The model's waddle

Chapter 3

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"Sarah, this is fucking insane! I can't believe it worked! Look at me. And look at you!! I still can't believe this!" Freia said excitedly, walking into Sarah's bedroom from the bathroom, wearing a cute thong and push-up bra she'd borrowed from Sarah. Looking up from checking herself out, Freia politely covered her eyes, realizing Sarah hadn't finished changing. "Oh, sorry."

"It's fine. Nothing you're not familiar with." Sarah said, feeling oddly comfortable around Freia. Her attention focused on pulling up the tight waistband of Freia's massive underwear that she'd just put on. Though her larger breasts were still bare, she didn't care. It was hard to feel bashful in her temporarily massive body. Unlike Freia, it wasn't like the interim fat body was Sarah's fault. "This feels so weird, doesn't it? I had my doubts, but I'm glad it worked! Fuck, this is going to be a fun day! How do you feel, Freia?"

"I feel amazing! I haven't felt this good since college. The amount of energy I have.." Freia nimbly twirled her new skinny body around in a circle, all smiles. "It feels good to be confident again. Even walking over here felt fantastic. Sarah, you're about to find out that being fat sucks. I still don't understand why you'd want to do this.."

"I wanted to walk a day in shoes like yours. Understand the struggle of the fat life. Oh, can you help me put on your bra?" Sarah turned around, so her back was to Freia, having trouble reaching around her back to clasp her bra.

"Sure." Freia helped the newly fat Sarah with her bra, clasping it for her.

"Thanks!" Sarah said, feeling the elastic bands of her bra cutting into her back fat and shoulder chub. "You don't happen to have anything cuter?" Sarah asked. The underwear Freia had brought over was a bland tan set from K-Mart. More practical than sexy.

"Cuter? What do you expect?"

"I don't know.. I saw some cute lacey things online on a plus-size site and hoped maybe.. You don't have a thong or.."

"A thong? Are you serious? I haven't bought a thong since college..Trust me.. you don't want to wear a thong when you're a fat girl. Who are you even trying to impress?"

"No one." Sarah lied. "Sigh, If you say so.. this will have to do." Sarah said, disappointed.

Freia looked down and frowned as Sarah turned to face her. "You know, you're supposed to pull the waistband of those panties over your lower belly. It'll help hide your belly outline under clothes."

"Oh. I actually like wearing it like this. Feels freer." Sarah said, smiling and blushing, putting both her hands on her exposed belly.

"Okay.. you'll learn soon enough." Freia stated knowingly.

"What's this for?" Sarah asked as she picked up a container of baby powder.

"Chub rub. Every fat girl needs it. Just put some baby powder between your thighs, and you'll thank me later."

Sarah proceeded to do as directed, never having to worry about something like chub rub before. "Oh, okay."

"And if you want, you can put some between your stomach rolls. It helps with the sweating too." Freia suggested.

"Wow, really? I had no idea.." Sarah marveled, lifting up a fat roll and applying some powder between it.

A smile blossomed on Freia's face as she watched the fat version of Sarah applying baby powder to herself. "God, I'm going to enjoy my vacation from the fat life, that's for damn sure." Freia walked over to Sarah's walk-in closet and started going through her clothes.

"What are you going to do with your day with my body?" Sarah asked, unable to keep herself from checking out Freia's new figure. Objectively, Freia looked like a knockout now that she was down to 118 pounds. Her trim waist, combined with a shapely toned butt, cheekily filled out Sarah's favorite red thong in the best way possible. In addition, there was an extra sway of confidence in Freia's movement that Sarah had never seen before. With a thigh gap and slim, angular face, Sarah knew Freia was sure to get her some attention.

"Oh, I'm going clubbing tonight." Freia said with conviction. "It's been an embarrassingly long time since I've gotten laid. Hard to find a lot of suitors when you're morbidly obese. But with this skinny little body, perky boobs, and this dress.." Freia pulled out a silky green dress from Sarah's closet. "I'm sure I'll be able to pull in some handsome fuck boy easily tonight. What about you? What are you doing for your day with all of.. this?" Freia turned and gestured to Sarah's tubby body.

"I'm thinking I'm going to venture out into the world now that I have some of your clothes. See what it's like." Sarah said optimistically, pulling on a pair of Freia's stretch pants, leaving her belly hanging over the waistband and generously over her crotch.

"Good luck. Everyone is judgemental. Ever since I got fat, I'm either invisible or a spectacle to people. So it's usually easier to stay inside away from it all.." Freia said, trailing off, staring into the distance. "Hopefully, you get more out of this than finding out that it's not easy being fat."

"Yeah, we'll see. After that, my boyfriend is coming over tonight. Kinda wanna see what he'll say." Sarah curiously wondered.

"Woah.. seriously!? Why would you want him to see you like this?! I'm pretty sure he's going to freak!" Freia said while slipping into Sarah's green dress with minimal effort, turning to admire herself in the mirror.

"Yea, you're probably right.. but I don't know.. maybe I just want to make sure he's with me for the right reasons?" Sarah said while holding up one of Freia's extra-large sweatshirts. That wasn't exactly the whole truth. Sarah had been horny from the moment she'd woken up in her new body. There was a part of her that hoped she'd be able to convince her boyfriend, Mike, to experiment with her fatter body. It was a gamble for sure, seeing how Sarah knew her boyfriend's negative feelings towards fat people. After all, he was a professional soccer player, so his attitudes towards staying fit made sense. Yet, Sarah's libido had convinced her to text him and invite him over.

"Sarah.. I hear you.. but if you want to test your boyfriend, showing him what you'd look like at 340 pounds isn't exactly fair."

"Maybe you're right." Sarah said a bit reluctantly as she slid the gigantic sweatshirt over her head. She wasn't expecting it to feel tight, but she could feel her fat pushing against the fabric more than she was expecting.

"Sarah.." Freia said as if she was embarrassed to point out what she was about to say. "Your belly.. you need to tuck it in.. it's out and hanging."

Sarah couldn't see what Freia was talking about when she looked down, but as she reached low, she felt bare skin hanging out the bottom of her sweatshirt. When Sarah turned to the bedroom mirror, she saw five inches of lower belly hanging freely out of her sweatshirt. Where most people would've felt ashamed, Sarah couldn't help but feel excitement fill her. She looked like such a fatso with her belly hanging out. It was a lazy, slobbish look like nothing could contain the excess fat she had engulfing her entire body. But, for Sarah, the way her belly hung out was suggestive.

"Oh, sorry." Sarah apologized, not really meaning it. In a token effort, she pulled the waistband of her stretch pants over her lower belly to get Freia off her back.

"See. What did I tell you? These are the things I never thought I'd have to think about. But they are little things you learn when you're fat like me." In the mirror, Freia came up next to Sarah and struck a pose in her green dress. "Quite the contrast, huh? I wish I didn't have to go back to this." Freia said, patting Sarah's plump hip.

"Well, it's just for a day, Freia. When this is over, I'll help you slim down and teach you everything I know."

"Yea.. okay." Freia said, her mind elsewhere. "Well, need anything else from me? If not, I'm going to get my night started early and get some free drinks."

"Nope! Have fun, Freia!

"You too, Sarah! You weirdo." Freia walked towards Sarah's door, sashaying her hips beaming with confidence.

"Bye! We'll meet back here tomorrow to switch back." Sarah called after Freia.

"Ugg, don't remind me.." Freia turned, her smile turning to a frown. "Can we meet in the afternoon? I'm assuming I'll have company tonight." Freia pleaded.

"haha, sure." Sarah laughed, hoping she'd have some company of her own overnight. "See you tomorrow, girl!"
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ConJohn 2 years
haha, thanks! I think some others have this one beat imo, but I appreciate it.
Jesseyeah 2 years
I think it's really interesting how so many are commenting how bad they feel for her... idk it's really a realistic experience and very insightful and humanizing portrayal of the feedee's struggle
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you, that means quite a lot. I'd imagine they are generally feeling empathetic to the main character's personal struggle, which is understandable.
ConJohn 2 years
Though I'm not a feedee, I know a few in real life, and it sounds like it's can be an experience that has inner conflicts that could pull someone in two different directions along changing goalposts
Whodatboi 2 years
Ngl, I'm impressed she hasn't commited suicide. I get this is fiction but I'd definitely try to manipulate Chelsea into getting drunk and doing the spell if I were her. These stories are so depressing
ConJohn 2 years
Yikes, I know (so far) this clearly isn't the most Sunshine and roses story for the main character, but that's pretty dark ๐Ÿ˜จ
Whodatboi 2 years
I get that it's and all and I gotta say that this is one of the most well written stories I've read here... it's just too well done to the point where I care alot more about the plot at this point lol
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Clarification appreciated.
Vernon 2 years
If she wakes up immobile I'M GONNA BE PISSED (and lowkey intrigued ๐Ÿ‘€)
ConJohn 2 years
Nice. Little of column A and B
Overlord 2 years
Yes, it's obvious that Sarah will be even bigger than before and that Freia tricked her again. At this point i really only want to see her get revenge on Freia and also on Chelsea. both deserve it.
Mclovinnit 2 years
Something tells me Sarah wonโ€™t be waking up te way sheโ€™s expecting! And Iโ€™m all in for it!
ConJohn 2 years
Minifan 2 years
Part of me wants Sarah to wake up a little chubby after keeping the weight she's gained, but the other part really wants to see what Freia has done to her body ๐Ÿ˜…
LoveMuffin 2 years
Pregnant body and chubby
ConJohn 2 years
We're going to find out for sure in the next chapter either way
Thelegendary... 2 years
I see where this is going. ๐Ÿ˜„ I suspect the feeder boyfriend will be getting a call when she can't get out of bed in the morning.

Great story!
ConJohn 2 years
Good looking out. We'll see if your prediction comes to fruition
Growingsofter 2 years
Loving it. Cant weight for the next chapter
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! I'm going to have the final few parts out this weekend and wrap the story up
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