An alien concept

chapter 2 movies

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Milota and I have been steady for a couple weeks now. She definitely can pack a lot in, that’s for sure. It’s probably because she can shape shift to make her stomach larger. At least I hope. I’ve seen her with a food baby a couple times now. Tonight we’re just gunna watch a movie. I think I found a way to not only accept it but more importantly, get her to get her to enjoy being fat. Before doing so, I’ll find some cute fatties online for her to see. If I screw this up, it’s gunna be super awkward between us so I shouldn’t let that happen.


Ah shes here!

Milota: “hey Randal. What movie are we gunna watch?”

Me: “I’m alright with anything really. What do you wanna watch?”

Milota: “no clue. What do you like?”

Me: “old pre galactic revolution sci fi films I guess?”

Milota: “those are pretty fun. Although you humans had some pretty crazy imaginations for what aliens would be like haha”

Me: “ya especially the ones about taking over earth and stuff. But their pretty fun either way”

Milota: “well what’s on the menu then, dork?”

Me: “independence day, back to the future, and uhhh”

I was about to bring up “the thing” but I realized bringing up a film about a shapeshifting alien killing humans might not be a great plan to watch with my shapeshifting alien girlfriend.

Me: “just those 2”

I let her Milota inside. This was actually the first time she’s been to my place.

Milota: “wow you’ve got a pretty nice apartment. It’s so big too! I mean I just moved to earth recently and my planet wasn’t really built around currency so I had to start fresh.”

Me: “ya being an aviation technician right now is pretty lucrative.”

Milota: “oh you already got the movies out… the thing? You didn’t tell me you had that one? That’s a classic.”

Me: “well uhh because I forgot”

Milota: “did you think I’d be angry with you cuz it’s about a shape shifting alien life form?”

Me: “… maybe?”

Milota: “I’m not gunna be offended or angry with you over things like this. Besides being able to change the dimensions of my figure around a bunch of people who can’t is really cool.”

Me: “okay…”

Milota: “now cmon, we’re watching the thing!”

I put the disc inside the movie player we started watching it.

Midway through the film I had to go to the washroom. I paused the film

Me: “hey uhh I’ll be back in a minute, Milota”

Milota: “okay!”

Normally I’d play angry birds or something on the toilet but my phone isn’t in my pocket for some reason. So instead I’m left thinking… Milota really likes the thing so is she like a big film geek? Or is this like a history thing? I heard somewhere in the course adjusting aliens to human life, they have them watch some critically acclaimed alien films as a way to learn about humanity’s pre galactic revolution alien culture.

I came back and we kept watching the movie. Milota was wrapped in a blanket while I was next to her. As the film ended, we started cuddling. I got under the blanket and wrapped my arm around her torso to notice something…

She had a shape shifted herself to have a large fat belly…
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