The model's waddle

Chapter 21

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Owen lowered the empty funnel while Sarah caught her breath. He walked away and came back with a box. Still on all fours, Sarah looked up at him curiously, wondering what was coming next. "You know.. I spent a long time cleaning this floor and making sure it was spotless.. and sanitary.. but let's go ahead and dirty it up so you feel at home." After saying this, Owen proceeded to open the box and turn it upside down. Out of it fell a cake that landed face down on the floor. Sarah didn't need to be told what to do. With pure animalistic drive, Sarah crawled over to the cake and shoved her face into it. Even though she had chugged a ton of gainer shake, that didn't stop Sarah from making a complete pig of herself, eating the cake off the floor like an animal.

Each bite made Sarah ravenously wet, overcome with need for Owen to let her cum. She knew she had to show him that she was a good obedient piggy that did what he wanted, but she still wanted to try to entice him to end her ache between her legs. Wiggling her hips from side to side as she forced her bites deeper into the cake, Sarah let out a series of pig-like snorts. More than anything, she hoped her sexual enticement would lure Owen in so he'd take her from behind while she ate. They'd fucked plenty of time like this before, and Sarah had never cum harder.

Instead of getting exactly what she wanted, Sarah could feel Owen run a hand along her sides and back, grabbing a roll of fat here and there as if he were inspecting a piece of property he owned. While Owen did end up behind Sarah, instead of sticking his cock into her, he gave her a firm slap across her wide ass. Sarah could only squeal into her cake but didn't stop eating.

Another slap across her ass was supplemented by some demands from Owen. "Eat your cake slop, you pig. Look at you. Look at this fat f*cking ass. Only a greedy gluttonous hog could grow an ass this big and wide. You like gaining and being a fatty, don't you? This is what you were born to do. This is what you're good at. Eating, growing, and being a good f*ckpig for me to use and cum in whenever I want."

Sarah was beside herself with lust. Her pussy was glistening with arousal, and she tried to raise her ass in the air as high as she could so she could expose her sex for Owen. She wanted him to see how ready she was for him. Sarah gave a brief turn of her head to look at Owen, biting her lip and then oinking at him in as a suggestive way as she could. All that did was cause Owen to give her ass another slap, and Sarah immediately understood she needed to return to finishing her cake. She knew that if she finished it, he wouldn't be able to deny her the release she desperately wanted to have. Whenever she let Owen control when she got to cum, these sessions tended to unleash the most deprived parts of Sarah.

After she finished licking the last of the frosting off the floor, Sarah felt the calories she had just consumed already getting to work on her body. The ache in her stomach was painful but in a good way. Sarah had come to associate that feeling with sex, since Owen rarely fucked her before she was sluggishly full.

"Back in the chair, fata*s" Owen commanded, helping Sarah to her feet and then sitting her back down. Sarah couldn't move without his help, her eyes glassed over, face smeared with white cake frosting, and mouth agape and heavily breathing. With one hand, he lifted her apron belly that was covering her lap. Another hand slowly made its way towards Sarah's fat crotch, then stopped. "You want me to let you cum, fatty?"

"Yes! Please!"

"Beg me."

"Please! I'm so fucking horny and wet right now! I need to cum so badly. Please let me cum."

"Not like that. Beg me like a f*ckpig would beg."

"Oink! Oink!!! OINK!!!! *snort* *snort* *snort*!!"

Satisfied, Owen's hand made contact with Sarah's fat pubic mound, fingers pushing effortlessly into the soaking inner folds.

In ten seconds flat, Sarah was cumming, some of her excitement squirting out of her as an orgasm rocked her body. "Oooohh, Yes, Yes!! OH FUCK!! *snort* OH.. Oh... Oink! Oinkkkkk! Oink!!!! Fuckkkkk. *snort* *snort*" Sarah fell back into her chair, exhausted.

Owen lovingly rubbed Sarah's head, clearly happy with their session. The dominant character he had been playing was replaced by the kind-hearted man he normally was, happy to comfort Sarah. "Good girl, Sarah. You did such a good job." Owen spoke soothingly as he gently rubbed Sarah's back. "You're amazing. I'm glad I found you." Owen continued to say approvingly to the far too stuffed Sarah.

For her part, Sarah was in a haze. Ever since she had started these weekly meetups with her feeder, Owen, she hadn't been able to stay away. The year was a complete sexual revolution for Sarah, and the orgasms he gave her were stronger than any she had ever had. It was amazing to be with someone who desired the same things she did. Yet as much as Sarah loved indulging in her fetish, she knew the drive home would be full of regret.

It was now three years to the day since Sarah had swapped weights with Freia. After those first two years of struggling to find her feet and lose the weight on her own, she had managed to get down to 298 pounds. Despite having heard nothing on Freia's whereabouts, things had actually been looking hopeful a year ago. She was going to a great gym, she was eating right, and though she was still obese, it felt like she was on the right track.

Then there was a moment of weakness where A horny thought turned into a horny action. After that first night of being fed by Owen, Sarah promised herself that that was it. Yet, the very next week, Sarah found herself driving an hour to meet him again. And Again. And Again.

He started sending her money for food. With her savings from modeling almost dried up, Sarah didn't refuse. He would send her food directly or instruct her what to eat on an increasing basis. At first, Sarah saw these as nice gestures, but those gestures evolved into a love language between feeder and feedee. Any time he asked her to eat, Sarah had the opportunity to show him her obedience, knowing eating what he wanted her to eat would make them both satisfied. Owen texted Sarah constantly, turning her on with teasing words encouraging her to indulge. Sarah found it hard to stick to a diet when a feeder pushed himself into her life. Yet Sarah persisted in continuing to see Owen.

As the weeks turned into months, Sarah found herself more wrapped up in her fetish than she'd ever been. It was hard to notice when she crossed back past 300 pounds. She avoided her scale, knowing this arrangement was a temporary setback to her weight loss goals. Yet if she had stepped on it, she'd have seen the number creep up and up as she regained the weight she'd lost in record time. Then her weight kept rising, and her clothes got tighter. Even in Freia's old clothes, she found it harder to get dressed in the morning. Owen started sending Sarah money for clothes and helped her pay her rent. Before Sarah realized what was happening, she had a sugar daddy that was paying for everything she needed.

Deep down, Sarah knew that this fantasy world she was living in had to end. As good as it felt to live out her feedism fantasies with a feeder, it directly clashed with her goals outside of her fetish. Yet, Sara didn't know how to stop.

After getting home the following day, the snugness of Sarah's clothes made her worry. This wasn't the first time she'd felt this feeling over the past year. Usually, Sarah would complain about how tight her clothes were getting to Owen, he'd say something sweet about her body and then take her shopping for the next size up. Yet, all of those shrugged-off concerns had made Sarah run from confronting what her relationship was doing to her figure. Sarah knew she was getting fatter, but the longer it went on, the more she worried about how far she'd let things go.

Waddling to her bathroom, Sarah pulled out a scale she hadn't used in a year. The last time she had stepped on it, she'd just gotten under 300 pounds. Sarah didn't even want to think about all the countless hours of working out she'd gone and erased while chasing her fetish. With extreme trepidation, Sarah stepped on the scale and looked down. The only issue was she couldn't see the numbers.

Sarah grabbed a hand mirror from her room with a heavy sigh and tried again. This time, after stepping on the scale, Sarah angled her mirror to see the numbers past her massive belly. Squinting to see, the numbers came into focus for Sarah, and then her eyes went wide. The mirror dropped to the ground and shattered after Sarah realized she weighed 404 pounds.

In the span of a year, her feeder had helped her gain 106 pounds. A feat that Sarah didn't even realize was possible. Yes, she felt far bigger than she'd ever felt but didn't realize things had gotten this bad. This was too much. Overcome with emotion, Sarah rushed to her fridge and raided it, desperate to find some form of comfort that she'd learned to rely on from food. Each bite was a conflict. It made her feel good, yet she knew that it was only making things worse in the long run.

Even though Sarah really liked Owen, she knew they had to have a serious conversation. If this was what dating a feeder brought, Sarah knew her relationship with Owen couldn't last.
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Mclovinnit 2 years
You keep on delivering my man! I already picked up the hint how Chelsea was talking about Sarah’s ex boyfriend. Poor Sarah.. maybe O can comfort her smiley
ConJohn 2 years
Nice! Happy those little hints earlier in the story paid off.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow! 🔥🔥🔥 What a phenomenal job taking us along for Sarah's downfall to a pivotal moment of weakness. You delivered! I kinda hope Owen is a hot sweet guy outside of his fetish, so it's not all bad.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Yeah, that'll be touched on in the next chapter
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Another great chapter, it is pleasant to see Sarah at last able to make some progress. I'll be curious if she is able to stick with it. I can't help hoping Owen will make a reappearance.
ConJohn 2 years
All of those thoughts are answered in the latest chapter smiley
Growingsofter 2 years
Love rhis story. Hioe you feel inspired to write more.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! Inspiration comes in waves, but appreciate it
Kexickus 2 years
I hope it'll soon be continued!
ConJohn 2 years
That hope paid off
Chubbysub03 2 years
who is the model used in the thumbnail?
ConJohn 2 years
Left (not sure) Right (bigcutie Chloe)
Alexander111 2 years
I hope the "happy ending" will mean that she will no longer struggle with her fat fetish, maybe she will learn to enjoy the humiliation and happily gain weight.
Alexander111 2 years
Maybe "O" could take her to humiliate, fat fetish events.
Kexickus 2 years
Oh, that'd be awesome.
ConJohn 2 years
I like your thinking. We shall see!
Minifan 2 years
Take your time, you spoiled us all with daily updates 🤣 (but also, hurry up 🤪)
ConJohn 2 years
I know right lol! I couldn't keep up that pace. Though I had already written out most of the plot, I kept adding more story in the editing process. We're nearly there!
Hereiam 2 years
I'd love Sarah to track Freia down through marriage declarations, drag her ass to Milan only to find it a ruse concocted by Freia and her partner to lock her away and keep her as the fat(tening) one.�
ConJohn 2 years
That's a great idea! We'll have to wait and see smiley
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