Prison piggy

chapter 4

Two separate trays of empty bowls, plates, and other assorted food containers sat in the empty concrete of Shauna’s new living space. She sat back, stomach taught, hands folded over the food-packed drum of a belly sitting at her middle. Finally done with her first meal of the day, Shauna looked around at her cell. The warden had made Lex shove plate after plate of food under her nose the moment they arrived, and only now did she notice some differences from the other cells she had been marched past.

For one, the space was doubly wider than the other cells, with a mirror and full sized shower. This cell was clearly intended to house disabled prisoners. There was even a table and space for a full sized bed. Yet, at least for now a self-supported cot sat in the space. The amenities would have relieved anyone else, but Shauna felt dread course through her.

‘The warden’s going to make me so fat the cot will snap under me. So big I won’t fit in a normal shower.’

It seemed like that was going to be inevitable. Virginia was clearly abusing every ounce of power she had to achieve this sick dream of hers. She had spied on Shauna, worked to get her transported all the way here. To be in her clutches. And now she wasn’t wasting any time. Shauna thought she might get a warm-up meal or something, but the platters of fried chicken, burgers, fries, and milkshakes immediately forced onto her said otherwise. Now all she could manage was a belch every few shallow breaths, Lex looking on owl-eyed, as if he had seen a ghost.

In a way, Shauna was flattered. If she was on the other side of this little game, she’d have been very into it. But it was entirely different being on the receiving end of thousands of calories of grease and carbs. Her stomach stuck out in a bloated little ball, and poking it felt like a brick wall.

“D-do you need anything else?”

Shauna shot Lex a cock-eyed stare. What the hell was the matter with him? Sometime between him bringing to her cell and now he had started getting all fidgety and bashful, and now he was asking her if she needed anything? What was this, the Four Seasons?

‘But at least he’s being nice,’ Shauna thought, trying to sigh, the mass in her belly constricting her breath.

“Um, maybe some water? Thank- urrrrrrrrp!”

Shauna’s eyes bolted wide, and looking across the cell, so had Lex’s. Silence hung for a moment before he muttered something incoherent and shuffled himself out of the cell. Lex must have been a good guard, despite his obvious flustering Shauna heard the bolt lock close. She was alone.


Shauna hauled herself to her bed and flopped onto her back. A gurgling groan dribbled from her lips, hands shooting to the taut mound of orange that had replaced her flat stomach. Shauna felt drowsiness pull at her, but fought it. She didn’t need Lex coming and finding her passed out in a food coma, she wanted to maintain a shred of dignity after all. Moments passed, then minutes, and Shauna couldn’t help but wonder what was up with the stocky guard. What was taking him so long to get water, why was he acting so strange? Another few minutes passed and Shauna was asleep, dreaming of orange jumpsuits, stomach churning away at her first feast.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!