Prison piggy

chapter 17


“Hmmm. I’m not sure, can our hog handle another two liters of gainer shake?”

Shauna and Lex grinned at each other. One held a funnel while the other held a container of cream colored liquid. The bed under them protested with every shift of their considerable weight, with over a thousand pounds of blubber on the thick frame it was a good thing they had gone industrial. A gurgling moan bubbled out from underneath them.

“Please… that's the third one today! I can’t…”

Chimes of donations shot from the computer speakers, the camera capturing every moment. Shauna pinched a handful of stretchmarked blubber on the whale of a man beneath her.

“Oh Barnie, don’t you realize yet it doesn't matter what you think?”

Lex giggled and slapped at the various folds and bulges that weighed down their co-owned pig.

“He’s so close to six hundred, folks,” Lex called out to the fans eagerly watching their live stream, ”I think he can take it-”

Just then a rumble came from the blobbish area now known as Barnie’s stomach. Lex and Shauna shot each other a look, and simultaneously grabbed hold of each of their hog’s stretched nipples.

“Ah, so you lied again, sad.” Shauna cooed.
“Poor boy, he’s just so hungry these days. Guess that means he needs some burgers with his shake.”

Barnie groaned and tried to sit up, but got nowhere. Shauna and Lex hadn’t even needed to do anything. Barnie was completely pinned now, his mobility teetering away with each stuffing. He groaned as the tube was shoved into his mouth, downing the liquid with greedy gulps. Shauna rubbed at his rolls like a proud farmer.

“There there, momma and poppa will take care of you.”

Shauna poked Barnie sharply, giggling as he winced. At the same time she shook her own considerable rear for the camera, delighting in the wash of pleasure that ran through her.

After getting free of Bangor Correctional, Shauna regained access to her wealth. She hadn’t been able to face her family, but with her release kept private she wouldn’t need to worry about that for another three years. Slowly but surely, both she and Lex regained a hold on their bodies, adding muscle and dropping some of the extra weight.

‘Doesn’t feel like that much,’ Shauna thought, her ass still jiggling. Yet that thought also brought joy. Shauna found she enjoyed life at an active two hundred pounds. She could throw her weight around, literally, and her fans had embraced the new look. Lex too got down to a comfortable 250, and happily followed Shauna wherever she wanted to go.

It hadn’t been tough to find Barnie. He was still holed up in his old apartment, not a pound lost. Those puppy dog eyes were horrified to see her bust down his door, but as she dragged him to the moving van they had brought for him, there was hardly any resistance. Part of him looked relieved. It was obvious he hadn’t been able to get the kink out of his head. He was already morbidly huge. He never admitted it, but he missed Zykar’s control. Hated resisting what his cock wanted to do to him. So they settled into a new place, made an account together, and with every pound forced on Barnie their subscriber count exploded.

“Urrrrrp!” A belch exploded from Barnies puffy face. He rubbed at the sides of his ocean belly, short arms unable to get close to around the girth. For a moment Shauna just sat there, content.

“Um… master,” Barnie sheepishly croaked, “I think you may have forgotten something.”

“Such a greedy boy!” Lex bellowed.

“How could I have done that!” Shauna called, rolling her eyes to the camera. She stood, relishing the wobbles that shook her frame. The sound of a cart being rolled in made Barnie’s eyes grow wide, in both anticipation and fright.

“Don’t worry fatty, we have way more where that came from.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!