The model's waddle

Chapter 11

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After a few moments of necessary belly rubs, Sarah checked her phone and nearly dropped it when she saw the time. 3 PM? Where was Freia? She was supposed to be at the apartment two hours earlier. Sarah realized she may have slept through Freia coming to her apartment and went to her messages. There was only a text from her best friend Chelsea, asking her if she was going to their friend Beth's Halloween party, but no texts or calls from Freia.

Sarah went to her contacts on her phone and called Freia. A few rings, and then Freia answered.


"Where are you!?" Sarah demanded.

Freia seemed reluctant to answer. "Yeah.. Sarah. About that.. I can't come today."

"You What?! Freia!? We agreed.." Sarah could feel her heart pounding with outrage.

"I know.. but things are getting a little more complicated." Freia tried to reason.

Confusion filled Sarah, not understanding what Freia was talking about. "What? Complicated how? We need to change back to the way things were! It's not that complicated!"

Freia sighed, sounding like she was annoyed with the conversation already. "I'm going on a trip with Ledario for a little bit. I'll come back eventually.. but I need time to do this. I think I'm in love.." The way Freia said that felt genuine.

"Are you crazy!? You're not going! Where are you right now?! I need to change back! I have to do a modeling shoot next week!!" It felt like the room was spinning around Sarah.

"You're probably going to want to cancel that. How about you take off some more time? Maybe take a work sabbatical or something?" Freia suggested.

"What?! I can't! I mean, I can take off more time.. BUT I don't want to be fat anymore, okay!! So give me my body back! Change me back!" Sarah fumed. Yes, she could take work sabbaticals from modeling but didn't want to waste one on this. Her modeling agency mostly reserved such extended leaves of absence for pregnancies.

Freia's tone changed, becoming firmer and more commanding. "Look, you little fat fetishist pervert, this is what you wanted, so this is what you're getting. Nothing you can say or do will change my mind. Don't try to contact me while I'm gone either. I'll be back. Try to enjoy it, Fat-ass." Then Freia hung up.

"Freia?! Freia!!?" Sarah shouted into her phone, feeling fearful and furious at the same time.

She called again. No answer. She sent a text. "You can't leave!!! Where are you?"

Sarah waited, and waited, and waited. She called again. No answer. She called again, and then an automated message sounded off "The number you have dialed has not been recognized. Please try again." Sarah started to panic, calling Freia again. "The number you have dialed has not been recognized. Please try again." Sarah's heart dropped.

Rushing as fast as she could lug her bloated body to her bedroom, Sarah started to get dressed, pulling on the set of clothes Freia had brought over the first day of their bodyswap. Even though she was a bit of a mess, Sarah knew she had to get to Freia's apartment.

Desperately ordering an Uber, Sarah hoped that Freia was at her apartment. She at least felt lucky she knew where Freia's apartment was, convincing herself that if she got to Freia, she'd be able to convince her not to leave. The sinking feeling of how much trust she'd put into Freia was hitting her, but Sarah didn't want to think about it.

Waddling out of her Uber, Sarah took the elevator up to the second floor of Freia's apartment. After knocking on Freia's door for a solid three minutes, Sarah tried calling again, but it was the same robotic message greeting her. Sarah felt her breath getting short, feeling the walls around her closing in. It was time to panic.

Just before the panic set in, the neighbor next door to Sarah's apartment emerged and looked over at Sarah. "Are you Sarah?" The middle-aged man stated.

"ye..yea?" Sarah said, halfway on the verge of tears.

"Some pretty girl that way staying with Freia, the big gal that lives next door, said you'd be here. Hold on." The guy went back into his house and then re-emerged with a large box. "Here. She told me to give this to you."

Sarah didn't say anything, hunching over the large box and opening it. Inside, the box was stuffed full of large clothes. Freia's clothes. On top of the clothes was a note. It wasn't long, but I made Sarah start to panic even more. The note simply said, "Sorry. Feel free to borrow these while I'm away. Enjoy."

The neighbor gave Sarah a long look. "You're not related to that Friea girl, are you?" The man asked, curious.

"What?! No.. I'm not.. what?" Sarah was caught off guard by that comment, deep in thought about what had just happened to her.

"Sorry, you look kinda like her.. is all." The neighbor said, shrugging.

"I.." Sarah didn't even know what to say to that, not exactly taking it as a compliment. "Have you seen Freia? Where did she go? Why did she leave this for me? Did she say anything?" Sarah asked, searching for any answer she could get.

The neighbor took a moment to think. "Freia? Haven't seen her for well over a week? Used to see her come and go all the time until that friend of hers came. I didn't catch her name, but she was a beauty. Freia wasn't the one that left you the box. It was the pretty new girl."

"wa..What? When did she leave it? Where did she go?" Sarah knew all too well that this 'pretty new girl' the neighbor was referring to was probably Freia.

"Hmm, four days ago, maybe? I haven't heard a peep out of that apartment since. I don't know where she ended up going. Didn't ask." The man shrugged.

Sarah had hoped for a little more information than that. "I.. I.. can you call me if you hear anything from Freia or.... or the other girl?"

"Sure, here, let me get a pen." The neighbor went into his apartment and returned with a phone number on a piece of paper.

For an hour more, Sarah sat outside Freia's apartment door, head in her hands, fruitlessly hoping Freia would show up. She called her number a few more times asked some more neighbors if they knew anything, but none had seen Freia for over a week. There was a pit growing in Sarah's stomach as more time went on. The hope that Freia wasn't gone was waning, and the truth was starting to settle in. Freia had fucked her over and skipped town, leaving Sarah to deal with the consequences. Though the body Sarah was in still felt temporary, for the first time, Sarah realized that if Freia didn't come back, she'd be stuck as a fat girl forever. That wasn't something Sarah was at all willing to accept.

As much as Sarah wanted to start thinking about how she'd find Freia, a more pressing matter was distracting her. Once again, Sarah was starting to get hungry. Cutting her losses for the moment, Sarah headed home, hoping that Freia would contact her soon. At the very least, Sarah wanted to know when Freia was planning on coming back. While riding home on the Uber, Sarah ordered three large pizzas. One Pizza to help Sarah deal with what Freia had just done to her. A second pizza to help Sarah deal with her breakup. And a third pizza because Sarah knew the first two would only be enough to make her full.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Curiousicey 2 years
I actually already one chapter before thought it was F but this makes it even better! Would be funny to see what has F been up to..
ConJohn 2 years
Glad you're picking up on the not so subtle hints haha
Hereiam 2 years
It's a trap!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
IKR, I wonder how things will turn out for her in the morning. No matter what happens I hope Sarah gets a happy ending. šŸ˜„
Lakobe247 2 years
Oh man Iā€™d love for another chapter tonight
Danimal 2 years
If only you'd warned her in time, hereiam šŸ˜ž
ConJohn 2 years
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Oh wow! I have a sneaking suspicion Sarah should have made Freia meet in person before swapping back weights, as who knows how much Freia weighs. I guess she will have to find out the hard 'weigh.'
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I love that pun! And I see what you mean šŸ˜Š
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I think Sarah had a bit of tunnel vision
Beatlemaster... 2 years
It would seem Freia is finally ready to catch up. I wonder if she 'll be willing to swap weights back or if she's been able to keep 'her' trim figure? Exciting developments all around!
ConJohn 2 years
Totally! Latest chapter answers that question.
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I'm really loving this story! Hopefully Freya returns someday! šŸ˜‰
LoveMuffin 2 years
I'm hoping Freya gets what she deserves and then some added weight back...or maybe Sarah will trick her and swap bodies but Freya will be pregnant with triplets
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! I'll have those answers soon smiley
Jesseyeah 2 years
You outdid yourself with that fast food scene. So well done.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks a bunch!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Going for some fan service for sure. However, I will note, I'm getting close to the end of this particular story.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow those are some relationship goals. I wonder how long Sarah will keep 'forgetting' to ask Owen to help her lose weight. Maybe she will remember before she hits 500 lbs.
ConJohn 2 years
That will be answered in the latest chapter.
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