Seth and uncle andrew - largetwink

chapter 4 to 7 (epilogue)

PART FOUR - The Celebration

1 day later
After work

Seth makes his way to the house and as he enters the door, he sees Andy and asks, “What time are we leaving?” Andy responds “latest 5:30. I need to do photoshoots and also I want to pre-game before the party.” He gives Seth a shot glass filled with liquor and adds “Shottie Boy!”
The two skull down their shots and get ready.
Seth makes his way to the bathroom to the shower. While Andrew makes his way to the study to grab the two’s approved clothes for the night, invitation and paperwork and places it in a small table by the front door.

Andy returns to his bedroom and en-suite to take a shower. Then as he gets out, he realises that his clothes are at the front door. He unwraps his towel around his stomach and puts on his ever so tight underwear and makes his way to the foyer to get the two’s clothes.
Andrew goes to the foyer downstairs and grabs the two men’s clothes for the night and yells to Seth “I’ve got your clothes Seth.” Seth replying “Thanks, I was looking everywhere for them. Andy making his way up the stairs to Seth’s room opening the door to see Seth with a beer in one hand and in his tight underwear. Replying “Thanks mate.” Andy came over gave him the hooked clothes and grabs a sip of his cold beer and gives it back to Seth.

Andy noting “I thought I was the only one gaining weight.” Tapping his small but, now noticeable stomach. Seth replies as he is rubbing his stomach “14 lbs since moving to New York. You?” Andy replying “19 and a half pounds since you moved in.”

They both look at each other while rubbing their own stomachs. Andrew grabs the beer once more and chugs it empty and replies “You don’t know how to pre-game dude.” With Seth replying, “I am the designated driver remember.”

Andy replying, “Get us a cab.” Then Seth makes his way to the study to crack open a beer to catch up to his uncle.

The night goes by instantly.
Two see the car all painted and finished in logos and numbers. Seth drinking and Andy getting his interview. Then the two head to the party.

While at their mechanic team’s table.
Andy proposed an eating and drinking contest most drinks wins and most food eaten at the party’s buffet wins.
The 13 others weren’t really into it until Andy announced the prize.
Andy the prized reward was a brand-new car! Worth $175,000 and a lot of free stuff from luxury suitcases to a pair of TVs and an all-expenses paid cruise for a month from the company for an amazingly great job.

They all started at the same time.
The employees from largest to smallest in size (John, Mickey, Chris, Patrick, Julianne, Laurine and Lucas) along with some of their spouses join in.
Eating and Drinking together at first. Then people slowed down and stopped until the total 13 dropped to 3 which were to Andy, Seth and Chris.
All three of these men were not the biggest. As the largest Chris was a bit overweight and Seth and Chris were still pretty small compared to Chris let alone Mickey and John

Chris looking down at his stomach and then chugs a beer until {POP} his dress shirt button pops. He then states, “I knew it was going to happen too.” He chuckles a bit then stops due to his stomach pains. And then states, “I am done you too fight for it.”
Andy stating “Chris, I will give you a new shirt dude!”
Seth responds, “Then there were two.” Andy replies “You cannot catch me.” As he gets up to grab 2 bottles of beer and chugs them instantly. And responds “Try Kiddo” Andy rubbing his bloated stomach and sees as Seth grabs 4 bottles of beer and sits back down, unbuttons his pants and stands up and chugs.
One by one almost instantly. Until he finishes.
And Replies “I am so sorry Andy. You can have that car back. I am going my own way mate.”
Andy stands up and hugs Seth. Congrats. He fumbles in his pocket and gives his nephew the keys and informing him. “The cruise is only for one so hope you enjoy the Caribbean for 32 days and the swag is at home in the garage and the car will come the day after the cruise. “
Seth replying, “That’s why your car wasn’t in the garage.” Pointing his finger at the man and placing it on the man’s distended stomach. As that happens Andy’s dress shirt button pops off.

All 13 instantly laugh with Seth giving back the button that landed on his arm.

PART FIVE – The Winning
The Morning after

The two wakes up to see their mistakes and wins.
Seth looks down at his dress shirt used as a blanket and realises a button is missing. Which he didn’t remember.
He remembered Chris and Andy’s buttons popping off but, when did Seth’s?
Andy wakes up only in his underwear with a pizza slice on is distended stomach and sees Andy waking up and states “I can’t believe after all of that we ate MORE food.” Seth responding, “That’s how I lost that button.”
Andy responding “Yeah. Also where are my clothes?” with Seth responding “When we got home after the tacos you threw them out. You popped 2 shirt buttons, all of your suit buttons and your pant button. Shirt was from the buffet and Tacos. Pants was from beers to the tacos and, suit was from an entire pizza when you were cold.”
He looks and responds “nearly” Andy peels off the pizza slice and places it on the box on the ground.
Seth responds, “How did my clothes survive with 1 button off then?” Andy responding, “that popped when we had beers to tacos.” And because you didn’t have a jacket. You just took your shirt off.” He looks and responds

Andy replying “F**K, why did we do this?” Seth replied, “You had a big prize” Andy replying, “Congrats by the way.” Seth replying “Thanks. I just wanted to continue because we were hungry and celebrating the win.”

The two get cleaned up and after they’re done, they look at each other and Andy tells his nephew “Thanks for being an amazing mate.” Seth replying, “Thanks for being an amazing buddy.” The two hugs uncomfortably due to their bloated stretched out stomachs until both men hear {stomach rumbles}. They state almost in tandem “Sorry. That’s me”

Laughing instantly. Andy stating, “I didn’t want to look like a fat guy after eating and drinking a f**k ton and then being hungry again.” Seth replied, “Same dude, Same.”

Seth ordered a large amount of Mexican food and Andy got the cruise tickets and swag for Seth.

25 minutes later Andy comes through the front door with a large amount of swag and delivered food.

PART SIX – Cruising
The Monday Afternoon after the party and work

Seth grabs the last of his stuff into Andy’s ‘new’ car (Seth’s recently gifted car). Andy and Seth get in the car and make their way to the pier. Seth drinking a soft drink and Andy drinking a milkshake from the two’s last meal together for the next 32 days.

The two get stuck in traffic at the instant they hit the freeway. Andy asking Seth “So how was your last day of work for the next while?” Seth responding, “Weird but everyone was fine with it as my work was already completed for the next month ahead.” Andy adding “Really?” Seth responding “It’s June. Dude there’s no money as it’s the end of the financial year and, our clients plan their Holiday stuff in August. (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and 4th of July we already completed for the clients before their budgets tighten.”
Andy chuckles “Wow, I wish I’d have time like that. It’s always made this, fix this create this. People want it until the instant moment they need it.”

Andy looks at Seth’s shirt and asks, “That looks pretty big on you.” He responds “I want to have bigger clothes just in case I get in another competition for a cruise, car and swag. “Pointing at Seth’s items in leather bags and suitcases from luxury brands. The two men laugh at the premise of the last Friday night.

Andy adds “I gained 1 and a half pounds from that night and I STILL didn’t win.” Slapping his stomach with Seth replying “I gained 2 point 1 pounds from that night. That’s why.” He slapped his stomach harder, and the two men continue laughing with Andy adding “I am 22 pounds heavier now” and Seth responding “I am 24 pounds heavier”

Now the two men are laughing at their misfortunes and results of their gluttony.
All the way to the pier.

Seth and Andy get out of the car and Seth grabs his stuff from the back seats. But Andy goes to the boot of the sedan and opens it to grab his own stuff.

Andy replies “I wanted us to match. I realised that night that I haven’t had a vacation for 3 years now and I have only taken 4 days off in 10 years. 3 of those for doctor’s appointments and that day-off with you buddy.”

Andy Continues “I have worked on Christmases, New Years’, My Birthday and every other holiday in-between.” Seth replying, “Thank god I don’t have to be alone.” The two hugs. Their stomachs meet and they laugh. Talking about what they’d do and what the large men would eat and do over the month.

PART SEVEN – The Epilogue

Christmas Eve
In Valleyridge, Montana

Andy exits out his younger brother’s SUV. Now with a full beard which eternally had food trapped in it. It perfectly matched his now much larger gut which was a direct result of the 70 or 80 pounds gained ever since Seth moved in 8 months ago. His torso which was flat and fat-free to a large bulbous, rotund gut that jiggled with every move on his much larger frame.

Then Seth exits out of his father’s SUV. He has a thick beard but, not as thick as his uncle’s. It cannot keep food like Andy’s but, it is nearly there. His gut is smaller than his uncle’s and his large gut which was a direct result of the 50 or 60 pounds gained ever since he graduated. His chest went from a flat and muscular small frame to a large gut that’s a very stiff and circular
Seth grabs his and Andrew’s luggage, the same ones that Seth won, and Andy bought to match Seth’s from half a year ago.
Andrew opening the door for himself, his brother and, his nephew.

As the three walks in and place the luggage in Seth’s old bedroom they come to the living room. His dad hugs his much larger son and brother noting “Seth, I knew at one point you’d get along with your uncle Andrew.” He hugs his much larger but, younger brother “I am so amazed that you took care of my Seth.” He replies, “Thanks Frankie, for making him the best friend and nephew that anyone would want.”

Three hugs for a while until the front door opens. “Hey guys!” Seth races up to his mother “Mom!” giving just as big of a hug that he gave his father. Andy kisses his sister-in-law on her cheek saying “Great to see you, Tanya. Merry Christmas.”

Seth kisses his mum and says, “Merry Christmas mom.”

Hours go by
Seth’s sitting on his old bed looking at his achievements. Young Democrats, Debate Team, Young Entrepreneurs, Young American Business Award. With his acceptance letter hand signed by the dean and beside it his degree in Business specialising in Marketing.

With a photo of Seth holding the acceptance letter, one of Seth at graduation and one at his work at T.A.Y.I.C NYC Headquarters.

Seth looks at the now large man. “You have done a lot in a small amount of time.” Seth turns and sees a shirtless Andy looking at him. “You don’t realise when you are on the top. Then when you are there, you cannot see if you are on the right mountaintop.”

Seth replies “I am at the top of my department which is in the company that IS the top of the field.”
He shows the image “I am there. I love it.” He adds “I looked at my closet from Uni. As I gained weight, I sent my Uni clothes back here just in case I want to recreate these photos. Years later.” He informs Andy “I like everything about our life but, I like the fact that I look like that man.”
His chubby finger points at a man on his phone entering a town car.
“He was the man that I replaced, He retired so I could have his place.” He pointed at another image from 10 or so years ago where a young Seth is accepting one of many business awards in marketing or PR.
“He was one of my judges and he said if I was at least ½ the businessman I was back then he’d give me his job. He did 13 and a half years later.”
He adds “That’s when I knew I was at the top.” He turned to Andy
“I have gained a lot of weight and I love it. Because look at him. I now look like him, minus the grey hairs and the pair of wrinkles.”

Seth looks at Tony and Tony notes “You are like this because we are lazy after we put in all of our energy. We blow off steam like any other human. Some successful people use sex, drugs, alcohol and/or art. We use laziness.”
He rubs his large belly “This is showing that we are at the top and we have fun while doing it.”

Tony asks “Beer, Snacks and, Video Games?” Seth nearly rips off his pants and shirt with Andy taking off his sweatpants. The Larger man goes gets the snacks while the smaller large man gets the console set up.

Christmas Day
Seth and Andy wake up from their slumber. To see the table all set up and the tree filled with presents.

Tanya and Frank stand at the tree and point at the tree. Saying “presents”.

The 4 open up presents. Andy opens up his gift from Seth. It is an album of every car and client he has ever worked with. He hugs his large nephew and says “I’ll add to it Seth. Thanks for tracking it back.”
He sees pictures from what he thinks are 8 months ago to last week. Seeing a large and obvious and known change in his appearance and form but, something was off.
The cars didn’t match up until he realised something that took over 9 months to realise, he went back a month prior to Seth moving in and realised that he was already gaining weight.
The same shirts and pants were tighter by the time Seth moved in.
Seth replied “It was pretty easy except for a few loose ends. I actually completed it 2 cars ago.” Tony hugs his nephew then looks back at the cars and himself.

Seth opens his present from Tony and inside it is a card. Reading
[Dear Seth,
You know I am pretty bad at material gifts. So, I give this card to you as a token of our friendship, family and memories. So, in the box you will find a wrapper and a photo from our first meal together. Sandwiches at JFK, A photo of you passed out on the couch when I bought too much food. (I had to pee, and I saw your cute and growing tummy) A photo that Patrick took of all of us eating for the car and cruise, along with last night which your mom was kind enough to hopefully taking it while we got drunk and played a few video games.

I loved the 8 months we have spent together. I’d say let’s spend another 8 months but, that’s not enough time.

Merry Christmas from your favourite Uncle
Not your mom’s brother

The two large men hug as Seth looks at his images. He takes the three to his room. Placing them Infront of his past accomplishments. Tony following the man states “So, when will we re-create them?” Seth replies “in 4 months’ time.”

The two make their way back to the living room arms around each other’s large shoulders.

They make their way to the couch and sit watching TV.

The two large obese men end up in a slumber.
“Christmas Lunch is ready you sleepyheads!” The two get up and as they get up from Tanya and Frank. Adding “you have to eat lunch now, as it is going to get cold.”

The two get their pjs on and go to the dining room. They all sit around a large table for 10. The 4 of them. Seth and Andy on one side and Frank and Tanya on the other.
They all start eating and Frank asks “What happened on that cruise? Seth, I thought it was just you?” Seth informs his father on Tony’s decision to join him and notes
“We drank our body weight in beer dad. It was amazing.” Tony adding “We ate 4 times our body weight. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and, Dessert.” The brothers laughing with Seth adding “At least it was free! Or we’d owe A LOT OF MONEY.” The 4 laughing.
About 20 minutes in Tanya and Frank were full while the two large obese men were still starting.

45 minutes in the men finally start to slow down. Tanya comes around to see her son and brother-in-law still eating. “The person who eats the most doesn’t have to do any chores. And the other has to do ALL of the chores.” She yells “Frank stop what you are doing!”

Seth telling the larger man “It is ON Porky.”
Andy remarking “Bring it Fatty.”

The two gorge themselves silly as Tanya and Frank play Tony and Seth’s videogame while the two are in their act of competitive gluttony.
30 minutes after the start of the competition

All the food is gone, and all is left is soft drinks and beers.
One of the large men stands up and leaves the table to start the dishes.
The other one sits and rubs his large bloated hard and rotund stomach.
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