Prison piggy

chapter 6

“Open up, you have a lot more food to get through, piggy.”

Shauna shook her head, looking down. Her stomach jutted out blocking nearly everything below. It was covered in bright red stretch marks, so tight it shone. Her globular tits rested on the massive shelf of a gut that pinned her to this seat. Ahead, the grinning face of warden Verdora cackled, shoving another massive triple cheeseburger towards Shauna’s lips.

“No I can’t, I’m too big already! I’ll be massive if I keep eating like this!”

Virginia’s face went red, she grew taller, towering over Shauna as horns peaked out from her jet locks.

“That’s the idea! Now squeal for me piggy, squeal and open wide!”

Shauna went to cry out but it wasn’t a human sound that came from her mouth. It was piercing and sharp, and with horror dawning Shauna realized she sounded exactly like-


The word rang off the walls of her cell. Shauna’s throat actually felt a bit sore with how hard she had shouted it. She took in a few ragged breaths, still unused to waking up in this cold place. Shauna ripped the blanket off her and looked down, relieved to see her still flat stomach- well, mostly flat. She was not the big blob Virginia wanted her to be, at least not yet, but there was still some remaining puffiness from last night's fast food stuffing. Shauna belched, tasting the grease, and rubbed at the bloat. She thought about the dream she had, the scenario, a bit of heat drifted to Shauna’s cheeks.

‘That wasn’t anything, just a reaction,’ Shauna told herself, yet as she shifted her legs she winced at the cold moisture she felt leaking down her thigh.

It was close to a month after Shauna Kazyr’s arrival at North Bangor Correctional. Shauna, with no ounce of irony lost on her, had been fed like one of the piggies she had fattened over her career as a feeder. She had to admit, Virginia knew exactly what she was doing. The prison setting, and all the erosion to human rights it brought. The guards unquestioning loyalty. There was no better place to lock someone in a room and feed them until they were unrecognizably fat.

“And if I don’t- oof, do anything about it,” Shauna clucked, tugging her jumpsuit past her hips, “I’ll really end up like that.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!