Prison piggy

chapter 16

Shauna waddled behind Lex, whose expanded caboose swayed and bounced with his waddling steps. Normally, Shauna would have been drooling over such a glorious tush. It was rare to see men get so bottom heavy, and though the rest of him had certainly padded out in recent months, his gargantuan ass was still his biggest asset. If things had been more normal, Shauna would have pinned Lex to the bed and feasted on those cheeks, but any arousal was buried under the exertion of hauling around her own obese body.

“Can we take a- huff, second?”

Lex turned back, amused. A smile split between wanting to tease and reassure tugged at his lips. Shauna was panting heavily and red in the face, hands locked onto her dimpled knees. Dark stains spread where her rolls bunched, the layer of fat that had grown significant on her shifting with each labored breath.

“Those pounds finally got to you, huh?”

Shauna looked up at Lex’s equally cherubic face and glowered. The walk to enact their plan was the final step, yet Shauna hadn’t taken many steps since she had arrived here. As the food comas stretched longer, and the target weight grew closer, Shauna moved less and less. By the time she hit two hundred, her mindset shifted. She was ruined, her beauty permanently reduced. It was like a mental mirror had shattered. Suddenly, the benefits of trying for a pushup on the cold concrete felt far away. It was easier to put her head down and stuff herself, only caring about swelling up and executing the plan. It wasn’t like Lex encouraged her to work out, all he did was eat and talk with her. Yet, all those steps to and from the warden's office were important after all. Lex was comically chubby looking, yet those wide thighs carried him well. This was the first time in a year Shauna had walked further than her bathroom, and the weight felt crushing.

“Uh, yea. I'm drenched!” Lex stifled another laugh, seeing the alarm on Shauna’s face. He slowed his gait and led the wheezing inmate to Virginia's office, where the door stood ajar. The two looked at each other and took a deep breath.

“We got this,” Lex said. Shauna nodded. They walked through the threshold, where Virginia was waiting, a smile glued to her lips.

“Well, looks like both of you have bulked up a bit.”

Lex pointed a sausage finger her way.

“It’s over, Virginia, we submitted our official audit request. You’ve used the prison’s funds as your own piggy bank for the last time. You’ll be out of a job, and after they see what you did to Shauna, we’ll threaten a lawsuit!” Lex scowled and shot out a hand, grabbing one of Shauna’s prominent love handles. She squeaked, looked down, wondering when she had gotten this submissive. Shauna thought of the dreams she had been having, of growing, wanting to be grown.

‘Is this my fantasy come to life?’ She thought, as the battle raged around her.

“Lawsuit?” Virginia mumbled, twirling a lock of brown hair, “looks like I gave Shauna everything a hungry girl needs, and she took advantage. Isn’t that right, Ms.Triple-chin?”

Shauna opened her mouth to speak but froze, indignant.

“This won’t help your cause,” Lex continued, “I already got word that this kind of case has traction. Forcing your sick fetishes onto your inmates? You might have cache, but there’s no way you can survive this. Your superior will be here in the morning to personally investigate the situation.”

Lex shot a look at Shauna, sweat already dripping down his temples. This was where everything hinged. It was true Lex had submitted a complaint, and there was mention of an investigation, but everything else was hyperbole. The entire plan rested on Lex corroborating Shauna’s story, nothing was guaranteed to stick here. They just had to hope against all hope that-

“Fine, you both are free to go.” Virginia pulled up a list of prisoners on her screen and filled out a form, unphased.

Shauna’s eyes went wide. Lex turned and she saw his were as well.

“We… can… go?” they both stammered. It was like Virginia had waited for this very moment. Her placid expression shattered. She threw back her head and cackled.

“Yep, I’ve gotten more than my fair share of enjoyment out of this situation. I didn’t intend to stick around this dump much longer anyway. I accepted a new position out in California, a government gig for the fall. There won't be any investigation. Let’s be real, it’s my word against yours, and the accusation is beyond ridiculous.”

“But all the food,” Lex said, drained of emotion, “it must have killed the budget, even the other guards were catching on.”

Virginia smiled.

“My own personal funds. You're welcome, I treated you quite well. It was worth every penny to fatten up the famous Zykar. We’re not too different, you know. I wanted to add this notch to my belt so badly I’d pay any sum. I was going to tell you before I left, but I wanted to see how far you'd go. This little plan of yours was fun though.”

There was silence for what felt like an eternity, Shauna saw bitter disappointment in Lex’s chocolate eyes, already beating himself up.

“It was obvious, you know.” Virginia said, taking a figurative victory lap, “Lex didn’t do a good job hiding how fat he was getting. I planted a hidden camera in the cell, and got to drink up all that sweet gluttony I put on you. I’ll share the files with you when you're on the outside, if you like. You'd probably get off on it.”

Shauna had never felt like this before. She wanted to be angry, felt she had every right to be, but it didn’t come. What did, was a begrudging admiration. The tables had so swiftly turned on her she was pinned under it.

“You’re wicked, I’ll give you that,” Shauna said, hefting her new spare tire. “I might have met my match.”

“I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you, sweetie. You were getting a bit too full of yourself online, you know. Now, you want to immobilize that pig that put you in here? Go for it, you'll have some pounds to shed in the meantime. I think that’s more than a fair enough bargain for getting out of this place in under a year.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!