Moms are role models

chapter 10 - coming home

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Emma´s mom came up with the elevator, the cruise had been lovely…but she didn´t know that there was so much to do on a cruise. She thought it would be all about catching some sun and eating good food. But her hubby told her that he really wanted to spend time with his beautiful girls so they went sightseeing the places they docked, played games that at least required her to stand a lot and she needed to get from one side of the ship to the other all day, each day walking.

She didn´t mind getting back to her routine. And she knew why her hubby had made a big deal out of all the family activities… he told her that last night after….well after he had found that fat folds are a great place to…she smiled and then thought of what he had said.

“Honey, I know that these weeks have been very active and that you never liked physical activity…but I have been watching you. Ever since you started managing the snackbar you have done a great job, but in your case, a great job came at a great price. You must have gained what, over 100lbs in less than a year?”

“Well 120 lbs in a year,” she said still panting for breath.

“That´s what I thought, and I know how serious you take your job, so I am sure you don´t want to stop working. But another year like this, with you now living above the shop hence having no physical exercise anymore whatsoever will probably take you over 600lbs. And I know you, at that size, you´re not even gonna try to get up and walk.”

Emma´s mom's eyes widened, of course, she had thought about it, and part of her knew he was right. But she had discarded those ideas every time they popped up. She had been fully in denial of what this lifestyle was going to bring her. Yes they were making more money than she had ever seen, but he was right….she was gonna pay the price one day. One day, she wouldn´t be able to waddle downstairs and get her first donut and milkshakes of the morning. That thought scared her, how would she get through the day without milkshakes and Martin bringing her snacks?

“Do you want me to lose weight? Is that what you are saying, love?” She asked a bit scared to hear his answer.

He looked at her very seriously; “Do you want to lose weight?”

She looked at herself, well as far as her chins and belly would allow her to observe herself laying down, she thought about how much she enjoyed her work and all the yummy food… “Ehh, if I am really honest, no I don´t. I know one day I will be too fat to waddle to the elevator but till then I just wanna live and do what I like best.”

“Manage the place and eat all day,” he sight. “Are you angry,” she asked still a little scared. “No, my love, I hoped you were going to say that, I would have supported you if you wanted to lose weight. But I always hoped that one day your lazy lifestyle and love for food would catch up with you. And well, the way things are going it seems that one day isn´t that far away anymore.”

“So, you don’t mind a real fat wife?” She looked him deep in the eyes….. “The fatter the better,” he said smiling and climbed on top of the mountain of blubber and started kissing her neck or better the fat that had replaced her neck. “I just wanted to spend one more holiday with the both of you while you could still get around without sitting in a fat girl scooter. Btw what do you think, should I maybe get two of those because I am sure that would give me a nice discount? And well, if Em is anything like you, she probably will need one as well in the not too far future.”

That last night on the cruise was amazing she thought when she opened the apartment door and stepped into a room filled with posters, cardboard pop-up figures, and even old-school paintings of Katja and Martin…surrounded by her favorite dishes.

Her husband and Emma followed as the 3 of them would have been too heavy for the elevator and all three stared in awe.

That night they all sat upstairs; they loved the posters but when Katja explained the campaign she had planned the room got very silent. Then Emma´s dad got up…

“So, you are saying that our food makes people fat, and we should exploit that instead of hiding that? That´s what it comes down to right? I know it´s all about the customer, that they gladly order something extra or visit us twice a week, as they feel uncomfortable doing so with us.

Because well we are a big happy fat family, enjoying high-quality of fattening foods and you do not have to hide your big ass with us. Well, that is right up your ally Katja, as I don´t see a way to hide your ass anyway anymore. So I guess,” he paused and took a breath.

“I guess you will need to become our poster child, and we can use Martin on the side. But I truly want you on those billboards looking like that,” he pointed at the picture that was taken just seconds before Katja burst out of her pants. She was smiling, chewing and she had food stains all over her uniform…but most of all she looked Heavy and Happy.

“And if what you say is true, if that photographer didn´t mind getting fat anymore after watching you eat, well that sells it form me…there is just one thing:

Happy and heavy I don’t know, I miss connecting that directly to our snackbars.” Katja looked confused at Martin, while he pulled up his shoulders.

“What about,” Emma’s dad continued, “a new name for the franchise. I mean right now all 3 snackbars have a different name so we need a common name for the Franchise.” He paused again and looked at Katja, and Martin and then at Emma and his wife. They sure looked heavy and well not unhappy at all…this place was like their dream come true this place was their idea of…..

That´s it ”Heavy and Happy at Happy Heaven.” Happy heaven left just enough room for the not-so-heavy clientele to feel welcome and more than enough room for those that felt a bit too heavy according to the Instagram standard.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Angelhoney 2 years
nice update smiley
Feedeefacili... 2 years
You just missed the next chapter, I think you ll like it
Angelhoney 2 years
loved the read on da, great story so far
Ukboi87 2 years
Can't find the story on DA
Feedeefacili... 2 years
Well I can find it even incognito with does that work?
Feedeefacili... 2 years
Not sure why Part 2 seems to work, Part 1 did not...but should work now thanks for the heads up