The model's waddle

Chapter 23

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There was no wasted time. Sarah immediately tore into her food at speed she'd usually reserve for the privacy of her own home. The gluttony was unbridled and distinctly piggish. Though the food was satisfying enough, the moment she started chewing, Sarah felt Owen click on the vibrator between her legs. Sarah could only feel fortunate that she had a mouth full of food to moan into, somewhat making less of a spectacle of herself than outright moaning hysterically in a public fast food restaurant.

While Sarah ate, she noticed that Owen clicked off her vibrator whenever she wasn't eating and then clicked it back on the moment more food was getting pushed into her lips. It didn't take Sarah long to learn how to chase the pleasure, making sure she always had another burger or first full of fries ready to go when she finished chewing. The direct result of this acceleration while eating caused Sarah to be quite a bit sloppier than usual. Ketchup and mustard smeared her lips and cheeks, burger grease ran down the corners of her mouth, dripping on her chins, and stains materialized on her shirt. Nevertheless, the promise of the continued whirring of the vibrator between her legs spurred Sarah forward, consumed by how horny stuffing herself in public was making her.

The crescendo of an orgasm hit Sarah like a truck, causing her to shudder and shake in her seat. There was absolutely no way Sarah could stop herself from moaning as the pleasure gripped her. It was convenient she had a mouthful of food to moan into. However, for a few disgusted customers nearby, it sounded like Sarah was in the middle of having sex with her food. Feeling good, Sarah spared a greasy hand to give her exposed belly a quick squeeze. When Sarah stopped chewing, the vibrator turned off, giving Sarah a chance to deal with the afterglow of her first orgasm and catch her breath. Stuffing tended to be the most extensive workout Sarah pushed on herself these days, so she sometimes needed to take breaks when she got out of breath.

The break wasn't long. Halfway through her meal, Sarah felt the early stages of fullness press against her stomach. It was a more familiar and welcome feeling than being empty, and Sarah pushed herself to make that stuffed feeling more intense. The vibrator was on again as Sarah roughly forced herself to finish her food. The arousal that had peaked a moment ago was building again as the fat feedee started pushing into her capacity limits.

Since she started seeing Owen, Sarah had learned that sex was drastically more pleasurable when she was stuffed. The former model was at a point in her life where stuffing was mandatory foreplay before any intimacy. Something about how her belly stretched out beyond its total capacity made any pressure or vibrations against her clit feel magnified. For his part, Owen had done everything in his power to make sure that Sarah's needs were met whenever she ate for him. Intentionally or not, he had conditioned Sarah to understand that food was now her only gateway to cumming.

As Sarah finished three-quarters of her meal, she started to feel herself slowing down. Her breathing was getting heavier, and she was sweating from the physical exertion she was putting on herself. What started out as a few mild burps to relieve the pressure in her belly got louder and more shameless. To the horror of everyone within viewing distance, Sarah leaned forward and continued eating despite looking visibly full. Most of the reason Sarah pushed herself was to get Owen to turn her vibrator back on, which he obliged the moment she started chewing again. With one hand rubbing her belly and another continuing to shovel food into her face, Sarah let out a series of moans and burps as she propelled herself forward.

When her belly starting to push firmly into the table in front of her, Sarah felt herself expanding by the minute. Though there was plenty of room to be concerned about what she was doing to herself, Sarah loved the feeling of her body growing bigger, fatter, and wider in her aroused state. She could practically feel more fat taking up residence on her body as she overloaded her system with calories. Regardless, Sarah pushed through her discomfort, wincing and clutching at her gut as loud, deep belches slipped out of her plump lips. Her eyes were glazing over, feeling like she was high, barely caring about the number of people getting to see she had more in common with a pig than any of them. Indeed, her caloric intake was far closer to that of a pigs than any normal human's diet.

Breathing as if she'd just run a 10k, Sarah pushed the last of her food into her mouth and then felt herself starting to cum again. This time, Sarah lazily exhaled as she peaked, barely able to move or react to the orgasm flooding her body with pleasure. The most reactive part of Sarah was her pussy, which proceeded to squirt in excitement, further soaking the front of her panties with her cum. The next thing Sarah remembered was leaning back in her chair and then passing out.

"Ma'am... Ma'am... Ma'am!" A woman's voice spoke louder and louder, breaking Sarah out of her brief nap.

It took Sarah a moment to remember where she was but soon remembered as she saw the mess of food wrappers littering the table. Sarah could see and feel her belly was bigger than it had ever looked before, packed full from her gluttonous orgy of fast food. Due to this, her stomach had pushed the hemline of her shirt up even more, so it was comically too short, ridding all the way up to where her waist used to be. The person who had awoken Sarah was an employee of the fast-food chain, and from the look on her face, she looked like she'd drawn the short straw in having to confront Sarah.

All at once, it hit Sarah, remembering what she had just done and so shamefully displayed in a public place. Without the vibrator or food dominating her sex drive, Sarah felt a wave of complete humiliation dominate her. Looking to where Owen had been sitting, he was now gone, having left Sarah to deal with the aftermath of her actions. While Sarah entered damage control mode, she could already feel that her mobility was limited from her insatiable stuffing. Indeed, It was time for her to leave, but Sarah was incapable of even sitting upright.

"Ma'am, you're not allowed to sleep here.. I think it's time for you to leave."

Sarah didn't argue, silently nodding and attempting to rock herself from fat asscheek to asscheek while sluggishly trying to get out of her seat. All that Sarah managed from her efforts was a few burps and some rapid fatigue. Groaning, Sarah spent the next four minutes red-faced as she exerted her overtaxed body to its limits, trying to get herself off the two chairs her ass was glued to. Usually, when Owen fed Sarah to a state like this, he'd put her in his bed to let her sleep off the hard work she'd put into eating for him.

To anyone still not too grossed out to look at Sarah, they saw a morbidly obese girl flopping around in her seat, sweating and panting, burping, cradling her naked stuffed gut, and looking absolutely pathetic in the process. Every one of Sarah's failures to get up was greeted by at least one person's stifled or even blatant laughter at her miserable efforts to move her overinflated body.

Sarah uneasily got to her feet by some sort of miracle, nearly falling over in the process. Her stuffed belly was throwing off her center of gravity, forcing Sarah to awkwardly rest on the back of the chairs she'd been sitting on, wheezing from the simple act of standing. A few times, Sarah tried to pull her shirt down to cover more of her stuffed belly, but any gains in coverage were undone seconds later as the shirt was forced to roll up.

Someone from the other side of the restaurant where a group of good-looking college-aged guys was sitting called out, "Nice work, Fata*s." There was a mocking tone to this insult, which all of the guys at the table happened to find funny.

Instead of engaging, Sarah allowed herself to be embarrassed by the bullying she had attracted. It was a better time than any to get away, so a blushing Sarah stood upright and tried to waddle forward. It was easier said than done. That first step told Sarah that this wasn't going to be easy. She literally had to rock herself from left to right and back, exaggerating her usual waddling just to get enough momentum to move forward.

While Sarah tried her best to waddle away, the group of guys kept making fun of her. Each time she took a step, some guy shouted "Boom" with every one of her footfalls. This made Sarah blush even more, trying her hardest to move faster but unfortunately exerting her body too much to the point where she had to stop and catch her breath. If Sarah could have made less of a scene, she would have, but her loud wheezing and overexposed body were attracting a ton of attention.

"Hey, Fata*s! Run out out steam!? The foods the other way!" A guy from the faraway table yelled mockingly. Sarah didn't look, feeling like the teasing was deserved after what she'd just done. With barely enough energy to carry herself forward, Sarah continued on. "Boom." "Boom." "Boom." Again her steps were being loudly announced by her new bullies as if her 400+ pound body was capable of causing an earthquake. All that Sarah could do was cradle her stuffed gut as if she was pregnant, shocking herself by how limited her mobility was in its current state.

Sarah managed to get to the door, feeling the utmost relief in nearly escaping. Yet before her inevitable exit, Sarah stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her reflection in the glass. She looked much bigger, fatter, and more bloated than she ever remembered seeing herself, with flab spilling out of clothes as if they were an afterthought. The worst of it all was her face still had food smeared across her lips, cheeks, and chins, while her shirt was visibly stained. Even her belly seemed to be glistening with grease wherever her hands had grabbed during her stuffing. Sarah couldn't believe she'd exposed herself to the world looking like this. Yet, as embarrassing as it was, Sarah found herself getting wet to the sight of her reflection. A sudden urge to oink was brushed aside as Sarah realized she'd already shamed herself enough for one day.

Not sparing another second of public humiliation, Sarah pushed through the door, aware of how much she needed to shift her body so it could cram through the entryway. A final insult was thrown Sarah's way by the group of guys, "Good riddance, Fata*s!" Despite Sarah focusing on waddling to the parking lot, she wished she was in the right mindset to enjoy the unsolicited comments being hurled at her. Sarah knew there was plenty from this experience to masturbate to later. Now, she had to focus on finding Owen and getting out.

That effort didn't prove to be complicated. Owen rolled up to the front of the restaurant in his car and got out to help Sarah into the passenger seat. Once she got buckled in with the seatbelt extender Mike had bought for her, he sped home. Sarah still felt like she was high in a foggy haze from her stuffing. Despite that, Sarah knew that Owen was determined to get her home so he could have sex with her.

"Fuck Sarah, that was so hot. You made a complete pig of yourself in there and so many people saw. Damn, you look so fat too." Owen reached over and gently rubbed Sarah's bloated belly, eliciting a burp from her.

"I feel so fat. Did piggy do a good job for you?" Sarah cooed in her blissed-out state.

"Piggy did great. You should've heard what people were saying."

"mmmmm, that's hot. I heard some. I still can't believe I did that. I felt so horny the whole time."

"Did piggy cum?"

"Twice. Oink, oink. Thank you for letting piggy cum. I wanna make sure you cum too." Sarah reached over into Owen's seat and massaged the outside of his pants, feeling his hard cock beneath. "mmmm, I can't wait for that to be in me later *Snort* *Snort*" Sarah greedily oinked. "I'm feeling horny again."

"I bet you can't wait, sluthog. You're always ready to take my cock."

"Mmmm... it's true." Sarah moaned, lazily rubbing at Owen's erection while thinking about what was to come later.

When feeder and feedee got home, Owen made short work of undressing Sarah, spending some time playing with her fat body. Sarah could still barely move, so she let him have full control of whatever he wanted to do to her. Before going to the bedroom, Owen funneled Sarah with a carton of ice cream that she happily guzzled down. That proved to be the tipping point for Sarah, who lost her ability to walk independently without Owen's help.

Guiding Sarah to his bedroom, Owen laid Sarah on her back and lifted her heavy hanging belly out of the way. Sarah was incapable of moving, so she just laid back and enjoyed as Owen slid himself into her and started to thrust into her obese body. While they had sex, Owen proceeded to tell Sarah what people at the restaurant had been saying about her. After hearing the humiliating words, it didn't take Sarah that long to cum for her third time on the night. After Sarah's lazy moaning completed, Owen came as well, pulling out and emptying himself on her massively stuffed belly. Then, the night ended with the two cuddling in bed, basking in the afterglow of a fantastic experience. Unfortunately, Sarah had forgotten entirely about the underlying concern regarding her weight she wanted to talk to Owen about.
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Chubbytummyfan 2 years
Great story, I absolutely amazing. It would be kinda cool if Sarah could cross paths with one of those guys earlier in the story that noticed her leaving the mall.
ConJohn 2 years
That would probably help cheer Sarah up, wouldn't it?
Big Easy 2 years
Hopefully things will start looking up for Sarah. I hate to see her down like this.
ConJohn 2 years
What goes down must go up..? But yeah, understand the sentiments for Sarah. Hang tight.
ConJohn 2 years
That would be in an interesting development..
Growingsofter 2 years
Minifan 2 years
It would be interesting to see the agency react positively, but I'm not sure that's how they will feel 🤔
ConJohn 2 years
Haha, it would be interesting, wouldn't it. We'll find out soon enough how body positive they are
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
ConJohn 2 years
Mikeboi1994 2 years
Hmmm. I like this a lot. smiley You have a way of drawing the reader in by starting with the request. I can't wait to read more!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you kindly. Every good story needs a hook.
Growingsofter 2 years
So good. You're a master.
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate that! Thanks
Mclovinnit 2 years
I was hoping for this to happen 😌
ConJohn 2 years
Happy to deliver
Minifan 2 years
Oh dear, I can't imagine Freia will want to switch back when she returns and Sarah is even bigger 😅
ConJohn 2 years
Seeing how Sarah is more gluttonous when fat than Freia was, you may be onto something there.
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate you sharing that point of view! I wanted to lean into some conflict/drama around Sarah's situation. There is still more story left to tell, so we'll see how it all plays out.
Mclovinnit 2 years
This is the best story I’ve read in a very long time! I’m very curious where this is going!