Prison piggy

chapter 5


“Holy shit, holy shit, holy- uuuunffffff!”

Thick ropes of ejaculate splashed out on the graffiti-littered guard stall barrier. Panting, Lex slapped his face. He looked at his flushed features, sweat beading his forehead. He clutched the loose leaf papers he had confiscated from the new prisoner, now worth more to him than any sum of gold. Something impossible had just happened. Something so serendipitous, it felt close to a religious experience.

‘The new prisoner, the warden, that feast, her belly…’ and that wasn’t all. The words he heard leaking out of the warden's office, her instructions, but most incredible of all, the papers.

‘Zykar…’ Lex thought, trying to ground himself, ‘could it really be you?’

Lex had a high sex drive, but getting worked up enough to jerk off twice just in the morning was a rare occasion. But after what had just happened, Lex might need to come back another few times before the day was done. It was all too impossibly erotic. He brought the papers to his eyes once more, the title dripping with feeder lust.

‘Prison Piggy - Forced Fat’

That title leapt off the page and practically grabbed Lex’s cock. He had gotten hard instantly, and while this was a clearly in-progress draft, the essentials of the story were classic Zykar. A fit protagonist who loses control, in this case, sent to prison. A wicked feeder in a power position who makes it so the hero can’t refuse the pounds being put upon them. While the name, ‘Zykar,’ never appeared explicitly, the draft was too close to their style, their kink themes, and their trademark dominant attitude. Even the frustrating laissez faire comma lapses and punctuation errors was so them.

‘Shauna Kazyr must have been working on this while she was on trial…’ Lex thought, grappling with what to do with this information. It explained why Zykar had disappeared. If anything, he felt bad about getting mad at her. It also presented quite the opportunity. Lex went over what he had overheard the warden say.

‘Yep, I’ve read every one of your stories.’
‘I might up your goal.’
‘I can't wait to see how he reacts as you turn into a total blob.’

And watching Shauna eat, both the kind of food and amount, had put Lex in a trance.

‘And it wasn’t just watching, was it?’ Lex thought, feeling himself already begin to stiffen as he recalled. Virginia had made Lex bring not the standard covered plate to Shauna’s private cell. It wasn’t just an extra snack or helping either. There had to have been enough food for four people. The other guards would have rioted if they saw how much of the budget Virginia was using on one prisoner. An entire rolling table, with dishes reserved normally for the guard crew during holidays. Turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, a cherry and blueberry pie, not to mention the baskets of fries, chips, and chicken nuggets. At multiple points Shauna had begged to stop, she clearly never ate like this. At each call Virginia's instructions rang.

‘You will make this one eat everything I tell you. Every bite. I don’t care how long it takes. She will lick every plate clean, not a morsel wasted. Got that?’

‘Yes ma'am! But, may I ask a question?’

Virginia had smiled when he asked that. Usually not one for indulging, she had grinned. It sent a shudder down his spine.

‘Why are we making this prisoner eat like a horse?’ Virginia folded her hands together on her desk, posture proper and straight. The image of obedience and order.

‘Well, Shauna has escaped from less secure facilities, and as a result it was recommended to me to make it harder for her to do so. I wanted to try something different than the cruel methods we normally employ. She relied on her speed and agility to escape, which should be compromised after a few dozen new pounds of fat. You’re no stranger to that, are you, Lex?’

Virginia had given what remained of Lex’s paunch a poke and sent him out of her office. At that point, the papers he had tucked in his chest pocket changed from something he was about to dispose of, to the most important documents in his life. Now that Lex knew what he did, and he was about as sure as he could possibly be, there were some important decisions to be made. Would he watch as his feeder was made to literally eat her words? Or was there something else in store for him?
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!