Prison piggy

chapter 11


“You’re going to get huge if you keep helping me out like this.”

Everything with Lex had gone smoothly until that innocent-sounding sentence slipped past Shauna’s lips. Weeks spent trapped feasting in her cell slid to months, with Lex being her only companion. He brought her meals, cleaned up after her, kept watch as she gorged. Being separated from the other prisoners sounded wonderful to Shauna at first, but it quickly became demoralizing. The loneliness was crushing. She could only stand to read so many of the beat-up books she was provided, oftentimes with entire chapters ripped out. Eating became a necessary distraction. Shauna realized quickly how easily food could become an emotional crutch. The only person she saw other than Lex was herself in the mirror, a reflection that looked more like a funhouse caricature than what she remembered looking like. Lex did his best to provide company, but he was a bit awkward, and they didn’t exactly have a lot in common. There was no one to commiserate with, no one on her side.

‘Well,’ Shauna thought, ‘maybe his waistline is inching closer to my side.’ She pursed her lips as Lex stretched his arms upward. As if to tease her, a slice of belly fat popped past his undershirt and rested on his belt, spilling over deliciously. Shauna’s mouth went dry. Time seemed to slow. Every tiny jiggle and shift of that glorious fat called to her like the world's most powerful aphrodisiac. Shauna savored these moments. She hadn’t seen proper man flab in a long time. And this wasn’t the typical husky muscled guard that thudded around the prison. Lex’s middle looked positively doughy! He did the same stretch before leaving after every meal, but this development was new. Lex’s abused undershirt had stayed tucked steadfastly until now, but today the growing wave of blubber had been too much. It pooched out as his arms reached their apex, sending a ripple along the soft ring wrapped around his middle. It also sent a fiery pulse through Shauna, one she recognized well. Her lips crawled to a mischievous smile before Lex looked back down.

‘Looks like all the help he’s given me has started to stick,’ Shauna thought, the thrill of inadvertently fattening someone again a respite among the deluge of forced feedings and bloat. Lex had a nice round tum, one she oddly felt she had seen before. Though, she had fattened up quite a few men over the years. And looking down, it did feel like some of the added flesh pushing out Lex’s belly should be residing on her own frame.

‘Well, he is quite the eater.’

Since that fateful day where Lex had finished the last of the donuts forced on her, he had given that same ‘help’ with every meal. Surprise dessert from the warden? Lex gobbled it down with a smile. Belly too tight from a heavy dairy bloat? Lex would give rubs and practically vacuum up any remaining crumbs to help Shauna avoid punishment. Shauna was still eating the majority of the fattening fare and growing as a result, but as the days added up, and the size of her meals increased, Lex took on more. It had all been incredibly sweet, sometimes literally, and while Shauna thought it was cute he was helping her out over some obvious crush, damage was being done.

‘All that new fat. It has to be at least twenty pounds now. Doesn’t he notice? What could he be thinking?’ That first belly sighting was a treat, but in truth the signs had been coming for weeks now. First were how tight his slacks got around his thighs. Shauna thought she was just imagining it. Her mind had been playing tricks on her, the nightmares where she swelled huge being just the start, so it wouldn’t have surprised her if her horny mind had just imagined it. But each day they pulled tighter, steps sending increasingly significant jiggles through him. Now, they looked like they were painted on. Every step sent those hams wobbling violently, his widening ass no longer spared the padding. What Shauna would do to see those pants split, his two jiggling mounds of freshly fattened flab presented to her. Shauna blinked hard, returning to herself, noting a heat in her cheeks.

‘He’s just being nice, he clearly has the hots for me.’

At least, that was what Shauna had assumed. The other possibilities hadn’t occurred until the words had been spoken.

“You’re going to get big if you keep helping me out like this.”

It was like Lex was struck with a cattle prod. A spasm shook his arms, which now stood frozen above his head. He was locked in place next to the table Shauna ate from, and she would later note it was a great seat for his performance. Lex didn’t respond, as if frozen in time. Shauna figured he hadn’t heard her. Or worse, she had offended him. Shauna often forgot that pointing out weight gain to non-piggies was met with annoyance at best, anger at worst.

“Lex?” she said, giving the roll on display a poke, “you hear me?”

What could only be described as a half-grunt, half-moan shuttered past Lex’s lips. His hips bucked, and an unmistakable hardness creased the guards pants, the overly tight item of clothing leaving nothing to the imagination. Shauna thought she was just beginning to see wetness spread when Lex abruptly turned.

“Uh yea! Been nice of you to let me have some. It’s just so good, I feel bad for taking it.”

Shauna cocked a brow. That lame excuse was clearly a lie. But why was he acting like he had seen a ghost?

“Well, bye!”

Lex shuffled from the room with a hand covering his crotch, and a perplexed expression on his sweaty face. Shauna pursed her lips, going over the reaction. The way he reacted to her words, that shudder, how he froze, the damp spot in his crotch. It was like he had been whipped, or…

‘Could it be…?’ she wondered. Lex had clearly gotten hard from what she had said, but why? Telling someone they were getting fat was the opposite of arousing for most people, let alone whatever that had been.

‘Most people…’ Shauna thought, her devious mind already grabbing at data points in her mind. Connecting dots. She leaned back on her cot, the creaks from the rusted bed frame growing loud. A sliver of a grin broke past her perplexed exterior, which widened just as she had over the last couple months.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!