Prison piggy

chapter 14


Lex sighed, pouting, though it was difficult to tell with his fattened cheeks if he was actually upset. He stared at the mac and cheese, hesitating. Shauna raised a brow, Lex hardly ever stopped once he began to eat. She wondered if he could actually get full anymore. It had been nearly a week since his pants exploded, and their meals had been tinged with awkwardness since. Lex still ate with abandon and had gotten a new uniform so large it was baggy, yet he was more clinical, not daring to look her in the eyes. Shauna was about to bring it up when he opened his mouth. Except this time, food wasn't being shoved in.

“Look, Shauna. I need to tell you something.”

Shauna blinked once, then again. The serious tone in his voice, how he stared at the floor. All this over some outgrown clothing?

“Oh no, did I get you in trouble or something? I knew the warden would catch on that your helping me, I mean… look at you. Not that it’s bad!”

Lex winced and shrank back, his cheeks flushing. He cursed his cock and shook his head.

‘How can she be worried about me?’ he thought.

“No that’s not it, but I might explode if i don't get this off my chest.”

Shauna grinned mischievously.

“Your pants did that well enough-” her barb was cut off by how sincere Lex looked. Her face dropped.

“Sorry, go on.”

Shauna leaned back in her cot, the creaks beginning to concern her.

“So, firstly. I do know that the warden is trying to make you fat.”

“Well I’m glad you're not a total idiot,” Shauna chuckled, “what gave it away? The mountains of food she's forcing on me, or the fifty pounds I’ve gained?”

Cheeky grin on her face, Shauna arched her back and grabbed her rounded gut, shaking it. Lex’s face burned, he stammered for a few moments before regaining control.

“Hrm yes, well. Yea. On top of that, I have been trying to eat as much as I could to try and slow down your growth. The warden really wants to ruin you.”

Again, a smile came to Shauna’s face. She looked genuinely touched. Weeks of speculation had her wondering why Lex had allowed himself to balloon up at least as much as she had, likely more, but now that she knew for sure it seemed impossibly sweet.

“You didn’t have to do that. You're up two uniform sizes, dude! Aren’t you concerned with your health or what other people will think? Look how chonky you are! I love it, but not everyone does.”

Lex’s eyes went wide, shooting downwards. It was a moment's admission, but the direction led Shauna to Lex’s crotch, where that same hardness from a few months ago resided under the baggy cloth. Shauna’s mind spun.


“I- I didn't do it for Shauna. I did this for… Zykar.”

Lex hid his face under his hands as he squeaked out his dirty secret. Boner tenting his pants, he had never felt more like an embarrassed horny teenager. Shauna stared at Lex with renewed perspective, jaw hanging on the floor. The dots connected themselves in her mind. The awkward way he acted around her when they first met, those random boners, the eating and weight gain, how gentle he was compared to every other guard.

“You knew? About… what I do?” A flash of horror flooded through Shauna. Was this guy only doing this out of pity or something? For a poor deviant freak? “Did Virginia tell you?” Shauna demanded, “did she tell everyone?”

Shauna was nearly shaking when Lex put his meaty hands on her shoulders.

“No! I only would have figured it out because I was- uh…”

Lex froze, hands halfway through pulling his shirt up. Shauna's eyes flashed. It felt impossible, but it had to be.

“Was one of my piggies?”

A warm smile parted Shauna’s lips as she palmed Lex’s generous paunch. Lex could only manage to take a few shallow breaths, it was like he was the one in prisoned here. Lightning coursed through him where she touched, he had ached for this moment for so long. Shauna got up from her cot and took the shirt the rest of the way. Lex nearly came when she flicked his puffy nipple.

“I thought I recognized this belly. Though, it seems to have expanded a bit,” she said coyly, patting the fleshy expanse before letting the shirt down.

“You disappeared.” Lex sounded hurt, “I got that belly just like you wanted, then-”

“I’m sorry. You have Barnie to blame for that. If I ever get out of here I’m gonna make that porker too fat to walk.”

Lex nodded.

“I don’t blame you at all. It’s just why I was… indulging like this. I saw how you were looking me over, how you noticed every change. It was just like one of your stories. I… I wanted to be the guard you fattened up, but there's something important we have to do now.”

“I did a good job,” Shauna crowed, ignoring him, “look at these!” she cupped Lex’s moobs and hefted them. They had to be at least a c-cup now, he had always gained easily up there. Lex had to swat Shauna away though his cock wanted nothing more than for her to play with them all night.

“I’m serious! It’s the warden. She’s getting suspicious. Your growth has slowed, even after increasing your intake every week.” Lex slapped his pendulous belly. Shauna nodded, figuring as much. Someone as cunning as Virginia would notice that her guard companion was rapidly swelling into a whale.

“We're going to need to do something.” Shauna said, though she knew one thing she’d need to get back to. Stuffing. Lex seemed to read her line of thought.

“I agree. I think I have a plan but…” a sheepish grin split Lex’s face. Shauna blushed, feeling out of the joke.

“But what?” Lex’s smile did not fade.

“How fat do you want me to get first?”

A wolfish grin split Shauna’s face.

“Very. I’m not nearly done with you, pig. Now, I’ll be the one dictating who eats what. Sit on that cot and open your mouth. We have work to do.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Lex cried obediently, no happier words had ever been sung. His wide bottom fell into the stretched fibers of the prison cot, but as he sank lower the creaks that turned to groans went to the sounds of crumpling metal. The cot crumpled under Lex like wet cardboard.

“Oof,” he groaned, rubbing his ass sprawled out on the floor. Shauna cackled.

“I really am good at my job.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!