Prison piggy

chapter 15


“Mmmf, another donut please!”

Shauna stuck out her chubby hand, beckoning for yet another tasty treat. Lex smiled and turned to the pack, a sly smirk splitting his cherubic features. The pack of donuts, mostly finished, stood on the table a mere foot away from Shauna’s outstretched arm. For most people it would be a simple shift and grab, but Shauna wasn’t looking like most people these days.

“I think you can go and grab one, c’mon, too fat already?”

Shauna’s eyes bolted wide for an instant before returning Lex’s mischievous look with one of her own. As if she had forgotten how big she’d grown as her nine month mark at Bangor Correctional drew near. She lunged herself forward once, then twice, her hand falling short of the plastic container by inches each time. Every thrust was anchored down by the globular belly that spilled out onto her queen size mattress, reinforced frame mercifully silent. By now, Shauna didn’t bother getting her jumpsuit over her hips, she couldn’t zip it, and she was already too hot with all the extra fat insulating her. August, once a favorite month, was unbearable. Her tits spilled over her bra that dug harshly in her softened sides. Shauna tried once more, the force rippling through her bulges, puffy face going red. Finally she fell back, fat all over her rippling.

“Um… I guess I am!”

Lex smiled brightly, grabbing two donuts from the pack. Well trained at this stage, Shauna opened her maw to await the treat. Lex shoved the honey glazed ball of dough all the way into Shauna’s greedy mouth, moaning as he shoved the other into his own. The two feedees shared a knowing, anxious look as they chewed, one stained with impossible hope.

After Lex revealed what he knew to Shauna in the spring, their plan was set into action. All the eating had been forced on them before, but now it was the very thing that would free them from this place, if everything went to plan. From her ‘plateau’ of only gaining eight pounds in a month, Shauna passed the 20 mark in each of the next three months. With summer near its end came 60 fresh pounds of new blubber, transforming Shauna’s curvy figure into that of a blob. The fat that accentuated her curves before spread mercilessly, sticking to her back, sides, face and neck, as well as padding out her thighs and middle. Tipping the scales at over 200, Shauna looked and felt like the obese woman she had been forced into becoming. And despite never admitting it out loud, a certain part of her loved each and every pound.

“Mmmmfff. So full…” Shauna mumbled, rubbing at the bloat. Yet, between her thighs a fire raged. The overfullness, the weight, how limited she was becoming, and how controlled she felt. All of it added to a rising crescendo of arousal Shauna had yet to stamp out. As her feeder side languished, the voices telling her to grow had become loud. Instead of being horrified as her body swelled, the opposite had occurred. Once free from Lex’s gaze, Shauna furiously masturbated, relishing in every change and wobble. They had to maintain some shred of decency for the plan to work after all. The first day she felt her gut shake just by standing she was touching herself near-constantly.

‘I’m a real piggy now,’ she would think, threatening to teeter over the edge entirely. It was Lex, and his growing gut, that kept her sane. Already a hefty 212 to start, Lex had quickly surged past 250, now approaching 275. He was caked in lard all over, like he wore a new fat suit, not an inch of him was left unspared. And every bite kept Shauna focused. Lex was her feedee now, as much as she had been made Virginia’s. The pleasure of stuffing a fat boy rounder and rounder was as blissful as ever. And despite Lex plumping up and eating as much as she was, they weren’t done just yet.

“Do you, uuurp, really think this will work?” Shauna said through a belch. Lex tipped up the carton of heavy cream he had been sneaking in and downed it, erupting with a belch and rubbing at his basketball sized paunch.

“I don’t know, but I hope so. If not-” he slapped at his paunch, grabbing it and letting it down with a wobble, “I might have a second career as a sumo wrestler.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!