The model's waddle

Chapter 22

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"Owen... I can't go in there looking like... ohhhhhmmm, that feels good.."

Sarah twitched in the passenger seat of Owen's car as he clicked on the remote control vibrator he had slid down the front of Sara's panties. He was trying to arouse her enough to do what he planned, and it was working. Owen clicked off the vibrator, leaving Sarah panting and biting her lip as she looked towards the fast-food restaurant they were parked outside.

"I thought you said you were hungry" Owen smirked, giving Sarah's soft belly a tender rub.

"I did.. but I didn't think I'd have to wear.."

"Sarah, you look so fucking hot." Owen leaned over into Sarah's seat and planted a long passionate kiss on her while his hand explored her exposed belly.

Sarah hadn't meant to be in the situation she was in. In fact, she had planned to have a somewhat sobering talk with Owen about her weight gain. Yet, when Owen had excitedly shown Sarah the outfit he had bought for her, Sarah delayed the conversation as she tried it on. Then, the conversation was delayed again when Owen got a little frisky, making comments about her size and appearance. It was delayed again when he slid a remote control vibrator down her panties and led her to his car. And finally, after explaining his expectations for what he wanted from Sarah next, she was far from having the critical conversation she knew they needed to have.

The couple broke apart, giving Owen a chance to soak in his obese feedee. Swooning a bit, Sarah attempted to tug her shirt down while dealing with how horny she felt. "Mmmmm, thanks, Owen.. but I don't know if I can go in there in this. I mean, it's hot.. but so.. embarrassing."

"You afraid people will make fun of you if you waddle your fat ass in there?"

"y..yes." Sarah blushed, already anticipating the ridicule.

"Do you think people will point and laugh at you as you order the order I told you to get?"

"It's going to be so much.. yes.. people will laugh at me."

"You like that don't you?" Owen turned on the vibrator again.

"mmmMm yes. I love being humiliated so much." Sarah whined.

"Then get out of the car fatty and go order." Owen demanded, turning off Sarah's vibrator.

After a shy pause, Sarah opened the passenger door to the car and looked around. The parking lot didn't seem busy, but Sarah could see through the glass windows of the fast-food restaurant that people were inside. With a long look back at Owen, Sarah gave her top another tug before waddling towards what she knew would be among the most humiliating moments of her life.

As Sarah waddled toward the restaurant, she could see her reflection come into frame in the glass windows and blushed hard. Sarah wanted to stop dead in her tracks to turn around but felt compelled to move forward. Owen had worked her up too much, and her arousal drove her to want to humiliate herself publicly.

The outfit that Sarah had on was custom-made. A pair of pink booty shorts that were several sizes too small squeezed against Sarah's massive ass and made her titanic thighs look like giant sausages. Most of the front of her shorts were covered by her hanging belly, but the back was clearly on display. Across the back of the booty shorts, the word "Fata*s" stretched across Sarah's butt in bold black lettering.

Sarah's top was even more revealing. The baby blue spaghetti strap tank top was woefully too small for Sarah. The top clung to the parts of Sarah that it was able to cover while her fat spilled out. Most notably, her belly was hanging out the bottom, exposed from her deep navel to the bottom fold of her lower belly. Sarah's love handles mushroomed to the sides, drooping over the waistband of her booty shorts, giving her a head-turning sagging muffin top of epic proportions. On the front of Sarah's top, the words "Fries Before Guys" were proudly displayed, letting the world know where her priorities lay.

"Oh my god, look at her." Said a girl's catty-sounding voice from the other side of the parking lot.

"Eww.. what a fucking landwhale.. what does that say on her ass? I don't even want to look." A deep male voice said, sounding disgusted.

The girl started cackling with laughter. "hahaha, it says 'Fata*s.' hahaha, that's hilarious. At least she's self-aware. What a fucking fat loser."

The guy was laughing at Sarah too. "Hahaha, Seriously. Look at how its fat is flopping out everywhere. Fucking disgusting. If you're going to look like that, have some shame."

"wow, not surprised fatty is waddling to get herself some fast food." The girl said before loudly calling out "Hey Fata*s!!"

"shhh, Hillary, Relax. We're going to be late for our movie anyway." The guy said, sounding as if he was surprised the girl he was with had gotten confrontational.

Sarah didn't turn around to look at the couple talking disrespectfully and too loudly somewhere behind her. Instead, she did her best to move her massive body as quickly as possible towards the perceived safety of the fast-food restaurant. Unfortunately, the increased pace only made Sarah's lumbering movement more awkward, eliciting some more laughter from the girl somewhere behind her. Sarah's face was already burning from embarrassment, but despite feeling mortified by the stranger's comments, she couldn't help how horny being fat-shamed made her.

Sarah pushed herself into the front door and realized she was heavily breathing from the short walk across the parking lot. It didn't take Sarah long to see that her arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. Over the course of a minute, standing in the entryway, just about everyone in the restaurant was looking at her. Some were polite, trying not to stare for too long, but others were less subtle in their absolute shock. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

It was a straight shot from the door to the front counter, and lining the way were tables on either side with customers who had all stopped their eating to look at the spectacle standing there. Just about every eye in the fast-food restaurant was on Sarah, giving her all the attention her outfit and size were begging for. Like her runway days of old, Sarah walked forward in a straight line towards the front counter. Necks craned and turned as she waddled past, taking in a sight none seemed to pleased to see. As Sarah moved by people, giving them a view of her ass, sniggering and chuckling were heard behind her, obviously laughing at the word printed across her backside.

Sarah had always been used to attention, getting all eyes on her whenever she walked down the runway in a bikini. Yet this attention was drastically different. Though all eyes were on her, no one enviously or approvingly looked at her body. Sarah knew she was eye-catching for all the wrong reasons in her current state, and couldn't believe she had agreed to do this as she waddled forward. She felt so much shame, yet the small amount of foreplay in the car had made Sarah ravenously hungry, which kept her moving towards the front counter.

Giving her too-small shirt a timid tug, Sarah couldn't believe she was wearing something so revealing out in public. She'd never shown as much belly as she was to anyone other than her feeder, and Sarah could see by the dirty looks she was getting; they didn't appreciate seeing her tummy like Owen did.

When Sarah finally reached the counter to order, she rested her hands on her belly as she scanned the menu. A few of the employees were already whispering to each other. Some even peeked out from the back kitchen to get a good look at the shameless fatty who was practically salivating at the pictures of food on the menu. It wasn't as if fat people didn't come into this particular fast food restaurant every day. However, it was unique to see a fat person like Sarah showing off so much of a figure that most her size would cover up, feeling the guilt and shame in their body most people thought was warranted.

Before ordering, Sarah looked over her shoulder in time to see Owen enter the restaurant and sit down at an empty table. With his eyes on her, Sarah felt somewhat relieved that at least someone other than her was about to enjoy the humiliating display of gluttony she was now capable of.

With her feeder in place, Sarah began her immense food order Owen had instructed her to get to an increasingly shocked fast-food worker. A few times, Sarah was asked "Is that all?" and right on queue, Sarah's vibrator clicked on, a signal from Owen to order more. Sarah understood the message her feeder was sending her loud and clear, steadying herself on the counter as she tried not to moan out the remainder of her order. After ordering what could only be described as a shockingly embarrassing food order, Sarah watched as a tray was piled high with an unsettling amount of food. Hearing murmuring and laughter behind her, Sarah didn't dare turn around until she had to. Living out this humiliating fantasy was surreal, and Sarah knew she'd cum in her panties if she could hear the disparaging comments she knew people were whispering about her.

After her order was on the tray, Sarah grabbed it with both hands and lifted the heavy tray, straining her weak, flabby arms in the process. The smell of the food so close to her nostrils made both Sarah's mouth and pussy drool. Unable to think about anything other than the food she was carrying, she was shocked out of her mental haze after someone shouted, "Oh my god!" Obviously, the statement was directed at Sarah, but Sarah just hung her head and walked to a nearby table. With her exposed lower belly wobbling freely and with the rest of her body jiggling with each step, Sarah's face was burning from utter humiliation.

Even though Sarah could not hear most of what people were saying, she heard a few common words every so often. "Pig", "Fata*s", "Whale", "Disgusting", "Cow", "Gross", "Shameless", "Hog", and "fatty", were a few words Sarah was able to hear. Each word was said in complete condemnation of everything Sarah presented to the public.

On an empty table within view of Owen, Sarah put her tray down and looked at the small chair that was supposed to accommodate her heavy figure. Though the prospect of a chair buckling under her weight was hot to think about, Sarah was more eager to eat. Taking a second chair from the other side of the table, Sarah pushed both together and then sat her fat ass down on the two seats. Again, Sarah's efforts were laughed at by a few people eating nearby. It was comical to them that Sarah had to go to such lengths just to sit down in a world not designed for an ass so wide.
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Blondiee18 2 months
Another great read! Loved this 😊💕
ConJohn 2 months
Cheers! Ty, kindly smiley
Joshlaker1982 10 months
Holy fuck. This was amazing. This is the best story I’ve ever read on this website. Including these things that turn me on along with a story with actual characters I cared about was great! 10/10
ConJohn 10 months
Super kind of you to say. Glad you took the time to read and enjoy. Labor of love.
Champ 2 years
Love the story! Thanks for sharing! I look forward to future tales!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! More will come.
Hereiam 2 years
Thanks for an excellent story!
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate it! Thanks for taking the time to read.
EsotericSwede 2 years
Thank you for another excellent story!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you for reading smiley
Delta625 2 years
I'm so happy she grew to love her body and her desires, but I have to admit I was hoping for a darker ending for Freia as a redemption for poor Sarah

That said, I was utterly gripped by this story!
ConJohn 2 years
TY! I think true acceptance is a journey that ebbs and flows. Most of my other stories I'll keep darker than this one, but I don't think Sarah as a character deserved a dark ending.
Theswordsman 2 years
Im a little surprised Owen didn't try to read the book because if it was me I'd be curious good ending though
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I thought about playing around with the book more, maybe introducing another spell at the end. Could've been a lot of fun potential
Bcain 2 years
Great work and way to bring it home. A fun concept that was well written from start to finish. Bravo.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you so much! Feels great that I actually finished it lol
Justenjoy 2 years
Gotta say, I got worried around the middle of the story with all the weight loss, but you definitely stuck the landing at the end!
ConJohn 2 years
haha, yea, I had fun playing around with the yo-yoing of weight loss/gain, but in the end, we all knew the weight was going to end at a peak.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Such as sweet saucy ending to your story. I'm so happy for Sarah and Owen. Her having him ditch the book was a nice touch, showing how far their relationship has grown. A truly splendid conclusion!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Yeah, I thought closing that loop in the story would symbolically be a nice touch for the end.
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