The model's waddle

Chapter 2

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The following morning Sarah awoke from a rather lovely dream. She couldn't remember what the dream was about exactly, but there had been a table full of food, and she had been sitting at it, eating and eating and eating. It took Sarah a moment to pull her head out of the morning brain fog before realizing something felt different. Then, remembering the spell she and Freia had cast the day prior, Sarah could feel her pulse go through the roof.

Without a doubt, Sarah felt heavier everywhere, as if she was wearing a heavy weighted blanket that was pulling her deep into the bed. Yet seeing was believing, and excitedly Sarah pulled back her bedsheet, letting out a squeal of joy. She wasn't just fat; she was massive. As massive as Freia had been the previous day. Reaching down to her belly, Sarah squeezed her fat and felt instant gratification. The fantasy she'd been dreaming of her entire life had finally come true.

The clothes Sarah had put on before going to bed had been a woeful miscalculation of how big she'd get. Sarah could feel her panties painfully digging into her hips and ass, desperately clinging to a body they had no business containing. The rest of her outfit hadn't faired as well, her shirt having had ripped down the side, in tatters. But, if anything, the way her body felt against tight and tattered clothes was euphoria, making her feel even fatter.

The very first thing that Sarah did was masturbate, completely soaking wet, now occupying a body so foreign to what she'd always known. Each jiggle, wobble, and soft feeling turned Sarah on more than she'd ever been in her life. At 340 pounds, it was challenging work to pleasure herself, finding there were parts of her body she had to move out of the way or deal with to touch herself. The challenge only added to the experience, as Sarah slid a hand under her incredibly tight panties and got to work. One hand touched herself, another thirstily squeezing fat whenever she could find it. Sarah spent the entire morning in bed, rocking her body with orgasm after orgasm, until she was too winded and out of breath to continue. Having not been used to being out of shape, Sarah was startled by how little effort she had to put into something before finding herself completely out of breath.

Getting out of bed turned out to be an erotic challenge. Being used to moving around as an athletic 118-pound girl, Sarah had no idea how to move a body nearly three times the size she was used to moving. It was strange to will her body to move a certain way but not have it respond in the way she expected. Every subtle movement needed to be thought out and calculated. Sarah needed to account for proportions she never had to consider previously. While Sarah struggled, her bed creaked under her, protesting against a weight it wasn't used to supporting.

Sarah's first few steps were wobbly, like a baby deer walking for the first time. Walking wasn't something Sarah historically needed to think about, but her new body made the whole simple effort cumbersome. The size of her body prevented her from walking the way she'd been accustomed to, forcing Sarah to re-learn. Adjusting, Sarah found that if she shifted her bulk from side to side, she'd get enough momentum from her hips to take a step without her thighs rubbing together too much or her belly getting in the way. It felt like she was swinging her body from side to side like a pendulum, using the weight of her body to propel herself forward. Each footfall was heavy, somewhat shaking the room around her and causing the floorboards to complain against the weight they were being asked to support.

As Sarah passed her bedroom mirror, she couldn't help herself from turning to drink herself in. The sight of the stranger staring back at her made the space between Sarah's legs throb. The fatso in the mirror was a completely different person. Sure she had Sarah's blue eyes, blonde hair, and smile while retaining familiar facial features. Yet the similarities between this girl and the girl that had been in this bedroom last night ended there.

Sarah stood in front of the mirror for nearly half an hour, turning from side to side. There wasn't a moment a horny smile wasn't on her face as she took stock of all the changes her body had gone through overnight. It was beyond erotic to see the fat girl in the mirror matching every moment she made. Sarah couldn't believe how fat she looked, loving the way the weight had stuck to her. Her belly, hips, and thighs had apparently greedily soaked up most of the fat. Sarah's waist was gone entirely, fat rolls making themselves at home across her torso. Above that, her tits appeared to be much bigger and notably flabby, hanging off her chest. When Sarah turned around, she saw a gelatinous backside caked in cellulite. No more skinny "I go to the gym" booty was present, but a wide fat girl ass had taken its place.

The only thing that was able to peel Sarah's attention away from her new body was a feeling welling inside her. Hunger. Yet this hunger felt different. It wasn't nagging. It was demanding.

Waddling to the kitchen, Sarah felt insatiable. She'd never had an issue with portion control or food cravings before, but given the circumstances, Sarah was fully ready to give in.

Pulling open her fridge, Sarah surrendered whatever control she had to her new massive belly. Hands greedily reached for whatever she could get her hands on. There wasn't much in the way of fattening food, but she made due. A whole whipped cream can got emptied straight into her mouth, flooding her taste buds with rich flavor. Next up, Sarah started to go to town on an entire tray of vegetable lasagna. That wasn't enough. Even though there was some pressure starting in her belly, it was a good pressure. That pressure consisted of a dull pain that made Sarah feel incredible. Then something happened as Sarah ate that had never occurred to her before. The combination of gluttony, her new fat body, and being stuffed was making Sarah overwhelmingly frisky. The arousal spurred Sarah on, grabbing a tub of sour cream and eating it like an animal with her hands. Next up, a Tupperware of pasta salad. After that, she squeezed a container of chocolate sauce into her mouth. While Sarah continued her gluttonous conquest in front of the fridge, she spared a hand to masturbate while she ate.

The pace at which Sarah was eating caused her to start to get out of breath, but Sarah kept going, wholly committed to gluttony. She wasn't used to having the ability to eat so much without feeling full, so she pushed herself to abuse that new privilege. After sucking down a six-pack of yogurt, Sarah felt like she couldn't eat another bite, more full than she had ever been in her life. The feeling pushed Sarah over the edge. Legs buckling and falling to her knees, Sarah started to cum in the light of the fridge while focusing on how fat she felt. Rubbing her belly in circles, Sarah let out some unladylike burps, easing the tension around her middle.

Following her gorge fest, Sarah waddled to her bathroom and took a shower. She'd made quite a mess, getting some food all over her body and face. Even though Sarah didn't care that she looked like a slobby pig, she hopped in the shower and spent half an hour playing with her new body under the hot water.

Refreshed from her shower, Sarah texted Freia, asking her to come to her apartment. Sarah knew she needed some clothes and was certain Freia and she could swap some outfits for the day. However, if she wanted to do anything other than sit around her apartment all day, Sarah needed something that fit her.
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Curiousicey 2 years
I actually already one chapter before thought it was F but this makes it even better! Would be funny to see what has F been up to..
ConJohn 2 years
Glad you're picking up on the not so subtle hints haha
Hereiam 2 years
It's a trap!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
IKR, I wonder how things will turn out for her in the morning. No matter what happens I hope Sarah gets a happy ending. šŸ˜„
Lakobe247 2 years
Oh man Iā€™d love for another chapter tonight
Danimal 2 years
If only you'd warned her in time, hereiam šŸ˜ž
ConJohn 2 years
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Oh wow! I have a sneaking suspicion Sarah should have made Freia meet in person before swapping back weights, as who knows how much Freia weighs. I guess she will have to find out the hard 'weigh.'
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I love that pun! And I see what you mean šŸ˜Š
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I think Sarah had a bit of tunnel vision
Beatlemaster... 2 years
It would seem Freia is finally ready to catch up. I wonder if she 'll be willing to swap weights back or if she's been able to keep 'her' trim figure? Exciting developments all around!
ConJohn 2 years
Totally! Latest chapter answers that question.
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I'm really loving this story! Hopefully Freya returns someday! šŸ˜‰
LoveMuffin 2 years
I'm hoping Freya gets what she deserves and then some added weight back...or maybe Sarah will trick her and swap bodies but Freya will be pregnant with triplets
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! I'll have those answers soon smiley
Jesseyeah 2 years
You outdid yourself with that fast food scene. So well done.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks a bunch!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Going for some fan service for sure. However, I will note, I'm getting close to the end of this particular story.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow those are some relationship goals. I wonder how long Sarah will keep 'forgetting' to ask Owen to help her lose weight. Maybe she will remember before she hits 500 lbs.
ConJohn 2 years
That will be answered in the latest chapter.
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