The belly the sequel

chapter 2

Sally waddled into the twin’s room, sticking her belly into each of their faces, she got them up fixed two boxes each of toaster waffles, with a couple bottles of syrup and half a pound of butter and sent them back to bed. She came in their room at six o’clock with Belly Perm shakes, making sure the girls drank them down. After Dave’s breakfast, she woke the girls and had them help fix a massive feast of fattening breakfast treats, getting the twins engorged. Snacking all morning, she ordered a dozen submarine style sandwiches, regular soda, plenty of chips and then hot fudge sundaes for dessert. Sally ordered four family style dinners from Kentucky Fried Chicken, having Jane and Jen eat a whole dinner each, then a cake for dessert, night feedings and repeat.

By the end of June the twins had added twelve inches to their waists, eighteen inches to their bottom cheeks, eight inched to each thigh and fifty pounds of visceral fat to their bodies, they loved it!

The girls complained about having to go up and down stairs to their room. Sally was now so big, Dave bought her a scooter and she too didn’t want to deal with stairs any more. The family bought a new house, larger, all on one floor, doors wide enough for Sally and her scooter and a swimming pool for the twins.

The routine continued, by late July the twins had added ten more inches to their bellies, and truly looked eight months pregnant. They hung around the pool eating all day, drinking Belly Perm shakes and just growing their bellies and bottom cheeks.

Jane leaned over, careful not to let her belly shift and pull her off her chaise lounge chair. She poked Jen’s bulging belly, “Hey fatso, it’s your turn to get us more snacks, I’m hungry again.” Jen poked her back, “Okay preggy piggy, I’ll go get us some more goodies. I’ll check on Mom, she didn’t want to get out of bed this morning and she’s probably hungry again too.”

Jen hefted herself off of her chaise and waddled toward the kitchen. She loaded packages of cookies, a dozen or so “twinkies” and a gallon of whole milk. She waddled down to her mom and dad’s bedroom. “Mom, are you awake?” “Yes dear I’m awake. Please come in.” Sally looked at her now fat daughter, thinking putting the twin on Belly Perm was the best decision she had made. Jen piped up, “Do you want to get up Mom?” “No dear, I’m just getting too big to move around. Can you bring me four or five boxes of donuts, if you and Jane haven’t eaten them already.” “Sure mom.” Jen waddled out to get the donuts. Sally admired her daughter’s now very, round, full bottom cheeks and thick thighs rubbing together as she waddled out of the room. Jen returned with the donuts. “Here you are Mom. Can I get you anything else?” “No dear, you and Jane keeping eating. I’ll need you girls later today to help me take a shower before dad gets home.” Sally reached out and poked Jen’s round belly, “Dear you look so adorable with your nice big tummy!” Jen giggled, blushing, “Thanks Mom, Jane and I couldn’t have gotten this nice and round without you!”

Jen and Jane were by the end of August now sporting fifty inch bellies and being only five foot three inches tall, looked round. They loved their figures, their bottom cheeks were nearly sixty inches around. They both waddled around usually just wearing panties and tight t-shirts.

Jen came out to the pool, Jane had just finished two boxes of donuts and was rubbing her amazing belly. “Jane, mom wants to talk to us in her bedroom.” Jen tugged and got Jane up off the chaise. They waddled to mom’s bedroom. Sally was sitting up, her massive belly bulging out past her knees. The girls came in trying not to stare at their mom’s awesome belly. “Thank you girls for coming in, it’s getting time for you to go back to college, I want you both to consider cutting back on Belly Perm.” “Mom,” they said in unison, “We love growing our bellies and bottoms, please let keep gaining weight and growing larger!” Sally sighed, “I just don’t want you two to get as big as me. Just look at me, I can barely move around anymore I’m so fat now.” Sally had tears in her eyes. “Jane and Jennifer, I’m so proud of your growth this summer, you both look so beautiful. I just want you to be happy and not compromise your futures by becoming too fat, will you think about it please.”

The girls replied, “Yes mom, we will.” They both had their fingers crossed.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Dustman 1 year
You should post thev1 where the pregnant woman lives with her grandma and eats and eats and eats
Bigbellybob 2 years
Wow this is so hot. I’d love to see more from this story!
Jack Power 2 years
continue, please