Prison piggy

chapter 13


“Oof, Lexy. I’m just soo stuffed. Could you…?”

Shauna looked up at her increasingly corpulent guard companion and smiled. She may have looked innocent, what with her wide eyes and fingers laced over a round stuffed belly, but she was feeling as wicked as she had ever been. A needed change from these last months of servitude. Lex shifted his considerable weight from one foot to the other, a conflicted look on his face.

‘C’mon piggy,’ Shauna thought, ‘get that mouth moving, like you have so well this year.’

The near-arctic colds of Maine winter had finally begun to thaw by the time April rolled around. And by the look of both Shauna and Lex’s bellies, they’d be rolled down the halls before long. She wondered how massive she would be right now if Lex wasn’t here. As the meals got bigger Shauna found Lex would take on all the extra. Weeks went by, and the warden continued to push more on them. Lex ended up eating more than half of what was presented. As a result, his weight had exploded.

Shanua kept tabs on her guard friend, it wasn’t like she had much else to do. She noted outgrown items of clothing, the amount of food eaten, how many days this went on for. Five months now of pure gluttony. It didn’t come close to matching the pages of statistics and measurements Shauna had kept on her past pigs, but the game was the same. And it was thrilling.

Every day Lex looked softer, rounder, smiling obliviously through it all. Shauna had felt guilty at first but lust had long since taken control. She wanted him bigger, weaker, fattened up as much as she could push him. Months of deprivation from her feeding empire had left quite the drive built up. Each change Lex exhibited, be it noticing his double chin no longer flattened when he looked up, or a new jiggle in his arms, a small change on how he walked or folded his arms over his belly, was driving Shauna up the walls. As much as the relationship warded against it, Lex and her had developed an odd accord over the months. Shauna didn’t know if it was friendship, but she knew she wanted him. The day she knew she could get him as fat as she wanted sealed it.


“Need a belly rub?” Lex had inquired mid-way through March.

Shauna, sunk deep in her abused cell cot, smiling. With each passing day she felt less like a prisoner, and more like a princess. After stuffing herself day in and out for this long, her stomach capacity approached that of the pigs she used to pride herself in ruining. With nothing else to do, she had embraced the life of a glutton. She ate and drank laid out on her cot, allowing Lex to ferry her food and take care of all her needs. In an ironic twist, Shauna did see the appeal of being a pig once you got used to it. When she got out of here she would rid herself of this weight and appetite, that she was sure, but for now she didn’t mind the pampering. Besides, at least she wasn't the only pig in this pen.

“Sure, Lexy!” Shauna cooed, giving her paunch a pat, “those last dozen donuts were really heavy.” Shauna narrowed her eyes, drinking in Lex’s expression. A shy smile spread into his chubby cheeks. He obviously relished any contact he had with her. In the last few weeks he had looked particularly plump. He was eating as much as she was these days, there was plenty to go around, and as a result his uniform looked increasingly ridiculous. Each step he needed to tug his shirt down, and she had no idea how he managed to get his blubbery thighs into his pants.

Lex shuffled over, greedily reaching for Shauna’s belly. He leaned over just the slightest bit when an unmistakable sound echoed around the cell. Straining, tension. Shauna knew his seams were at the breaking point. She still wasn’t sure why he was destroying his figure like this, but at this point she didn’t care. Shauna wanted a show.

“Uh- Lexy. I have an embarrassing favor to ask. Nothing major.”

Lex bolted up, eyes at attention.


‘Gosh he’s eager,’ Shauna thought, ‘he even behaves like my old pigs.’

Shauna pointed to a notebook on the floor. One she had strategically positioned. It was difficult to keep from grinning.

“Could you grab my writing book? I’ve just been so bloated. Hard to bend like this, you know?”

Lex nodded but Shauna saw the blood drop from his face. The mental calculations ran over him.

“S… sure thing.”

Lex turned and pulled at his pants, but they were too snug to give any leeway. He turned back sheepishly, where an encouraging smile lay on Shauna’s face.

‘C’mon pig. Let’s see how fat you’ve really gotten.’

Lex arched his back and bent in a way that was clearly meant to put as little strain on his abused pants as he could. His wide ass was perfectly positioned for Shauna to stare at. Groaning sounds of seams pushed to their limit filled the room, they were screaming, holding back an impossible load. Inch by inch Lex eased his way down, until a crack shot out.


Lex found he could easily reach the notebook now. He saw the black button of his pants rolling on the ground.

‘If it’s only that I can shake it off,’ he thought, until he felt a cool breeze touch his backside. Hands shaking, he reached back, his new fat almost not allowing him to get back that far. Horror growing within him, he felt bare warm flesh. He traced it down, not daring to breathe.

“Heh, you have a great ass if I do say so myself.”

Lex’s mouth dropped open. He felt a massive rip not just in his pants, but underwear too. The seam had split down to his crotch, his balls and taint were on display!

‘I’m going to get sued!’

Lex Spun back stammering, but found a highly amused Shauna giggling at him.

“Don’t think this means you're gonna stop helping me eat,” she said, playfully but tinged with command. It took everything Lex had to not respond, ‘yes ma’am.’

“I like how it looks, really.”

Lex nodded stiffly and blushed. His face burned with embarrassment, but even worse was his throbbing erection that made his movements awkward. He shuffled back reaching for the door, all the while Shauna watched, that cocky grin not even attempting to be hidden.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!