Moms are role models

chapter 11 - the next level

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Now that Emma was back, Katja needed a new place to stay, and Martin offered her to stay with him for the time being Of course that was way too fast she thought but going back to her mom was also not really an option. As she was getting more and more fond of Martin every day, and every pound he added, why shouldn´t she stay with him for a while.

Katja´s life soon became a very big blur soon after moving in with Martin. Her modeling for Happy Heaven kick-started a career she never imagined having, especially not at her size. It was Emma´s dad who got a big investor interested in the Happy Heaven franchise, and soon she was truly the poster child of indulgence.

Her Instagram exploded with girls, but also men and women wanting to be like her. They all imagined that she was the kind of girl that enjoyed life to the Max, with no care what her lifestyle would do to her figure and health.

Katja never knew that there existed so many people, like herself, that had this thing with fat people or getting fat themselves. It was like she broke the biggest unspoken Taboo and damn she enjoyed it. She enjoyed being a fat role model for so many followers, who in their turn would get fatter as well. Just like she did.

Happy Heaven was no longer the only shoot she did, there were many brands interested in getting a bit of Katja connected to their name. But Katja knew this wouldn´t last, for many reasons. But mainly because she knew one day she would be too big for this circus, so she handled her fame with care.

She bought into the Happy Heaven franchise asking for a 1% lifetime commission of the net annual profit. In return, all her images would be royalty-free and could be used for any commercial purpose without her consent.

Then the other thing happened, Katja got pregnant. She just turned 19, and now this she thought, but on the other hand, she really liked the idea. She liked it even more when the doctors told her that she probably was close to being too fat to even get pregnant and that they would need to watch her. They told her that at this weight there might be complications, but that her young age was a big advantage.

Katja listened to those doctors, well sort of…she had of course her own plan, but it did involve watching her weight for the next 9 months. And doing as many shoots for Happy Heaven as possible. But her plan went beyond just shoots.

They created 3D images of her to be used in the years to come. The image could be made thicker or thinner whatever the future required- It could be virtually dressed and put in any type of scenario without Katja actually having to be there. This was what she had agreed with Emma´s dad as well, this way her figure would never change in the eyes of the customer, and her sprinkling fat youth would be the mascot for generations of obese fat food-loving families. And she kept all the rights to this image, which meant any future campaign using her image would go on top of the 1% net profit she already received

The start of the pregnancy gave Katja a lot of energy, but now that it was nearing the end that energy was faded. She hardly had gained any weight during these months, but that little kid inside her was sucking the energy out of her.

Katja decided to take a lot of steps back and focus on her upcoming motherhood and have a look at her financials now she herself and Happy Heaven had gone viral. They had opened 11 new restaurants in the last 9 months, with an estimated revenue of 14 million euros in their first year. And with another 15 stores planned to open the next year that would probably triple. That would mean she would get 450.000 euros each year for doing nothing. That idea gave Katja a big smile, and she fell asleep holding her huge baby belly.

One month after giving birth to baby Ella, named after Emma´s mom, Katja visited Emma´s mom for the first time in months. During the first 2 months of her pregnancy, she visited Martin often at work. Well, she would come to see him, but mainly to chat and eat with Emma and her Mom. Once her career took off, she gave it her all, which resulted in well not having seen Emma´s mom in over 7 months.

Happy Heaven looked great when she walked in. Although it was still odd seeing her own image everywhere, the place was packed and well the customers looked packed as well. The regulars definitely packed on some pounds. Looking around she noticed almost all customers were overweight, and by the size of their orders that was not going to change any time soon.

Martin was no longer alone; he had become floor manager. He now made sure that the staff kept the food at the highest quality, by testing the food themselves multiple times a day. Today there was a boy and girl about her age behind the counter. Both couldn´t be considered chubby anymore., the lightest boy seemed the slimmest of the two at least over 230 lbs.

The girl reminded her of Emma with her pretty face, that showed no sign of a triple chin yet. But what made her look like Emma the most was her belly apron. It was huge especially for a young girl. It could only have come from a very fattening youth like Emma´s, she thought, while she imagined how this girl would look after working here a couple of years. Luckily the Happy Heaven uniforms catered to the figures of the happy heaven staff and so her belly was supported in such a way that it filled out her pants beautifully as if her bottom half was surrounded by lard.

Then she looked at her desk, well Emma´s mom´s desk and she had to gasp for air. Emma´s mom was there, but she wasn´t in her own chair…instead she was in an electric wheelchair. WTF why did no one tell her she had been in an accident.

Em´s mom saw Katja and signaled her to come, “I am so happy to see you and little Ella,” she did seem happy…and heavy. “What happened, were you in an accident?” Katja asked weary-eyed. Emma´s mom laughed…no silly this is my electric chair she joked.

Katja looked Emma´s mom over once more, it was starting to make sense when she saw her belly hanging between her spread legs and reaching far below the knees. Also, her neck was totally absorbed by fat, and well her arms stuck out left and right because she was no longer able to even bend them…but she could clearly still reach her mouth as Katja saw her devouring a donut in one bite, just before she bends to kiss the mom that has always been a role model to her.

She put her hands on the woman and could not believe how much there was of her, the fat and folds just kept going. No wonder she was using a scooter.

“I see you like what you see,” Emma´s mom looked Katja right in the eyes “and feel. Well so do I my hubby thought it would probably take me a year to get too fat and lazy to walk. But ever since I returned from that cruise, I have been hungry like hell. And your Martin has been taking a bit too good care of my cravings because since last month I am official too fat to walk.
The doctor has forbidden it, because my legs probably would collapse or break one of these days if I continue walking…and well I wasn´t that into walking anyway as you know.
So, now this baby does the walking for me and this baby keeps growing,” she grabbed her belly and shook the fat lovingly. “But now I want to see that beautiful baby of yours.”

Katja picked up Ella, who just started crying, and handed her over. As soon as Ella was resting on the enormous fat belly and held by arms that were bigger than a morbidly obese woman’s upper leg, the crying stopped.

“Look at that, look at that little Ella. You like this he, you like my fat. You like that softness, well that´s wonderful because I like you. We will become best friends, right Ella?”
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Angelhoney 2 years
nice update smiley
Feedeefacili... 2 years
You just missed the next chapter, I think you ll like it
Angelhoney 2 years
loved the read on da, great story so far
Ukboi87 2 years
Can't find the story on DA
Feedeefacili... 2 years
Well I can find it even incognito with does that work?
Feedeefacili... 2 years
Not sure why Part 2 seems to work, Part 1 did not...but should work now thanks for the heads up