Prison piggy

chapter 2

Shauna Kazyr fumed. Trapped in the walled-in section of a prison bus, face pressed against a plexiglass barrier, the late-twenties wanna-be writer squirmed. Someone like her wasn’t used to being in such a vulnerable position. Shauna’s hair was frizzy and stuck out in so many different directions it looked like someone had rubbed her head with a balloon. She hadn’t worn make up in weeks. Her wrists ached, she was cold, and felt like the world had betrayed her. Hands cuffed behind her back, she held onto the loose leaf paper that had been her only shred of joy in these last few miserable months.

“How’s our VIP feeling?” the lizard-faced prison bus driver asked, no trace of emotion crossing them as they stared out at the gravel road. Shauna rolled her eyes. It was clear the driver would have said it the same way if there were a dozen people in here or zero.

‘Speaking of…’ Shauna thought, glancing back at the empty passenger area. To make sure she wasn’t going crazy she examined every corner of the bus, as if expecting a dozen other similarly orange-suited women to jump out from under the benches screaming, ‘got you!’

“All this for a small-time tax evader?”

The bus driver coughed out a chuckle and pointed at the wall of barbed-wire fence that quickly approached.

“System is funny like that. North Bangor doesn’t get many new guests this late in the year. Odd. But, I do wish you the best. You seem like a sweet girl.”

Shauna nodded and tried to stay cool as the bus entered the prison’s perimeter. Those fences parted for the bus and shut, and just like that Shauna Kazyr’s nightmare was fully realized. She wasn't talking to lawyers anymore, not pleading to a judge. She was a prisoner now, and would be for five years. A maximum sentence for tax-evasion in the state of California. Even worse, due to overcrowding she had been hauled thousands of miles across the country to rot in this icy hell. Shauna already felt the cold leak into her bones on the ride up. She was far too skinny for this place. Stepping into the courtyard, the bone chilling late November air nearly made her keel over in shock.

‘Why couldn’t that little porker just keep his mouth shut?’ Shauna lamented, using all her willpower to force her trembling legs forward. Despite everything, she had herself a small chuckle. ‘Barnie never was any good at that. I should have made sure it was too full of food for any words to get out.’

Shauna pictured her last pet, maybe the last one she would ever properly grow. Barnold Pane, though everyone called him Barnie. He was so cute, and so small when he had first contacted her. Already swelling up then, the pig-in-waiting had nervously told her how a teasing encounter with a nurse during his annual checkup had led to him realizing weight gain turned him on, and worse, he was no longer able to stop. Shauna knew from the beginning she had a real hog with potential to play with, and even better, it was her roommate! A coincidence that by plot standards was incredibly cheesy, but that didn’t stop Shauna from enjoying every added pound.

Each day Barnie would message Shauna, or Zykar as she called herself online. Grin plastered to her slight pale face, Shauna would masturbate to the gluttonous sounds coming from Barnie’s room, knowing full well what she was doing to him. He’d leave his pen a bit fatter every single day. Shauna, and her inherited wealth, made sure of that. Barnie blimped up over a hundred pounds before Shuana had called off the ruse. Shauna watched rapt as the stick-legged athlete had grown a gut, then moobs. Barnie tore through underwear and popped buttons; each new pound thickened his limbs, padded his rear, pooled into a jiggling double chin under his jaw.

And that was before Shauna really took control. Once the wool was pulled from his eyes she personally stuffed him every night, grew him to her satisfaction. Barnie went from fat guy to a morbidly obese one faster than Shauna had hoped. His gut widened into a massive spare tire pushing out his arms, his thighs touched down to his knees, his cheeks were so full they were starting to make him squint. Everyday tasks began to get tough for the lard bag, which only turned Shauna on more. His weight had blown past 400, and was closing in on 450 when… it happened. Shauna gritted her teeth and felt heat rising to her face as the memory threatened to surface. With how cold it was, she’d take any bit of warmth she could get. It also shifted her attention forward, where a cocky, victorious grin awaited her at the center of the cement courtyard. A face so angled and bony the resemblance to a vulture was near comical, a lone spindly woman stood surrounded by meaty, brainless lunks of men, the blocky walls of the prison casting a shadow over all.

“This is it?” one guard hollered.

“One measly perp?”

“Virginia had us suit up for this?”

A cacophony of boos, jeers, and spit swirled around Shauna. Her eyes went blank, lips pulled to a line. She wasn’t there, not mentally, fleeing inward to avoid the pain.

‘Just get through this. Get to the next scene. The next-’

Shauna’s eyes bugged wide as the grinning woman drew near, crossing out from the shadows. She had to be over six feet tall.

“Name’s Virginia. Virginia Verdora, I’m the warden for this facility,” she stated in a well-practiced manner. Her voice was strong and clear. Legs as lanky and bony as the rest of her effortlessly carried the woman to Shauna at a clip above a normal power walk. Virginia leaned down to put her lips to Shauna’s ear, the grin that perched there hardly parting.

“I’m going to have a lot of fun with you,” she purred, light dancing in her eyes as she looked Shauna up and down. “I have to say I expected you to be a little thicker after all your… experiences. Must have some willpower, though that’s not a problem.”

Shauna’s mouth went to an ‘O’ as the warden’s bony grip found her rear.

‘Experiences? Could she possibly mean…’ Shauna thought of all the men she had filled with fat over the years, their bodies going round and wide and stretchmarked. ‘There's no way, how could the warden, let alone anyone know about that?’ Shauna yelped as Virginia pinched Shaun’s pert ass.

No, Shauna had never succumbed to gaining like most feeders did, and had no plans to change that. That she could work out in prison had been the only positive she saw about this situation. Maybe she could rock a butch look when she got out, find some girls to plump up. But right now, shock numbing her, Shauna couldn’t even muster up a whimper.

“Relax, we don’t need to rush anything yet,” Virginia cooed, turning back to the row of brutes that still grumbled behind her.

“Lex! Get this one to her quarters, then to my office when she’s set up. Everyone else, move out.”

Shauna felt a tap to her shoulder and saw brown skin on her peripheral. A short, fairly stout man in his early thirties stared at the ground, motioning to the maw of the facility entrance at the head of the yard.

“Let’s go, miss. Virginia demands punctuality. Turn around now, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Shauna nodded, preparing herself for this new horrid chapter in her life. She spun, presenting the guard with her bound wrists, clutching the paper in her palms, hoping beyond hope that-

“Somehow you have a private room, I’d say you’re actually pretty lucky. But-” The guard coughed, the pitch in his voice deepening. “Open your hands, miss. No contraband allowed.”

Shauna’s eyes bugged open. This latest affront was enough to wrestle herself out of the cool she had covered herself in. The paper, the words, it was the only thing she had left. Shauna’s cheeks burned.

“Look, please, it’s just some paper. I’m not-”

Strong hands uncurled Shauna’s fingers. She was no match for this brick of a human. The crumpled up wad fell away, and Shauna felt a part of herself shatter. The guard, Lex, seemed to notice the change.

“I’ll go through these. If nothing gets flagged we can return-”

“Don’t,” Shauna uttered, with enough venom to kill a horse. The guards' brows shot skyward.


“I’d rather you eat them then read a single sentence.”

Shauna kicked herself forward, walking toward the entryway, where nothing but the shadows waited. Guards shuffled inward, grumbling and hooting at her as she passed by. Lex stood mouth slack for a moment before stumbling behind in a lockstep. She wouldn’t have guessed it, but by the way he huffed the guard was in worse shape than she thought.

‘Probably bulking up to survive this damn cold…’ Shauna thought, ‘I don’t blame him. I might need to do something similar.’
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!