Prison piggy

chapter 7

It was little over a month after Shauna Kazyr’s arrival at North Bangor Correctional. Shauna, with no ounce of irony lost on her, had been fed like one of the piggies she had fattened over her career as a feeder. She had to admit, Virginia knew exactly what she was doing. The prison setting, and all the erosion to human rights it brought. The guards unquestioning loyalty. There was no better place to lock someone in a room and feed them until they were unrecognizably fat.

“And if I don’t- oof, do anything about it,” Shauna clucked, tugging her jumpsuit past her hips, “I’ll really end up like that.”

Shauna saw herself in the mirror and winced. It had only been a month, but the warden's ‘program’ had been intense. Where Shauna needed to ease her fattys-in-waiting into a gluttonous lifestyle, Virginia had no need for the peasantry. Shauna was essentially her property. Any complaints Shauna could have made against Virginia would take months to be reviewed, and would result in nothing more than being laughed away. A warden fattening up an inmate against their will? Absurd.

So Shauna had been forced to eat. And eat. Until she was about to vomit, head swirling with the pressure multiple times a day. Five meals a day off the bat, all fat, grease and sugar. And Shauna knew that this was just the start. As her stomach capacity was forcefully stretched, Shauna knew she'd eventually be forced to eat literally around the clock. And worse, by then she would want it. The guard, Lex, that was left with her, watched every meal with eyes too bright to be bored. He drank up every bite Shauna forced down. She imagined he was being told to take notes on her capacity and figure, but if she hadn’t known better of it she’d think he was into all this. The way his eyes traced every inch of her, it was like he was entranced.

‘Maybe it’s morbid curiosity. Must be something watching this all go down.’

Shauna certainly looked different enough after a month of 6,000 plus calories a day. Her jumpsuit went from near-baggy to showing off all her expanded parts. Her belly pooched forward, the lower belly jutting out further than above her navel, making her belly have a frowning-muppet look. Her ass pushed out just as much backwards. Other than her boobs just starting to grow, the damage had been limited there. At least for now. As Shauna well knew, this relentless torrent of calories wouldn’t leave any part of her untouched.

‘At least I still fit in this jumpsuit after one month. Won’t be able to say that for long if this keeps up.’ Shauna had no idea how much she had put on, but she knew she had been an even 100 before leaving her old life behind. As much as she hated to admit, this gain had to be over ten pounds. 120 was her highest ever, Shauna knew it by the trademark puddle of fat she’d get under her chin if she ever got close. Now, that puddle had bubbled out into a more permanent crease that only flattened out with purpose.

Shauna blushed thinking about the last time she had made it to 120. Near ten years ago, her first dabbling into feederism had left her 20 pounds heavier, and a thousand times more sexually realized. She wasn’t a feedee, no, she was the wolf! Shauna had leapt into the feeder scene, plumping up willing boys and refining her technique. Right?

“Yes, that’s right. I did all that research back in college to put it away for good.”

A series of mental images ran through Shauna then. Of her, naked and bloated, a smile bending over her. A huffing flushed face, hands thrust behind her, bra clasp not wanting to meet. A pooch of pale softness pushing onto her waistband. A slap to her forehead quickly followed.

“Well, it’s not like I’ve been getting horny…”

The first week of eating had been a pain, literally. Every meal ended with Shauna supine on her bed, stomach pushing further every time. That pain quickly stretched out her capacity, and the meals had only continued to get bigger. Now, hours before her first weigh in, that stomach was in pain for a very different reason. It gurgled and churned, it’s slight rounding only making its behavioral transformation more pronounced.

Virginia had let Shauna go hungry today, well not quite. She had given Shauna meals of prune juice and oatmeal, and only three meals instead of the usual four. Shauna was ravenous an hour after each, and her frequent uses of her cell toilet had left her feeling viscerally empty.

“Except… for this.”

Shauna, still naked waist up, felt her middle. The folded jumpsuit acted like a belt, pushing into her new softness. Her stomach jutted over it all the way around now, and a cold sweat beaded at her temples.

“It’s really happening…” Shauna looked back in the mirror, her mind projecting the next five, ten, twenty pounds onto her. Horror rose within her, she saw new struggles, mockery, loss of everything she had worked for. Yet, there was a second edge to the knife. Each of those images came through two filters, and the second one had a heat rising through her groin until she was forced to turn away, pulling the fabric up and over her, until her growing tits were zipped in, the tightness unbearable.


Shauna had been in her own little world. She turned, Lex stood at the door. How long he had been there was impossible to determine, but with his now standard rolling table of food nowhere to be seen, Shauna was too upset to be embarrassed.

“Enjoy the show?” Shauna said, her sarcasm biting. Lex couldn’t even muster up a word, instead some kind of animal grunt stumbled from his lips.

“I- hrm. I’m not a pervert.”

“Sure, then why are you here? Virginia making you look at how big my ass is getting?”

Lex’s eyes shot open for a moment before he remembered his training.

‘Never let the prisoner have the upper hand.’

“You look fine.” It sounded so unbelievably awkward that neither party reacted.

“Actually, I visited to give you this.”

Lex shoved the notebook he had bought forward, hoping it would block his reddening face. Shauna approached suspiciously, nabbing the book and jumping back a few steps.

“Interesting. I thought Virginia said-”

“The warden doesn’t need to know about this.” Lex’s words rushed out hurriedly, his eyes darting back and forth. Silence hung in the air, their shared expression conveying all necessary information. Shauna smiled.

“Well, thank you I guess. I’m not sure what I did to earn this. You’ve had to spend so much more time on me than anyone else.”

‘Thankfully,’ Lex thought, ‘every second I’m not here I want to explode.’

“You make it easy, besides,” Lex put a shaky hand into his pocket, producing the loose leaf papers he had taken from Shauna a month before. He extended the now sweat and other fluid stained papers in his hand, unable to completely damp down the trembling. Lex swallowed as Shauna took it from her, eyes retreating to a safe spot on the ground.

“You- you write well, and you should keep it up.”

Jamal Lexington had never felt more awkward in his life. What exactly was he saying here? That she should keep writing gainer erotica? With their power dynamic, would this come off as a threat? How pathetic was he really? When Lex managed to work the nerve to look back up, Shauna was simply staring forward, mouth agape.

“You don’t have to, I mean, I don’t want you to- uh, well, have a nice night!”

Face burning, humiliation peaking, Lex put on an acrid smile and waved good bye before spinning on his heels and fleeing. He was nearly back to the guard room before the slamming echoes died out, tears threatening to spill.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!