the middle of town. I have no idea how they weren't going out of business, with the prices they had and how good the food was, making you always want to go for one more plate.

When we arived, coach and I both exited his car. He was wearing sweatpants, but also a casual t-shirt that was tucked in, which was clearly struggling to fit around the entirety of his rounded tummy.

I looked down to a similar sight. The t-shirt I was wearing also fit snugly around the growing roll of fat that was my belly.

Inside the restaurant was decorous. The seating area overlooked the circular buffet area. Everything was colored red or black.

After our meal was paid for, coach and I both grabbed a plate and made our way to the food. We both helped ourselves to generous portions of our favorite items and found a table in a corner to plop down.

Despite lunch being only an hour ago, we both dug in greedily, leaving only a little room for some small talk. As we tend to, Mr Kerman and I raced to finish our serving first and go for seconds. As always, he beat me. The man has the apetite of a horse. Or he could eat a horse? I'm not sure. Whatever the case, I wasn't far behind to fill up again. This time trying out some options I was less familiar with.

Throughout the next half hour, me and coach ate like pigs, standing up to refill our plates every few minutes. Everytime I was starting to feel full, I'd look at coach stuffing his face and knew I could also continue.

Coach was the first to slow down, breathing slowly and shuffling in his seat to feel more comfortable. He took a big swig of his beer, which caused him to let out a loud burp.
"Oompf, that was good" He accompanied those words with a pat on his gut, letting out a second, albeit smaller, burp.

I agreed. Although, eating together like this was always good. The amount of food I could put away in coach's presence. The amount he put away in mine.

That was just one of our many culinary escapades.
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Bigboyproject 2 years
Awesome story, thanks for putting in the time and effort to write it!
J_frederick 2 years
This is a great story! It's like vanilla gaining, daddy - son role play...I love it. Good job. I'd love that to happen to mesmiley
Sir Doge 2 years
thanks! It was a fantasy of mine that I decided to write down. glad people enjoy it.
Bhfjbjhdwhb 2 years
thank you for this masterpiece, I always dreaming about be feed by my teacher ^^ I can't wait to read the next stories
Sir Doge 2 years
yeah I was always searching for coach/student stories but couldnt find what I wanted so I made like thanos and did it myself
Bbman30 2 years
Great story, now that it’s finished it’s time to read it again hehe
Italiansuper... 2 years
I absolutely love this story as well as your others. I sure hope there will be more as he eventually surpasses coach’s size.
Sir Doge 2 years
you guys are too nice
Sir Doge 2 years
ok so coach's full name is bull kerman (bulkerman) and I completely forgot that he did in fact mention his first name in chapter 2 and have just been calling him coach ever since.
Nibler 2 years
3 more great chapters, simply superb writing dude, really great work, i love the delicate blossoming of the relationship with there burgeoning builds smiley awesome
Wedgienerd92 2 years
Thank you so much for the many updates! I’m loving this progress, if only I could have a coach to help me gain this quickly
Nibler 2 years
agreed every aspiring fattening man could do with a coach like this smiley great chapters keep up the awesome work smiley
Sir Doge 2 years
Thanks a lot for the kind comments! I probably wouldn't've continued writing if it weren't for you.
Nibler 2 years
its a wonderful story the stuff gaining dreams, i love that they are both just enjoying food and growing together the camaraderie is wonderful and i look forward to each installment smiley it's awesome
Nibler 2 years
great story , i like the build up it is developing physically and metaphorically beauiftully written looking forward to the next and installment and seeing it grow out smiley great work
Wedgienerd92 2 years
Absolutely starving for the next part 😋
Wedgienerd92 2 years
I’m in love with this and you’ve always been my favorite writer, you have a committed reader here 😌 💯
Sir Doge 2 years
there's no issue with it becoming more sexual, I just want it to happen in a natural way, with both of them wanting it.
Italiansuper... 2 years
I loved it. Can’t wait to see more. I don’t see any issue with it developing more sexual down the line or coach getting too carried away with bulking him up