The model's waddle

Chapter 24

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The following day, having slipped free of the horny haze, Sarah awoke and remembered the difficult conversation she wanted to have with Owen. As fun as the previous night had been, Sarah realized she'd made a bit of a blunder getting caught up once again in Owen's charm.

After a year of seeing Owen and pretending her relationship with a feeder wasn't a long-term concern, it was finally time to face reality. So when Sarah had finally found out she'd crested over 400 pounds the previous week, it was the wake-up call she needed. Even though She'd driven to Owen's house one last time to slow things down with him, It hadn't been her intention to get caught up in the public stuffing scenario he had planned for her. But, the moment she saw he'd made her custom booty shorts with "Fata*s" written on them, Sarah hadn't been able to help herself from indulging in a fantasy one last time.

"Good morning, piggy." Owen greeted Sarah, coming into the room with a plate full of pancakes slathered in butter and syrup with a weight gain shake on the side. "I made you breakfast."

"Thanks.." Sarah said, nervously looking at the shake, knowing full well it would make her grow. "Owen.." Sarah started, now out of the horny fog that dominated her the previous day. "I.."

"What's up, Sarah?" Owen said, sensing something wrong.

"How... how big do you want me to get..?" Sarah asked curiously, sitting up in bed and ignoring the food Owen placed on the bedside table.

"Hmm.. I don't know. As big as I can get you. why?"

That admission unsettled Sarah, already finding herself far bigger than she felt comfortable being. "I mean.. like.. when would you expect this stop? How big is do you really want me to be?"

Owen thought for a moment as he gently rubbed Sarah's belly. "Hmm.. well, not sure exactly, but once you're immobile.."

"Wait, what?! immobile?!" Sarah could feel herself getting more nervous, realizing that Owen's weight limit was well beyond where she wanted to be. Even the thought of getting immobile in real life was scary for her to contemplate. That was easily going to be another 200-300 pounds in the wrong direction. Sarah was starting to view her relationship with Owen as dangerous for the first time.

"Yeah.. Immobile." Owen said, less confidently. "Wait, I thought you were into the idea of.."

Sarah moved away from Owen a bit. "I mean.. Maybe as a fantasy sure.. but.."

"You told me last month you wanted me to make you as fat as I possibly could. Sarah.. I don't understand."

Sarah bit her lip anxiously, remembering the conversation. Words had been said in the heat of a passionate feeding session, and Sarah was only now realizing how much she had led Owen to believe her goals aligned with his. "Owen.. that was just pillow talk.."

"I.." Owen paused, assessing the information he was getting. "I'm sorry I misunderstood. You sounded like you wanted me to.." Owen looked away, trying to understand what his feedee was telling him.

Sarah could see the conflict in Owen. Though deep down she knew he'd support her if she wanted to stop gaining, she knew that there would always be a part of him that wanted her to get fatter. That was too much of a burden for Sarah to bear. "Owen, maybe we should take a break.. we have to.. I have to stop coming here." Rolling herself out of bed, Sarah started to look for her clothes, knowing that this was the beginning of the end.

"I don't understand.. Why?" Owen said, starting to sound hurt.

"I'm gaining weight like crazy, Owen! I need to stop! I weighed myself last week and.."


"I 'm fatter than I've ever been... 404 pounds."

"Woah.. that's hot. Congratulations! That officially makes you an SSBBW, doesn't it?" Owen said, unable to help himself from congratulating Sarah and misreading the news as good.

"Owen, stop it! It's not hot!" Sarah couldn't help but lie. The moment he had labeled her as an SSBBW, Sarah felt her libido spike. Yet, gritting her teeth, Sarah powered through the feelings. "I never wanted to get this big! I'm a fucking whale."

"Isn't that what you wanted? You've always told me you want to be bigger and didn't care how big you let yourself get. I'm confused."

"I know that's what I've said.. but that was in the moment! It was supposed to be a fantasy. I don't actually want to be this big!"

"Well, the weight looks good on you, Sarah. I'm sorry you're not happy with it."

"I'm.. I'm torn. Yes, this is fun.. and kinky, and I've enjoyed every minute.. BUT I need to get my life back, And I can't do that if I keep coming here and seeing you. You're making me fat, and I need to end it."

"Hold on.. I'm not the only one responsible for making you this fat. You've practically begged me to feed you and make you fatter. Last weekend, when you spent the night, I didn't make you sneak out and get fast food when you thought I was sleeping."

"I wasn't.. I didn't.." Sarah blushed. She'd honestly thought Mike hadn't known about that late-night excursion. But unfortunately, given that her willpower had wilted entirely over the past year, late-night fast food runs had become a regrettable habit.

I'm just saying.. The fact that you suddenly don't want this... It's a surprise."

"Look, I know what I've said and done in the past.. but.. I was horny.. and you made it too hard for me to say no. I need to remove temptation from my life or... "

"Or what?"

"Or I won't be able to stop growing. Sorry, Owen, this has to be the end. I've enjoyed it, but we can't keep seeing each other like this."

"I don't know what to say, Sarah. I thought... I.." Owen sounded upset, sitting down on his bed while Sarah finished getting dressed. "I get it, Sarah. I do.. but.. can't we talk about this?"

Sarah paused, considering talking further. But Sarah knew herself, and she knew she'd somehow let Owen talk her into continuing whatever this relationship was. "I can't. Sorry.." She gave him one last kiss on the head before leaving. "Bye, Owen."

Owen didn't say anything, giving Sarah the time she needed to get herself together and head for the door.

Sarah cried most of the way home. Beyond the fetish stuff, she actually really liked Owen, sometimes regretting how she'd always kept him at arm's length. If they'd had started openly dating like he'd wanted to, Sarah knew that her aspiration to get her body back on her own would go out the window. Yet even without that official label, he'd managed to help her gain over 100 pounds in a year.

Though Sarah had promised herself she'd start a diet, she knew that starting today was out of the question. Breaking up with her first feeder had turned Sarah into an emotional wreck, so she'd turned to a coping mechanism that was all too familiar. Food. It was lucky there were so many fast food options on her drive home. Sarah hit a few of them.

By the time Sarah got home, she had realized that without Owen's financial help, she'd be broke in at least a month. With this breakup, she hadn't meant to shoot herself in the foot so badly, but the financial security was an acceptable loss if it meant getting her life back. Sarah knew she'd have to start looking for a job in the morning. With a long gap in her resume and only swimsuit modeling experience, Sarah was worried about her prospects.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Chubbytummyfan 2 years
Great story, I absolutely amazing. It would be kinda cool if Sarah could cross paths with one of those guys earlier in the story that noticed her leaving the mall.
ConJohn 2 years
That would probably help cheer Sarah up, wouldn't it?
Big Easy 2 years
Hopefully things will start looking up for Sarah. I hate to see her down like this.
ConJohn 2 years
What goes down must go up..? But yeah, understand the sentiments for Sarah. Hang tight.
ConJohn 2 years
That would be in an interesting development..
Growingsofter 2 years
Minifan 2 years
It would be interesting to see the agency react positively, but I'm not sure that's how they will feel 🤔
ConJohn 2 years
Haha, it would be interesting, wouldn't it. We'll find out soon enough how body positive they are
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
ConJohn 2 years
Mikeboi1994 2 years
Hmmm. I like this a lot. smiley You have a way of drawing the reader in by starting with the request. I can't wait to read more!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you kindly. Every good story needs a hook.
Growingsofter 2 years
So good. You're a master.
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate that! Thanks
Mclovinnit 2 years
I was hoping for this to happen 😌
ConJohn 2 years
Happy to deliver
Minifan 2 years
Oh dear, I can't imagine Freia will want to switch back when she returns and Sarah is even bigger 😅
ConJohn 2 years
Seeing how Sarah is more gluttonous when fat than Freia was, you may be onto something there.
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate you sharing that point of view! I wanted to lean into some conflict/drama around Sarah's situation. There is still more story left to tell, so we'll see how it all plays out.
Mclovinnit 2 years
This is the best story I’ve read in a very long time! I’m very curious where this is going!