Prison piggy

chapter 9


Lex stood above Shauna as she lay supine on her cot. His eyes darted between the pile of food and her bloated form, so horny he felt he was about to jump out of his skin. Belly heaving, Shauna pushed more and more food into herself, long in the habit of eating this way. That was one tip Lex had given her.

“If you lay back while stuffing, your stomach has more space to fill out. The Romans used to do it this way.”

Shauna had taken the advice without a second thought. At this point, any way to ease the discomfort was welcomed. The creaking cheap metal holding her fatter body protested at every movement. Over an hour ago, Shauna had declared herself too full to sit in a proper chair, heaving herself to her bed and continuing her never ending feast. Now there was only one problem, well, except the precum that steadily leaked into Lex’s pants. Shauna tried pushing herself forward, reaching her softened arms up for the remaining plates, but she couldn’t reach any further. Her eyes shot open, surprised at how much mobility she had already lost. Lex had to bite his lip as he saw Shauna’s new belly press against her too tight jumpsuit, the fabric straining as she jerked forward. Shauna managed a few more pathetic attempts before the ball of fat forced her back to a supine position, wobbling a bit as it spread out. Lex needed to cover his crotch. The chubby girl sighed and began rubbing her stomach, mumbling deliriously.

“Mmmmf, too heavy to get up…” Shauna arched her spine and moaned, hands soothing the bloated curve as the cot let out a deafening creak.

“Can you bring me the rest of the donuts, Lexy? I don’t feel like getting up.”

That nickname again. Lex cursed himself, one mention and he was ready to swoon. He let out a half stammer, half grunt as he shuffled to the table, thankful above all else his guards uniform had black bottoms. His erection could hardly be contained these days. Seeing Shauna, or Zykar, be fattened, was doing things to him. At first Lex could hardly believe what was happening. Even after watching as Shauna ate everything the warden forced on her, Lex had trouble believing Virginia was going this far. Not a lot of people had a kink like his, so as Shauna first softened up, then got a belly, then began padding out one spot after another? Well, Lex had never looked forward to going to work as much as he did now. Seeing his former feeder blimp up more every day had him in a state of constant arousal. Lex always loved seeing feeders eat their words, give into the fat they so enjoyed putting on others. Yet as he picked up a platter of donuts and sat down next to the growing girl… Lex froze.

‘She’s miserable.’ The realization came in an instant. Tired looking, baggy eyes. Shallow, forced breaths. Hands laced lazily over a constantly bloated globular center. The glazed expression of accepted defeat. The first 30 pounds had been incredibly hot to see, at times Lex thought Shauna had been enjoying herself, but now, as they entered their third month, it looked like the last thing she wanted to do was eat. Lex grabbed a strawberry-frosted donut from the seven remaining and held it above Shauna’s mouth. A sprinkle fell from the pink surface and bounced off her upper lip, slipping between her breasts, prompting a frown. Shauna would have eaten the donut, and the last six on the platter, but from nowhere Lex suddenly found his subconscious taking over. The donut stopped its downward trajectory. It reversed, climbing up towards Lex’s mouth until-

“Mmmf, what is the warden putting in these things? No wonder you’re growing at this rate.”

It was like Shauna had been knocked out of a trance. She blinked, and the glassy state was replaced with one of incredulity. Lex’s eyes bugged out, what was he doing? His hand shot out, another tasty treat joining the first. Shauna looked him over and his heart raced.

“What are you doing?” Shauna asked, obviously confused. Lex stopped chewing but didn’t know what to say. Could he reveal what he knew? Would it complicate things? Did it matter? That last question was what stuck. All this time Lex had acted like a fangirl next to their favorite pop idol. He had barely said a word to Shauna other than a command out of fear she might get weirded out, but now it was too late. No other guard would do what he just did. It had to be now or never.

“It… uh- It looked like you had had enough to eat.”

Shauna blinked once, then again. Lex thought she might have even been upset that her food had been taken, gosh- what a hot thought that Shauna could already be so greedy, but a smile tucked her lips a moment later.

“Uh yea-” she said, grabbing the soft ring circling her hips, “the food plan here is a little intense. But that’s what the warden said, so what can I do?”

Shauna shrugged, sending a ripple through her boobs and lower belly. Lex bit his lip again. The softening flesh was so enticing, he wanted to grab it and jiggle her even if it got him fired. With how thin she was not even four months ago, it was like seeing a weight gain progression post every time she shifted around.

‘But what can I do?’ her words echoed through Lex’s mind. His eyes darted from the donuts, to Shauna, down to his deflated belly. Lex knew exactly what to do. Lex set the plate on the table and leaned over it as he sat. Shauna looked on apprehensively as gluttonous sounds filled the room. Lex practically inhaled the pastries, both because he didn’t want anyone to see and to get the rest down with little protest from his stomach. He got through five before having to take a swig of heavy cream laced milk. He got another two down before he hit the wall. Lex stood, hands clasped to his middle.

“Must have been hungry, huh?”

Lex’s mind raced. Those words, just like before. His breath came in halting gasps stained with lust. His hard-on throbbed. The way Shauna looked at him now. The expression morphed from one of shock, to confusion, to now… her dilated eyes, pulled brows, cocky smile that slowly took over her features. Lex panted, flood of emotions both intensely pleasurable, and naughty.

“Well, only one donut left. I’m sure you can get one last donut down, huh Lexy?”

Zykar wasn’t out of practice. Not at all. The words were like stakes shoved into Lex’s heart. Just as she had typed, Shauna laid her refined charm down expertly. To anyone else, the quip was innocuous, to a pig like Lex well, it was like a whip. His heart raced, hand trembling as the donut reached his icing caked lips.

“C’mon Lex…”

Lex took a bite, then a second, groaning as the sugary sludge entered his taught gut.

‘I’m the one out of practice,’ Lex thought, ‘I haven’t properly stuffed since she disappeared. This is tough!”

Lex took another bite and moaned as he chewed. There was only half a donut left, but the wall had hit hard. Lex was about to put it down when he felt a pressure on his gut. Shauna, from her spot on her overburdened cot, had extended a hand. As he sat Shauna rubbed at Lex’s belly, and suddenly he felt he could eat another feast. The donut disappeared and Shauna smiled.

“Well done. Thanks for helping me out, big guy.”

Lex nearly ejaculated right there. How could she snap into a domination mindset so easily, even when stuffed full? Was this waiting here in wait, biding its time in her before jumping out at the first opportunity? Lex felt his arousal spike harder, his breath going heavy. He wanted this so badly. Yet it all was too dangerous, too real. If Virginia found out what he had just done he could kiss his union benefits goodbye…

“I- urrp, was hungry, that’s all.” Lex said under his breath, turning back to the cell door and stifling a stream of belches.

“Sure. Have a good night, Lex.” Lex didn’t turn back, but he felt as if she was bored through him with her eyes.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!