Prison piggy

chapter 12

Elbows on her desk, head resting on laced fingers, Warden Virginia Verdora looked at guard Jamal Lexington and stifled a snort. The way he stood at attention for her, like nothing at all had happened to his body over the last three months. Jamal stood as if his paunch wasn’t peeking out between the buttons of his uniform, which looked like they were threatening to pop off if he took too deep a breath. His shirt didn’t even make it low enough to be tucked, a cheeky black undershirt added to imitate a more respectable appearance. His legs had thickened considerably and paired with his bulbous ass Lex’s lower body looked like a series of overstuffed sausages. If those changes were not obvious enough, the fat caked his arms, face, and neck, it was obvious he had added at least forty pounds of fat to his once sturdy frame.

‘Lex never was close to thin, but he’s never been a lard bag like this. He is clearly uncomfortable. So why doesn’t he ask for a size up?’ The thought, and the possibilities that it led her curiosity abounded. It wasn’t as if Virginia didn’t enjoy this recent development. Her lust normally tilted to the female variety but any kind of rapid expansion like this allied to her. The shifting bulk, the changes in gait and appearance, how much weaker he was buried and made cumbersome. Virginia pictured the guard guzzling down thousands of excess calories a day. Lex’s gluttony had to have been that severe, likely more so to have such a change in this short of time. Virginia felt her breath quicken, almost licking her lips as a mental image of Lex’s clothes tearing free burned.

“Anything else Maam?”

Virginia blinked. She had been silent for close to thirty seconds, far past the universally used seven second emphasis break she employed. Lex was nervous, squirming now. If anything, that only deepened her lust.

“Yes,” Virginia barked, reasserting her authority, “I’m going to up the pig’s intake again. She’s not proceeding as quickly as I’d like.”

That at least was true. After Shauna’s splendid nineteen pound gain in her first month, the numbers had taken a sad downward tune. Month two only added fifteen more pounds, month three ten, and this last month only eight! Virginia had planned for stretch marks, rolls and cellulite, not a pleasant curvy onlyfans type body. By some cruel twist of fate, Shauna only looked sexier with her wide pear shaped hips and swelling breasts. Virginia knew after Shauna reached her previous max weight there would be some kind of plateau, but each week her food intake had been increased, she was putting down a minimum of six thousand calories a day.

“Are you sure Ma'am? The program is already using a significant amount of the budget. Corporate will get suspicious. Can we-”

“We can, and we will. I don’t appreciate questions from subordinates, Mr.Lexington.”

Lex went dark in the face and stared at the ground. Despite her bad mood, Virginia enjoyed how pronounced his double chin was getting.

“Apologies, Maam!”

Lex stood at attention, wobbling the fleshy front of his paunch. Virginia furrowed her brows, something was off here. Even with a plateau, there was no way Shauna could have escaped with a meager eight gained pounds in month four. Virginia’s eyes stared off in the distance, where Lex shifted awkwardly, his belly bouncing just slightly. Her eyes shot open for an instant before regaining their cool, a lightbulb flickering on in the warden's brain. She looked Lex up and down once, then again. The guard was unnerved, uncomfortable in his own skin. Virginia smiled.

“Off you go Lex, I’m sure your friend will be thrilled.”

Lex tried to not let the new weight affect his gait, but Virginia head the guards thighs rubbing together as he shuffled out of the room. She spun, facing the wall.

‘Well,’ she thought, ‘he is right about one thing. If this keeps up much longer, corporate will be forced to audit the budget. Still, I think we have enough wriggle room for one last facility maintenance…’
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!