The model's waddle

Chapter 12

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"Sarah, we need you to come in. We have a shoot coming up, and you haven't taken a new contract in five months! Look, I don't know what's going on with you, but if you don't take this one, they're talking about dropping you from the agency." Veronica explained over the phone. The mousey bookish receptionist at Sarah's modeling agency had been bothering Sarah on a monthly basis. Yet this time, there was more urgency than ever in her voice.

Sarah had almost slept through Veronica's call, barely waking up in time to answer. It was difficult for her to get up before 11 AM. Five months ago, Freia had thrown Sarah's life into disarray by running off with her skinny body to god knows where and leaving Sarah behind as a newly christened fatty. At first, Sarah had been patient, waiting to hear from Freia, giving her the benefit of the doubt that she'd let her know when she was coming back. However, as the weeks turned into months, she realized Freia had gone entirely AWOL, and knew she needed to find her.

Even after all this time, Sarah felt no closer to finding Freia than she was the day she lost track of her. During this five month period, Sarah had made up a story to her friends and modeling agency that she was taking an extended work sabbatical, going on vacation somewhere in Europe. At first, it was only for a month, but Sarah continued to extend that 'trip' month after month after month until five had passed. The only one who gave Sarah a hard time about not being around was her friend Chelsea. After hearing about Sarah's breakup with Mike, Chelsea had wanted to be there for Sarah to help her re-bound. However, Sarah didn't want Chelsea or anyone to see her the way she looked now. She felt terrible about distancing herself from her best friend, but it was necessary for the time being.

While everyone thought she was out of town, Sarah had been spending most of her time hiding in her apartment, sleuthing online for signs of Freia, and occasionally talking to a private detective she'd hired to track down Freia. Unfortunately, it was difficult for the detective to find any useful information, seeing as she appeared to be covering her tracks well. It was also hard since Sarah couldn't provide any recent photos of Freia's current bodyshape. The best information the Private detective had uncovered was that Freia had bought two plane tickets out of Miami to go to Milan Italy. After that, the trail ran cold.

Still laying in bed, Sarah pleaded with Veronica over the phone. "Can I please just have one more month? I promise I'll be back in.."

"Sarah, you said that last month. Did you hear what I said? They're talking about dropping your contract!! Do you not understand how competitive this field is?! Look.. We've got a great shoot that you'd be perfect for with H&M. Just come in for the fitting. Seriously.. I've seen them drop girls who flake out dozens of times." Veronica warned.

"Fine... I'll come." Sarah begrudgingly decided, hanging up.

Pulling herself out of bed and to her feet, Sarah felt the early strain of her weight, testing her knees and weak calf muscles. Little things like this made moving something Sarah had grown somewhat unmotivated to do. Instead, Sarah opted to spend more of her life sitting on her ass or laying in the comfort of her bed. This lack of physical exertion allowed Sarah to avoid moving her body or making herself at all uncomfortable. Lazy habits became more and more prevalent in Sarah's day to day life, whether she liked them or not.

Over the past five months, things had been very rocky for Sarah. The vulnerability she found in being stuck in a body that she'd only truly wanted to be in for a day was borderline debilitating. Though she'd gotten used to some aspects of moving around in a bigger body, the mental side of being fat weighed heavy on Sarah's mind. In those early days, she'd been able to distance herself from the obesity that encased her, seeing the large body as something she'd be able to shed with the snap of her fingers. Yet week by week and month by month, the normalcy of being a heavy-set girl was distressing. The fat life was slowly normalized for Sarah, and each assimilation to the lifestyle was seen as a defeat.

At times, Sarah was motivated enough to return to the good eating habits she'd been used to practicing her entire life. However, the hunger that made itself present more than Sarah was used to wasn't easy to shrug off. Back in the beginning, when her fat body had presumably been temporary, Sarah binged without regret. Yet now, whenever she slipped up and binge ate, guilt immediately followed overindulgence. Though Sarah had successfully staved away some primal urges to eat beyond her capacity, the discipline was usually fleeting. Worse, Sarah had tasted the forbidden fruits of junk and fast food, finding both to be helpful crutches that made her feel better momentarily. Any healthy food option Sarah partook in was usually followed by a reward of a much larger unhealthy food binge. It wasn't a cycle Sarah could find herself able to break from.

The longer Sarah stayed in her fat body, the more she tried to tell herself she needed to take responsibility for it. If she couldn't find Friea, this body would regrettably be her problem to solve. Though Sarah had gone to the gym several times a week before the body swap incident, she felt too insecure about going to a public gym, fearing she'd look silly working out at her size. However, the treadmill Sarah had ordered to run on at home got a laughably low amount of use. The very few times Sarah had tried to work out, she'd gotten discouraged rather quickly. Her fat body fought against her at every turn, not allowing her to move the way she wanted to and then ultimately quitting on her well before she meant to stop. Before, working out had been an easy and rewarding experience that naturally folded into Sarah's life. Now, it was something that gave Sarah anxiety to even think about.

While Sarah mainly stayed hidden in her apartment, eating, sleeping, and waiting for news about Freia, Sarah got fatter. It was hardly her intention to gain weight, but it became noticeable when the few fat girl clothes she had from Freia started to feel tighter. Even though Sarah wanted to ignore this, she couldn't. Unexpectedly, moving felt slightly different, her body felt softer, and her body looked bigger whenever she looked in the mirror. It was scary to watch the changes happen to herself in slow motion. Every time Sarah tried to stop it or slow it down, she found the pounds continued to creep onto her when her guard was down. The worst part of the weight gain was how much hornier it made her.

Five months without sex was a new record for Sarah. The lack of a guy in her life pushed Sarah to take care of her neediness all by herself. Having a massive apron belly and massive thighs rubbing against her sensitive crotch whenever she tried to move forced Sarah to be wet with desire without even trying to turn herself on. Nevertheless, Sarah was scaring herself with some of her thoughts while getting off. Before Freia ran off, everything had felt like a fun fantasy playing out over a short period of time. Now, the more time that had passed, the line between fantasy and reality was starting to blur. Sarah's fat fetish had made her think and do things that made her feel guilty.

Too many times had Sarah's arousal made her get in her car to get fast food. Every time Sarah knew that it was only going to make things worse. Yet, it always felt good at the moment. The experimentation Sarah had done that first week as a fat girl, stuffing herself beyond her limits, was a feeling and experience that Sarah couldn't stop herself from desiring again and again. Even now that her circumstances were more permanent than she'd intended, Sarah's resolve was especially weak when the space between her legs was needy. The feeling of the extra fat and weight added by her overindulgence made Sarah shamefully horny from her self-destructive actions.

Even scarier than her poor impulse control were the thoughts running through Sarah's head when she touched herself. Back when Sarah had the 118-pound body of a model, everything about her fetish was pure fantasy. Now that the means to back out of this fantasy were out of her hands, Sarah's fantasies were more rooted in reality. Sarah masturbated to thoughts of being trapped as a fat girl forever, often sliding a hand between her fat thighs as the dark and scary thought took over. Nothing made Sarah feel more helpless as she thought about never being able to give Freia her body back. Instead, everyone would see her as a gigantic tub of lard for the rest of her life and nothing more than that.

Though Sarah didn't enjoy public scrutiny of her new body, she still found herself hyper-aware of the fact that part of her fat fetish now was strongly spurred on by fat-shaming and teasing. While Sarah was trying to get herself off, she often thought about how humiliating her situation was, convincing herself that this is what she deserved for flirting with a fat fetish. No one would believe she'd cast a spell to get her new body. Everyone would see Sarah the same way she'd seen Freia that first time when she watched her struggle to workout at the gym. A lazy greedy fat*ss, whose body was no one's fault but her own. Sarah both wanted and did not want the ridicule, knowing it would turn her on more than anything, yet make her feel so very ashamed of herself.

Back in the present and looking at herself in the mirror, Sarah quaked with fear at what she needed to go out into the world and do. Wearing the largest outfit she could find from that box of clothes Freia had left for her, Sarah was more aware than ever that it didn't fit quite like it used to. At least the blue pants she wore were stretchy, but they clung to her hips and inner thighs in a rather unflattering way. The red sweatshirt she wore wasn't much better. It failed to be baggy enough for Sarah's liking, as her upper belly and love handles pushed firmly against the cotton, showing off contours of her body Sarah would rather keep hidden. Sarah frowned at her reflection, wishing that Freia would walk in the door at any moment to take the fat back. Even if Sarah had clothes big enough to flatter her body, no amount of make-up could hide her chubby cheeks, fuller face, or double chin.

Despite her hand wringing in front of the mirror, Sarah was committed to going into her agency. She didn't want to lose a job that she'd worked so hard to keep without a fight. Part of Sarah believed that they'd be shocked by her size but in the end would understand. As long as they knew the weight would come off eventually, they wouldn't pass on the potential of getting back a smoking hot body that had made the agency tons of money. Sarah hoped this confrontation would go better than her worst fears.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Monadic 2 years
There seems to be no redemption for Sarah. Every time there is an event that could serve as a catalyst of change, it is thwarted by Sarahs desire ir inability to resist. I found that quite depressing.
ConJohn 2 years
Fair point. I think Sarah's inherently in a difficult position filled with inner conflict. If you're still interested in the story, I can promise you that the story will not have a sad ending.
Inotai 2 years
Parte 18?šŸ„²
ConJohn 2 years
Soon. I've personally been too stressed out with life things to find time to finish editing.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Whoa hot story! Sarah better be careful chatting with that "O" character. I image the more time she spends with him the more her waistline will grow.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks. Agreed. This "O" Character would probably end up being a bad influence.
Inotai 2 years
freia who insults sarah
Inotai 2 years
Fat chelsea in the cap.18
ConJohn 2 years
That would be interesting
Hereiam 2 years
She should do the spell with Chelsea, see how she likes it.
ConJohn 2 years
That'd be a fun twist. I don't know if the spell would be able to work like that since it's Freia's weight Sarah is carrying, but we'll see.
Apessoviettammy 2 years
Iā€™d love to see Freia come back chubby do to old habits.
Minifan 2 years
I was just thinking the same thing. She's had plenty of time to gain a good amount by now
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, that would be an interesting development. She had those habits before, so it would make sense if that happened.
Jesseyeah 2 years
I've been reading this kind of fiction for more than half of my life and you are really one of the best šŸ‘
ConJohn 2 years
Wow, thanks! That means a lot to hear smiley
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I really like this story. smiley
ConJohn 2 years
Mclovinnit 2 years
Chelsea seems like a good friend! But a bad influence on her figure! She used to love her pear shape body.. (loving the daily updates btw)
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks. lol, Chelsea only wants what she thinks is best for Sarah. Though Chelsea's not aware that what she saying is having more of a disparaging impact on Sarah's self-image than she means to.
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